
joined 4 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

I have no inclination or standing to doubt you.

Hrm, Im on mobile, shittiest phone in the world, but maybe you can read these images. I can't copy paste the latex formulas so... lemme see if i can throw this all in a spoiler so it doesnt take up half this thread:

First few pages of the article

Another conjecture in physics is whether the Einstein-Rosen bridge (ER) and Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR or entanglement) are physically equivalent. The ER=EPR conjecture awaits rigorous proof [3]. This work also provides further proof of this claim. This work is different from other attempts at unification: (i) string theory, which still lacks experimental observation of extra dimensions [[4], [5], [6]], (ii) loop quantum gravity, which still faces challenges in its compatibility with the Standard Model [7]. In our study, we assume that the new equation should be written in a unitless manner on the Planck scale. Current physical models require at least ten physical constants. Meanwhile, there remain only two constants used in this framework: Planck length and Planck time. In addition, the proposed equation can explain the Gravitational Wave Background (GWB) observed over 15 years by NANOGrav [8].

Applying the Onsager principle on reciprocal relation to the Einstein field equation (EFE), we infer that if a mass can create a curvature (EFE), the curvature can also create a mass. We recap the Ricci tensor before proving each claim in this work. An important concept inferred from the proposed equation is that relaxation of the curvature can create a mass. Because this is a theoretical work, it is organized by topic rather than by an ordinary experimental article structure.

After this its images as I cant copy pasta latex

[–] [email protected] 98 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Obviously scientists don't want to work any more and eat avocado toast too much.

Have they tried getting a college degree to increase their job prospects?

[–] [email protected] 33 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (5 children)

So, this has yet to be peer reviewed, and I am far from a theoretical physicist ... I certainly can't say its correct or incorrect.

It does seem ... too convenient. As in, how could it possibly have taken so many physicists so long to not just try this decades ago?

Basically, they throw the Planck Length and Planck energy (from Quantum Physics) into the Einstein Field Equation (from General Relativity) ...

... and are then able to mathematically derive basically the rest of the laws of physics, which seem to be quite close to or totally in line with the Standard Model (of Quantum Physics).

Unfortunately I do not see any direct comparisons if their predicted values for MeV's of fundamental particles with experimental data...

Anyway, the paper notes 2 interesting, direct implications:

  1. Dark Matter is not real, there's no need for it in this model. Galaxy rotation speeds work out to what we see without need for additional, unseen, mass.

  2. Either A, our universe is mirrored by and entangled with an antiuniverse of antiparticles which all travel backward through time (antitime?), or B, our universe is part of an evolution of ... prior(?) universe(s?) which generate black holes, which do not form singularities but instead create entangled white holes as other universes, expanding spacetimes.

Bonus conclusion:

The Fine Structure Constant may not actually be constant.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Well shucks, I could have used another 2¢.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

No, no no, that is the current practice and origin of the entire problem.

If you legally class a game as an ongoing service that is temporary and subject to termination, without recompense, soley by the decision of and according to the terms of the licensor, then they can legally sell you a game for $80 bucks and then shut down the next day.

If you legally class the game as a good, well you can't sell someone a chair which then has 3 of its legs disappear or collapse (due to no fault of the owner) the next day without that being a scam of a defective product.


If you're saying the emphasis should be on raising consumer awareness that they're buying a temporary, revocable and non refundable service...

Who, other than children, do not know this yet?

That would not force the industry to actually change their practices.

It just slaps a big bold 'haha the fuck you isn't even in the fine print anymore' label on a product and makes our cyberpunk dystopia a little bit more obvious, but doesn't achieve any useful goal in terms of altering actual game design/support or consumer rights.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)



Seriously those things and half the other equipment at a fast food place basically has to be emitting alarms at DBs that are known to cause hearing loss and mandate hearing protection in basically any other line of work.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

Normally it works exactly backwards to this in larger studios/publishers.

Game devs do backbreaking, insanity inducing levels of work, and all but 10% are laid off when the game launches, regardless of success or failure, and for this time they are making probably about area median wage, maybe 10 or 20% more.

Its the middle managers and higher up executives who make multiples to orders of magnitude that amount of money, and almost all of them are rewarded by either failing upward or bailing out with golden parachutes, even though its often their decisions and directions, often going against lower level devs, which lead to the ultimate commercial failure.

Perhaps this loss will be so serious that some higher ups will actually get axxed, but even then it hardly matters: They can easily retire on what they've earned so far, whereas the actual people writing code, making maps, making art assets, they'll basically all be homeless if they don't find another decent job in 3 to 6 months.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (3 children)

I am fairly, but not 100% certain, that Ross Scott's proposal currently making the rounds in the EU would say that you either have to refund a game (and all in game purchases) when it becomes totally unplayable, or you have to release some kind of way for dedicated fans to be able to least run custom servers and bypass no longer maintained, proprietary, always online verification/anti cheat schtuff.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (2 children)

I disagree.

Amazon still owns and operates New World.

All of the other games/franchises slated to be featured still exist as purchasable products.

They do not own or operate Concord, which probably no longer exists as a product.

The servers will be shut down in a few days.

There are no announced plans to take it F2P, as that would require dumping even more money into a gasoline fire to rework it into F2P.

Why would you promote a product that does not exist?

Its no longer a headline IP... its a total flop of an IP.

I don't know, maybe if the whole episode is basically already done, maybe it still airs, but all that does is remind everyone about what is potentially the most expensive disaster in the history of video gaming (barring possibly Google Stadia).

It's an anthology style show, meaning a bunch of basically self contained plots and stories, you could easily just drop one.

It's possible they air it, but again, I'll bet two cents the entire Concord IP just vanishes as brand management trumps over anything else.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

I will bet you $0.02 that they will absolutely pull the plug on that episode, that they will indeed fully kill it here and now, and that it will not be reworked into a F2P game with the same characters or art style ever.

Maybe they will take some of the core gameplay mechanics and work them into projects totally unrelated to the 'Concord IP' they spent so much time hyping, but I see 0 chance that Concord just relaunches as Concord F2P in 6 months.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 weeks ago

Yeah it hit that point a few days ago.

If I had to guess, they started the process of pulling the plug when sales/players didn't pick up on Labor Day, a holiday that normally sees increased player numbers.


So, I do not follow Adin Ross, as he is an absolutely detestable idiot.

However, occasionally he does something so stupid it makes its way over to me.


5 months ago, in late February, Adin Ross and a bunch of idiot, barely not children, friends, shot the shit out of his CyberTruck with an AR 15.

To Adin's shock and dismay, this royally fucked up his lowpoly status symbol, with many shots going fully through.

Adin can be heard and seen begging, demanding Elon send him a new one.

Its completely absurd.

Fast forward to today.

Adin and XQC presented Donald Trump with a wrapped CyberTruck as a gift.


Ok, so other media are pointing out how this is probably an illegal amount for a donation to a Presidential candidate, how Trump sitting down and doing a stream with multiple 'influencers' is extremely problematic for many reasons...

But what I want to know is ...

... Is this a newly purchased CyberTruck? How could that be, given that the waitlist is huge? Did Elon personally order Tesla to speedrun fixing up or replacing Adin's CyberTruck?

Did XQC have one?

... Or did Adin Ross shoot the fuck out of a CyberTruck, get bits of it repaired, then wrap it in a wrap featuring the image of a triumphant Trump having barely missed being headshot from an assasin, and then give a vehicle full of bullet holes, covered up by a cheap wrap, to Trump?

I feel like I am losing my mind trying to comprehend the fractal layers of insane that would be to do.

Does anyone who maybe knows more about Adin or XQC know more details?

I really, really want it to be the case that I exist in a universe where something so profoundly stupid did not actually occur.


You could probably make a poptarts are sandwiches alignment style thing out of this.

Basically, any video game with an explicit goal, or set of goals is just a puzzle game with extra steps.

What buttons do you push, when do you push them, what does this accomplish, how does that lead you to your end goal, etc.

You could even argue that multiplayer tactics constitute a puzzle, a more social puzzle.

Yes, this is reductive, but this is a dumb showerthoughts post.


In what he described as an "emergency broadcast" on Saturday, conspiracy theorist Alex Jones claimed that his far-right news company, Infowars', studios in Austin, Texas, might be shut down by federal authorities soon.

"This is going to be Infowars' last show, because I learned yesterday that they were going to padlock the door and kick us out last night," Jones said while on Infowars on Saturday.

On the same day, Friday, May 31, the news outlet published an article saying it might be shut down in 48 hours.

Newsweek contacted Infowars by email on Sunday morning for comment and any evidence of the alleged attempt to shut down the company's studios.

Jones said that he spotted "guards looking at me weird" at the entrance of the Infowars building and believed that his company was going to be shut down.

Basically, the entire studio has been repossessed, has guards around the perimeter.

You can currently find clips of him breaking down and crying on twitter, and the whole broadcast is viewable on rumble, but I don't have an x account nor am I going to post a rumble link.

He played out the end of the broadcast with, of course, 'My Way' by Sinatra.

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