joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago

I have a question about the waggle dance: How do the other bees see and read it? Looking at it from a top-down perspective, humans can see it clearly, but the bee standing on the same plane and looking at the dancing bee - which is the same size as he is - surely can't see the details? Especially when there're 50 other bees moving around.

Another question is how does the information propagate through the hive? Or does it only need to be seen by a few and then those bees can just say "follow me" in chemical speak?



A single mildly bumpy ride won't turn you into an NFL domestic abuser, but over the course of 20+ years? And if you were on horses or in rickety carts from the time you were a squishy infant? Boom, curdled grey matter.

No horses = no war, no murder, just pure enlightenment and peace on Earth.

Beware the horse πŸ‘€

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

It looks indistinguishable from every other tech site.

[–] [email protected] 44 points 1 month ago (6 children)

β€œI no longer live with or wish to be related to my biological father in any way, shape or form”

Anti-trans bigots with trans kids, this is your future.

[–] [email protected] 31 points 1 month ago (3 children)

It's amazing to me that someone who has the wherewithal to rise to the highest offices in the land, can also be such a blubbering insecure weak little bitch that they need to legislate against having to hear about reality. But then again, Donald fucking Trump became president and might do so again. I guess the highest offices in the land are actually pretty easy to get to after all πŸ€·β€

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 month ago

When I threatened to give you a lead implant just behind the ear, this isn't exactly what I had in mind.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Damn, he must have felt so sure he'd check out first and not have to face such a loss.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Their fingerprints would be about the size of a toddler's, maybe smaller. I doubt there's much confusion.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago

Haha I'll take it!

[–] [email protected] 13 points 2 months ago (5 children)

My first reaction to seeing these objects was "they look like jointing frames for combining multiple rods". You'd feed long cylindrical rods into the holes, then use the little knobs to affix them, using them as anchor points for tying the rods into place with string/rope (presumably the rods would have grooves in them to take the rope). Maybe you could make a little tent in this manner, something light, perhaps a bug net for your bed, or something along those lines. Or maybe they were already describing atomic structures πŸ€“

Complete nonsense, of course. But that was just my first reaction!


Wouldn't it cut down on search queries (and thus save resources) if I could search for "this is my phrase" rather than rawdogging it as an unbound series of words, each of which seems to be pulling up results unconnected to the other words in the phrase?

There are only 2 reasons I can think of why a website's search engine lacks this incredibly basic functionality:

  1. The site wants you to spend more time there, seeing more ads and padding out their engagement stats.
  2. They're just too stupid to know that these sorts of bare-bones search engines are close to useless, or they just don't think it's worth the effort. Apathetic incompetence, basically.

Is there a sound financial or programmatic reason for running a search engine which has all the intelligence of a turnip?


EDIT: I should have been a bit more specific: I'm mainly talking about search engines within websites (rather than DDG or Google). One good example is BitTorrent sites; they rarely let you define exact phrases. Most shopping websites, even the behemoth Amazon, don't seem to respect quotation marks around phrases.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago (3 children)

Instantaneous, lifelong driving bans for any driver who is found to be texting or intoxicated behind the wheel.

[–] [email protected] 48 points 3 months ago (12 children)

I was denied a mathematics education, for real. I can't even do long division, nevermind that squiggly F shit. I thought that stuff was only for astrophysicists.

I want to learn basic maths, but I'm in a 'learned helplessness' mindset where I can't even get through basic sums and equations intended for children (I'm old as fuck now).

I was diagnosed with autism a few years back, which kinda made no sense. I would have expected rainman powers, but numbers just don't jive with my cunt of a brain. Maths is as inscrutable to me as people's faces or social cues.


[-ish] Ireland, Scotland = Irish, Scottish

[-an] Morocco, Germany = Moroccan, German

[-ese] Portugal, China = Portuguese, Chinese

What rule is at play here? πŸ€”



If a judge is called 'corrupt' by a defendant outside court in front of the media, or if something more unambiguously libelous is said, can the judge sue the defendant?

[–] [email protected] 31 points 3 months ago (1 children)

(from Perplexity AI)


Alphanumerical lists are sortable by alphabet and number, obviously, but if you have a list where each entry begins with a different punctuation mark (or any other kind of non-alphanumeric character), is there a similar standardised ordering method for them?

I imagine, for example, that a comma will come before whatever this is: Β¦

I just tested an A-Z sort in Google Sheets where each cell was a different punctuation mark, and it seemed to rearrange what I'd entered into some sort of order, but is this order shared universally? Is there a global Unicode-compliant ordering method everyone uses?



How do you sanitise the area to prevent infection? If you get surgery on the rusty sheriff's badge, how does it not get infected the next time you lay an otter egg? Do they connect a colostomy bag in that case, to give it time to heal?

You can get a lethal infection from a paper cut if the right (see: wrong) bacteria get into it. Short of piledriving a snooker cue coated with hand sanitiser, I don't know how a filthy corridor of doom like the excretory system can be kept free of bacteria after Dr. Bussy Torn MD has been rooting around in there with his weed whacker.

Surely antibiotics aren't enough on their own to prevent infection? Anywhere else in the body, sure, but the chucklet waterpark is like ground zero for biological malevolence. It would be like wearing nothing but a steel showercap to keep mosquitos from biting you.

What dark arts are surgeons invoking here?


We get novelisation of films, but what about plays? I know I can freely read his plays anywhere online, but surely reading a script is less ideal than reading a novelised version written for people who were born sometime after Bach, assuming you're not planning a word-for-word performance yourself of course.

I don't even enjoy reading the scripts for my favourite films, and I understand all of the words, phrasings and allusions in those. With Shakespeare, I need to do a 4-year college course just to know what the fuck he's on about.

This isn't me being anti-intellectual, I respect anyone who can read through Shakespeare and enjoy it, it's more about life being too fucking short and I'd like to experience the stories in a less torturous manner if possible.

If this has been attempted, can you recommend any authors?



By way of an example, I was eating a salad which had raw onions in it. I then took a sip of Coke. The combination of the two flavours was amazing, but I know that if someone handed me an onion-infused Coke, I'd find it horrid.

What the hell is the difference?


I was reading about the crypto bro who was convicted of fraud recently, but his sentencing isn't going to happen until March 2024. Why does it take so long?



I'll get the ball rolling:

Dead Man's Shoe (2004)

Sounds like a tearjerking tale of a recently-bereaved man returning the shoe of a road accident victim he found in a bush to the victim's late wife, through which they spark a deep friendship that goes beyond mere love. PG-13 5/10 Oscar-bait shite.

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