
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Any chance that the broken inbox bug is among the things getting fixed by the suite of changes?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (3 children)

I'm always so torn on him; he makes interesting videos about compelling topics that are reasonably well researched ... but as nitpicky as it is, I cannot deal with his accent for very long. I'm completely willing to believe it's actually genuine, but it sounds like an American doing a bad impression of a posh British lordling.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Thank you! I wasn't sure it's appropriate to ping ernest - or what the approved bug reporting mechanism was here.

It may be worth linking to this thread? I think that whatever is going on with the sort-of-deleted-post there is what's causing the inbox errors.

And thanks!, re the username. It was my handle on Reddit, too, snagged when only like two books in the series were out. At the time it was a couple niche fantasy novels and he was a side character that only appeared briefly in the first book, whose name sounded cool when said out loud. ...Now that the whole series is out, wildly popular, and the character played a massive role, I feel like the kid who picked "superman" as his super-original internet username.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago (3 children)

my family can euthanize me even if I object?


There's no law that allows killing of the unwilling; even a living will addressing assisted suicide or euthanization due to incapability assumes that you would still consent at the later date, but lack either physical or intellectual ability to communicate that. If you can clearly communicate that you've changed your mind, they have to respect that, even if that changed mind has reduced capability due to dementia.

Your best hope would be to go with assisted suicide while you still have enough faculties to make the decision and execute on your portions of the act.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (3 children)

As confession, I don't actually know where or how to go about doing that.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

Yeah, I had to un-quit Whatsapp when my siblings-in-law moved to Argentina - because Whatsapp is the main communication platform for a lot of Argentina and that's where all the various family chats moved to once the in-laws no longer had local phone numbers or reliable SMS service.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Not "500" - it's labelled as an "Error 50x" and returns the downtime page prior to the server upgrade;

I've had kbin error while posting a few times, but that was back prior to the server upgrade when accounts were logging back out every five to fifteen minutes - this is generating the same error page as then, but is a new problem leading to it.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Yeah, I certainly hope so. Mailbox is perma-busted. I saw the notification number change when a new reply came in, but had to check for replies 'manually' in order to figure out where someone responded.

It seems like this may be linked to getting a reply on a post that was deleted, as none of the comments in that post are accessible anymore; did you reply to something that was deleted later, around the time your mailbox broke?


I have two unread messages I can't access, as going to the notifications page results in a 50x error every time.

Has anyone else encountered this, or know of a fix?

This seems related to having left a comment, that got replied to, on a post that Kbin sees as "deleted_by_author" - after deletion, no comments are visible on the Kbin post.

The original post on Lemmy appears intact, while the version on Kbin is empty. Navigating to my own comment there is a blank result, but if I navigate via the 'reply' function it's still available.

If Kbin is trying to load a reply it also believes does not exist, that may be breaking things - but it leaves my notification box permanently broken because there's no way to 'clear' that paradox post from the listing.

[–] [email protected] 49 points 1 year ago

Shocking news: people are people everywhere, not just on 'rival' platforms.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Edit: if you’re downvoting me without a rebuttal, you’re part of the problem that I’m referring to – a complete dismissal of dissenting opinion on the war. If you disagree with what I’ve said, please comment why

People on the internet don't owe you a debate.

Especially when the prompt is a somewhat sanctimonious effort-dump sealioning "we should let Russia have Ukraine" as if its a reasonable liberal imperative, all in response to a stupid one-liner.

[–] [email protected] 27 points 1 year ago (2 children)

UPS is being UPS here.

They're abandoning packages, then sending her a bill for COD as if she accepted the package but didn't pay.

The fact that if she digs in and fights it she can eventually dispute each charge is somewhat separate from UPS and their collections contractors harassing her about the 'debt', or the new packages that keep showing up.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Whole lot of people here have cut off other people, but no one's yet shared a story about what got them cut off. This one's mine.

I was unceremoniously removed from The List by a group of folks I was close with for years, after clashing with a couple of new additions to the group for a few months. We collectively ran a bit of a sketchy party scene and had been hosting stuff out of the weird end of town for a year or two when it all blew up - we weren't quite on the scale of underground warehouse raves, but we were like the training-wheels version. We'd get a lead on a place that was slated to be vacant for a month or a commercial building gone dark, arrange a couple bands and an escape plan, and pull a couple hundred bucks each in entry charge and dodgy beer.

They were great friends in addition to being sort-of in business together, and we had some absolutely great times.

Except one couple who'd been with us from the start and were OG team members met a new crowd of people. They wanted to bring their friends, we said sure, and ... shit started going downhill. The couple weren't bad. Their friends weren't bad. Their friends' friends were awful. I didn't like the new crowd's vibe, I didn't like who they were bringing in, what they were up to, and I didn't get along with the initial connections in the slightest. I thought they were assholes, they thought I was an asshole, and in hindsight we were both correct.

As much as each new member of our little scene was more money at the end of an event, I didn't want them there. I spent a lot of time and everyone's patience arguing why I felt these specific new people needed to be shown a door and firmly told to be on the other side of it, and I definitely went out of my way to cut them out of anything I had control over. My friends were frustrated, I was frustrated, and everyone was on edge - I was convinced these people were going absolutely ruin what we'd built, my friends were frustrated I wouldn't drop the grudge and didn't see the problem I was focused on.

In my defense, the new people were bringing in their crowd, and their crowd was bad news. It was like they were the scene where all the people other parties didn't want wound up congregating. There was the sketchy "why are you here?" old dudes, there were the people who did too much of many drugs even for our standards, there was the massive collection of edgy at-risk middleschoolers, there were the aggro bros and the dealers with Connections ... to me, inviting those people in the door was a massive heat score and absolutely ruining the vibe for the kind of people we wanted to attract. That said, in my friends' defense - we had agreed we'd make decisions as a team, and I was outvoted but unwilling to let it go; and we didn't have a problem with drugs or kids or even weird old dudes in general - half of us started in that community young and most absolutely dabbled in chemicals. We all were those kids a few years prior. My concerns read as hypocritical or gatekeep-y, rather than genuine, because I'd never been concerned about that shit prior.

The last straw? I paid a guy I knew from the other side of town to drive his dad's charger slowly past our venue a couple times, for several different events, so that people thought we might be about to get raided. Because the people I didn't care for were pretty dodgy, they fucked off at the faintest hint of trouble.

The other people in our crew found out, and I was excised from that group.

In hindsight, we were both right. I was petty and sabotaged the group to get my way - and those new people did absolutely ruin shit for that scene within a couple years. I've connected individually with a few members of that group over the many years since, but am very formally persona non grata at shit they do as a group - I don't think any of the people I still talk to even admit to the rest that they see me sometimes.

I don't want this to read like I was booted for taking some moral highground. I absolutely wasn't. I took the low road and went behind my friends' backs to undermine what we were doing, all because I wanted a specific group of people gone from our scene. As much as an adult's perspective would make it easy to spin this as if I had moral objections to bringing hard drugs and hard druggies and middleschoolers into the same place for underground parties - I wasn't concerned about those things, morally. Having middleschoolers get wasted at parties wasn't a problem to me, or even having creepy dudes trying to pick them up, or people shooting hard shit in the living room ... I just didn't like how there was more of "them" than "us" and our events were slowly becoming that scene, instead of just having a little bit of it off in one corner.

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