
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Russians always were, are and will be the imperialists.

It's Muscovites there, comrade.

I've made a mistake of opening the watermarked telegram channel. Self-proclaimed "Ukrainian monarchists", and it gets worse. Two posters before this one are Azov propaganda.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago (1 children)

If Russia just withdraws and the maidan gang is not sweeped, it will undoubtedly happen

The way I see it, proper denazification would take at least several years under Russian control, for which there's currently not enough personnel involved from Russian side. "The maidan gang" is just a representative of west-oriented bourgeoisie. The masters have to be "sweeped" too by seizing their property, otherwise it'd be just a cosmetic cover that would only hold up as long as there are Russian troops to support it.. So I consider "denazification" as a goal a public opinion distraction that isn't practically achievable with current forces (and that's rich coming from a country sliding into their own form of fascism for the past years).

It undoubtedly is. It also remind me of WW2, and what exactly happened to that fertile ground after WW2. It only underline the necessity of denazification, left alone it already blossomed with weeds of mass urder in Donbass for basically no reason whatsoever.

Russian forces took over Crimea and supported Donbass, including, according to Ukrainian mass media, with troops. While I support the self-determination of LDPR and Crimea, a lot of people don't and for them it's hardly a "no reason whatsoever". WW2 was different in that the "blossoming" has been happening beforehand. Plus, I doubt there would be a force doing the denazification any time soon.

By disgusting amount you mean any amount more than zero? As opposed to thoughts and prayers for the banderites?

No? There are not necessarily only two extremes. Banderites are getting exactly what they asked for, but I also don't enjoy watching hundreds of man-hours of houses and infrastructure being destroyed, let alone conscripts and civilians dying for capital interests or fake news, and Ukrainian government's direct betrayal of their people doesn't make it fun.

Anyway, I'll stop replying from now on. Thanks for correcting me on the points about German conscription and contract numbers btw.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (3 children)

The same is about Ukraine, we don’t really know how many conscripts exactly there are and where they are.

I mean, wikipedia lists contract fighters at about ~14k out of ~250k, so unless it's a known group (like Azov; I'd expect mentions up the ass if it was somebody significant) we can estimate the chance of a combatant being a conscript as 94% or higher.

This is exact same message banderites are putting about Russians and especially people from Donbass

Yeah, and a decent number of people don't buy it. Your companies has some of them. But also, it's now falling on a fertile ground after actually being attacked. Before the "special operation" that sentiment didn't ring as true. I'm expecting an increased speed of Nazification in Ukraine if there's no revolution.

My point was rather that i was not expecting this kind of dead horse question here.

There's a disgusting amount of jerking off to Team Z war porn as if it's some kind of fucking sports.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago (5 children)

I might not be 100% correct but Germany didn't use conscripts that early at war, so those are probably professional soldiers?

A number of Ukrainians I or my acquaintances have contacts with, didn't want or believe there's going to be a war and so did a lot of people around them, though obviously being bombed doesn't make one particularly favorable of the side doing the bombing. This is different from Nazi Germany where Wehrmacht troops have been brainwashed to see Soviet and generally Slavic people like shit to extreme and were on the fucking settler conquest.

I'm not gonna cry over banderlog scum, but a lot of people there have voted for Zelenskyy over Poroshenko because he promised a ceasefire in Donbass and wasn't generally a fucking Ukronationalist (and was "tough on corruption"). He then took a classic huge dump on those who elected him because he has west-oriented capital to serve.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago (7 children)

Wonder if those were "professional" military or just unfortunate working class conscripts

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago

You should've said that you aren't promoting violence against people or animals since Nazis don't count as those :)