
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

One helpful thing I found is that it can skip "non music sections", ie those cringey silent scenes they put in YouTube videos. If that'd existed a couple of years ago, I probably wouldn't have switched to Spotify. I mainly switched because I was sick of random 10 second pauses for dramatic effect in the middle of songs, often right before the chorus

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Book your tickets then. That's perfect all year round mate. Hope you like 5° mornings!

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Would anyone like to swap places with me?

Signed, a cold melbournian

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

If I may ask, how many subs/total views did you amass after a decade?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago

20 bucks is more than reasonable for a 10 dollar shirt imo. But where I am, often these shirts will go for the equivalent US$50 plus the same or more in shipping. I think that's a scam. 20 bucks is nothing

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

The issue is two fold. The first devices which don't support 4g, and the second is the loss of coverage with the decommissioning of 3G. That's what my last comment focussed on.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago (19 children)

I don't think anyone's really suggesting we keep 3g in the metro areas. Almost the entirety of the greater Melbourne area has 4g, with a fair chunk having 5g, and I think most major cities in the country have almost complete 4g coverage.

But in the country, there's so many places I've been through, even in the last few months, where I've only had 3g/H+, that I also don't foresee them rolling out 4g to any time soon, let alone the any time this decade. 3g can travel further than 4g, and a lot further than 5g, which means it's all well and good that they've converted all of their 3g towers to also have 4g dishes, but unless they actually build new 4g towers, it's still a net downgrade.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Apparently movie 43 is the only movie I've ever saved onto my google watchlist. But I don't generally save my movies onto watch lists

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 month ago

Yep. It's quite a good deal, when you think about it. People are only upset because they promised it would only cost 300k. If they'd quoted 1mil, they could've come in under budget and everyone would be stoked! Always under promise and over deliver 😎

Also /s

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago (2 children)

What's a blobHaiMem


This is a follow up to that time that they baited him into self-incrimination and fed into/encouraged his fixation back in 2021

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I feel a bit split about this. Seems it is an actual law, and it kind of makes sense. You probably don't want random components from unknown people and places in your multi million dollar space equipment. But it feels rather arrogant to just demand such things.

Is NASA actually a customer? Did they pay for a license to use curl (genuine question - I'm not familiar enough with it to know if enterprises and organisations require a paid license)? Are they planning on becoming a paying customer? Do they make donations to the project? If not, it feels kind of rude to send a demand letter to the lead developer of a free piece of software straight up demanding a formal letter stating where the free software is being developed and maintained (for free), or if outside the USA, that the free software has been tested in the USA. Oh, and a bonus demand that such information be returned within 5 business days (naturally with an implied "or else", just to really make sure those pesky people maintaining open source software for free really get the memo)

In any case, why don't all their scary 3 letter spy agencies go and figure it out on behalf of NASA themselves? It's open source, they could just like, read the source, test the source, and audit the source themselves. Or fork it and make any modifications they'd like to ensure its safety

I don't blame the person sending the emails, obviously, they're just following orders, but the whole email reads as very entitled and arrogant, assuming NASA don't provide any compensation to the project and projects maintainers for their use of curl

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago

I've never gotten one of these before, but I did also get a hello fresh coupon which I thought would be kind of pointless to try and give out.

I used to give out those 3 month Xbox premium trial cards on r/free during my Reddit days, had a few people take them. Thought maybe somebody here would like the wine one.


So I ordered a GPU from MWave and they sent me a $100 naked wines voucher discount thing. But, being grog, it's 18+. And guess who's not 18+? Me. And it has a 30 day activation time frame, so won't be particularly helpful for when I do turn 18. Nobody I know drinks wine, or wants it, so free to a good home.

Voucher would have about 20 days left on it, assuming they printed it the same day they posted my GPU

Full T's and C's:

"To use this voucher, you must be 18 years or older. This voucher entitles first time Naked wines customers to $100 off their first order of 12 bottles. All codes are a minimum of 12 bottles, and a minimum spend of $155.58. not to be used in conjunction with any other offer or promotion. Next day delivery is available to Sydney, Melbourne and Perth Metro areas for orders placed before 3pm. We don't ship to the northern territory. Delivery not included. Offer is subject to change. See website for full terms and conditions"

Free to a good mouth, if anybody wants it, just comment and I'll DM you with the code and pin.


LPT: if anybody needs to but can't get through to Centrelink, go into one of the services Australia branch. If they can't fix your problem, they'll connect you to an internal number which doesn't just hang up on you.

It's fucking disgraceful that they don't even answer the phone anymore. Seriously one of the stupidest things they've rolled out. There's no ifs or buts about it, it's disgusting and needs to stop.

You can also try calling the complaints number and they can do the same thing as the branch people, but I've heard conflicting reports about this. It used to be how you had to get through, but I've heard recently that sometimes that number just hangs up on you too. But if they do answer, they'll will usually just put you through to a non hanging up number, at least if it means you won't make them do the paperwork to lodge a complaint.

Also, when you do get through, please try to remember that they're just minimum wage people doing a shitty job. They don't make the phones hang up on you, and they aren't the reason your claims take months to process, or you were underpaid, or whatever's gone wrong. You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. You can express your annoyance to them, but abusing or yelling at them doesn't fix the problem, and won't make them answer quicker.

If you really want somebody to yell at, write a letter or email to your local MP. Or the minister for social services. Or anyone else who's penny pinching tactics caused this whole mess

Also remember you'll get through this soon, even though it doesn't feel like it in the moment

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