
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago

1337 case = k3wlf1l3n4m3

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Nano is notepad, but with worse mouse integration. It's Vim/Emacs without any of the features. It's the worst of both worlds

If you want ease, just use a GUI notepad. If you want performance boosts, suck it up and learn Emacs or Neovim

[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Going vegan could save as much as 50% of diet-based greenhouse gas emissions, which in total is around 20% of all ghg emissions.

Or, y'know, we could overengineer a solution without knowing what the unintended consequences are and end up shifting from one global crisis to another, but at least our tastebuds wouldn't have to miss out on our precious rotting corpse flavor.


Finally, another web engine is being developed to compete with Chromium and Firefox (Gecko), and they're also working on a browser that will use it.

Here's the maintainer talking about the current state of the project, and a demo of the current functionality

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Looks like for speed EXT4 still reigns, but that misses the point of ZFS, Btrfs, Bcachefs AND F2FS, which are all COW filesystems and not intended to outperform journaling filesystems in speed.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Even the manpage Telorand linked mentions it by name for non-interactive use.

Also, make sure you use the right program depending on thr partition table : sgdisk is the right choice for GPT disks, sfdisk is for MBR.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

Take the passive-aggressive nerd approach:

  1. Start a niche online movement that only cares about one aspect of computing and convinces people all their problems are caused by your pet peeve

  2. let the company dig its grave

  3. create a FOSS alternative

  4. sell a premium version for businesses (it includes phone support and management-friendly marketing matetials)

  5. congrats, you are now the de facto standard software in your field

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago
  1. Don't use hacky unlocks if there's an official way. The best case scenario is it becomes a headache and isn't reliable; ghe worst case is that it bricks your phone or installs malware in the bootloader

  2. All I could find looking for custom ROMs for your phone was XDA users shrugging their shoulders and unverified downloads from very shady websites/githubs. I'd suggest getting the most out of this phone you can before selling it and getting one you know works with the OS you want

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 months ago

I know it's bad form to suggest using other software that handles the same functionality instead of suggesting a fix, but it looks like sddm doesn't have the functionality to change displays at the time of writing.

GDM seems to have a workaround

But it looks like every display manager chooses whichever display based on arbitrary criteria.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 months ago

chmod -R 777 my_project_managed_by_git && rm -r my_project_managed_by_git

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 months ago

Unless you experience physical pain from driving, it's a slippery slope because every facet of modern life gets easier in car culture if you have a car.

Just look at Road Ragers: people who experience extreme emotional duress from driving, possibly endangering everyone with their angry antics and maybe giving themselves health problems from the blood pressure fluctuations, and yet they keep doing it.

And some people even drive without a license, simply because getting between places in time is nigh impossible otherwise.

As for why I decided to give up renewing my license, here's my rant from elsewhere:

It's not just the pollution from the exhaust, it's not just the tons of trash/scrap that rots away in junkyards, it's not just the rubbers and plastics from tire wear and tear getting into ecosystems, it's not just the gigagallons of hazardous chemicals required to maintain, it's not just the steady trend toward "Cars as a Service" while locking your premium features behind a paywall, it's not just the carwashes draining their runoff into the local groundwater, it's not just the needlessly large cities to accomodate every individual having a car to themselves, it's not just the ever expanding highways in between cities that continue to have congestion but now take more space and more time to repair and do more damage to the environment, it's not just the asphalt island effect, it's not just the burden on local economies that is car culture, it's not just the hostility drivers have for pedestrians and bikers, it's not just the millions of accidents causing hundreds of millions dollars in medical damages and 40,000 deaths every year, it's not just the blatant disregard for millions of animal and insect lives left on the roadside and windshields as warnings, it's not just the arms race between assholes for bigger and louder and more dangerous death machines so they can feel like they're the only one on the road who matters.

It's all of it, and more.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago

I haven't found a good GUI (Balena's Etcher is cross platform, but the flatpak never worked for me)

dd has never failed me

sudo dd if=<path to ISO file> of=<path to USB> bs=4M status=progress conv=fsync

(double, triple and quadruple check that the output file, of=, is the correct device with multiple different commands before running this)

[–] [email protected] 11 points 3 months ago

Seek more work. Find tasks you can help on, earn brownie points, don't offer to do anything extra that takes more than 30 minutes to get done. Don't overdo it, and make sure to also use the downtime to grab a federally required break, stretch, drink water, meditate, do some calisthenics.

The first part boosts how you're perceived by others: your bosses will take note of your enthusiasm, your coworkers will appreciate you more; this is why it's important to not overdo it—you don't want your extra effort to be the new baseline expectation.

The second part boosts your health, mood and productivity.

If you find you have more free time than these fill, consider asking your employer to sponsor certifications/continuing education in your field to further your career, or just talking with your boss about taking on more responsibilities for a raise. But still make sure to "leave room on your plate" to do the aforementioned breaks. If the money/career growth isn't an issue, consider negotiating reduced hours so you have more free time.


It's the series finale for our friend Plague Roach. Big props to Drue for all the work he's put into this project

Here's the full series playlist on youtube


I've been using nala on my debian-based computers instead of apt, mostly for the parallel downloads, but also because the UI is nicer. I have one issue, and that's the slow completions; it's not wasting painful amounts of time, but it still takes a second or two each time I hit tab. I don't know if this is the same for all shells, but I'm using zsh.

I tried a workaround, but it seems prone to breaking something. So far it's working fine for my purposes, so I thought I'd share anyway:

  1. I backed up /usr/share/zsh/vendor-completions/_nala to my home directory
  2. I copied /usr/share/zsh/functions/Completion/Debian/_apt to /usr/share/zsh/vendor-completions/_nala
  3. I used vim to %s/apt/nala/g (replace every instance of 'apt' to 'nala') in the new /usr/share/zsh/vendor-completions/_nala

Already that's sped up the completions to seemingly as fast as any other command. And already I can see some jank peaking through: zsh now thinks nala has access to apt commands that it definitely doesn't (e.g. nala build-dep, nala changelog and nala full-upgrade), and it has lost autocompletions for nala fetch and nala history.

Once I understand completions files syntax better, I'll fix it to only use the commands listed in nala's manpage and submit a pr to the git repo. In the meantime, if anyone has suggestions for how to correct the existing completions file or more ways to make the _apt completions fit nala, it'd be much appreciated.


As a user, the best way to handle applications is a central repository where interoperability is guaranteed. Something like what Debian does with the base repos. I just run an install and it's all taken care of for me. What's more, I don't deal with unnecessary bloat from dozens of different versions of the same library according to the needs of each separate dev/team.

So the self-contained packages must be primarily of benefit to the devs, right? Except I was just reading through how flatpak handles dependencies: runtimes, base apps, and bundling. Runtimes and base apps supply dependencies to the whole system, so they only ever get installed once... but the documentation explicitly mentions that there are only few of both meaning that most devs will either have to do what repo devs do—ensure their app works with the standard libraries—or opt for bundling.

Devs being human—and humans being animals—this means the overall average tendency will be to bundle, because that's easier for them. Which means that I, the end user, now have more bloat, which incentivizes me to retreat to the disk-saving havens of repos, which incentivizes the devs to release on a repo anyway...

So again... who does this benefit? Or am I just completely misunderstanding the costs and benefits?


Most people are aware that gasoline sucks as a fuel and is responsible for a large portion of carbon emissions, but defenders love to trot out that "if every end consumer gave up their car, it would only remove like 10% of carbon emissions"

I can find tons of literature about the impact gasoline vehicles have, but is there any broader studies that consider other factors—like manufacture, maintenance, and city planning—while exploring the environmental and/or economic impact of cars and car culture?

I know there's great sources that have made these critiques, but I'm looking for scientific papers that present all the data in a single holistic analysis

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