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Turkey is penetrating ever deeper into the territory of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI). According to information from the local NGO Community Peacemaker Teams (CPT) on Sunday, the Turkish occupation offensive "Operation Claw Lock", which was expanded to parts of the Amêdî district in mid-June, now reaches fifteen kilometers deep into the country.

At least 602 villages in the Kurdistan region of Iraq are currently threatened with violent evacuation as a result of Turkish expansionism. This figure was also confirmed by CPT, which named 162 villages whose populations have already been displaced since the start of the Turkish "claw operations" in early summer 2020. In order to achieve the long-term goal of destroying the autonomous status of the Kurdistan region and securing Turkey's control over strategically important areas in northern Iraq, in addition to permanent bombings of guerrilla areas, the Turkish army is also carrying out targeted attacks on civilian settlements - under the guise of border security and an alleged "terrorist threat" to Ankara.


A solar well went into operation a few days ago in Dêrik in Northern and Eastern Syria. The well in the Şehid Xebat district is a central component of the district's water supply after the infrastructure in large parts of the region was destroyed by air strikes by the Turkish military. The project, funded by the Berlin State Office for Development Cooperation (LEZ), was implemented by the Berlin twin town partnership Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg – Dêrik together with the city administration in Dêrik and the "Make Rojava Green Again" initiative.


"The IDF carried out a targeted strike in Beirut, on the commander responsible for the murder of the children in Majdal Shams and the killing of numerous additional Israeli civilians," the Israeli Defence Forces said in a statement.

Lebanon's state-run national news agency said an Israeli strike had targeted the area around Hezbollah's Shura Council in the Haret Hreik neighbourhood of the capital.


In recent months, Iran, along with Hezbollah, has imposed a military siege on the province of as-Suwayda, taking control of all airports and military units surrounding the province. They have begun to exert pressure in various ways and directions on the people of the province, who oppose the Iranian presence in southern Syria.

Previously, Iran and Hezbollah played a major role in spreading drugs and supporting ISIS in the as-Suwayda desert to threaten the province.

"We consider what happened today a clear and public declaration of war by the terrorist Hezbollah and Iran against the Druze community, an act of criminal pressure aimed at dragging them into the ongoing war in the Middle East."

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (2 children)

ah ok, some of the most democratic countries in the world aren't democratic.
which countries are then? qatar? north korea?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (2 children)

last part as in 'They also shut down AlJezeera news and Israel claims they are the ''only democracy in the Middle East'''

they have the same laws for all citizens. jews, muslims, druze, etc.
palestinians living in the west bank are citizens of the pa (or jordan), not of israel.
the situation in area c of the west bank is a result of the failed oslo accords and bibi's policy of "status quo".
article by prof mohammed wattad, who is an israeli-arab (his own words)
israel's declaration of independence
basic laws of israel

shutting down a state backed media group that has ties to the muslim brotherhood (hamas is a branch of theirs), from a hostile state that hosts the billionaire leaders of hamas, is similar to the shutting down of rt in europe - which is a state backed media group of a hostile state.

in israel you don't vote for the prime minister, you vote for a party. as part of the coalition creating process, the pm is chosen as part of the agreements between parties.
one of the pm's parties in 2022, naftali bennet, had much less votes than the likud ever had.
basic law: the government

posting something twice and then replying to someone with a similar link isn't "spamming".
pointing out the reality of this specific action / situation isn't "defending" anything. that's a very black and white view of things.
same as when i criticize a state it doesn't instantly mean i'm against it or hate it.

[–] [email protected] -5 points 4 months ago (1 children)

didn't the eu ban rt and sputnik? even from social media, which doesn't seem to be the case here.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 5 months ago (16 children)

iran is funding and arming hamas, hizballah and the houthis, all of which were attacking israel.
in addition to their attacks on usa bases.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago (1 children)

That's false.
Hamas does have a presence, and it has grown over the years of people being dissatisfied with Fatah. And the support of Hamas there is even greater than in Gaza.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 6 months ago

missed out an important part:

..the overall vote in many of these cities was not for right-wing parties – it was simply split between multiple candidates on the Center or Left.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 6 months ago

so i'm guessing you're referring just to israeli jews? not israeli druze, bedouin or arabs?
and which jews are you referring to that "choose to live there"? as a lot of israeli jews have been there for some generations by this point. it's their home (let alone the families who remained since the kingdom of judah).

and that's some nice propaganda for israel, but unfortunately israel's poverty rate is among the highest in the developed world. while also being one of the highest cost of living countries.
bibi's economic policies and transfer of funds to ultra-orthodox organizations and private education institutions has only made things worse for most over the years.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 months ago (1 children)

helmets, flak jackets, humanitarian aid, field hospitals manned by israeli medical personnel (which is mentioned in the article), generators for hospitals and refugee assistance centers.

and i didn't remember that, but apparently there were already israeli anti-drone systems approved for export to ukraine last year. not sure if these are the same ones though.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 6 months ago (1 children)

70% of eligible voters voted.
the current government's parties were voted in by 49.5% of those voters.
out of those, 14.13% were ultra-orthodox parties who always go with bibi because he gives them everything they want. about half of those are non-zionist.

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