
joined 11 months ago
[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 week ago

I've thought of this, but don't have the wherewithal to actually make a project come to fruition.

I'm also not a lawyer, but I've read multiple articles on this, and it doesn't seem like any legal violation. Corporation got lazy, didn't confirm where 10m in royalties went and under what circumstance, and got burned.

Finally a corp gets scammed by the common man.

I say good on him.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago

Please don't I barely understand subnetting as it is.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 months ago (1 children)

There are people who legitimately can't take some vaccines for legit medical reasons. For example, I worked in a hospital and was required to get an annual flu shot and it was always an issue. Why? I'm epileptic, and it could trigger a seizure. I never had an issue though, and fought to get the vaccine. Only missed one year with a charge nurse who wouldn't risk it. I then went and got it on my own. Hospital acquired infections are no joke, and that applies to the staff as well as patients.

But other than that, I agree.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago (2 children)

I'm sorry, I missed this. Reputable link please?

I don't need more reasons to boycott Ubi, but more gas for the fire.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 months ago (6 children)

Step one: Buy a few firearms, for different scenarios (which should be easier under Trump sigh)

Step two: Go to work, home, and limit unnecessary errands, order for delivery more.

Step three: Practice marksmanship with various firearms. I have a country, but sane, friend of the family with a shooting range on her land.

Step four: Hunker down in my deep red state, because I hold non-christian belief's and I won't recant them on pain of death. Not because my beliefs "protect" me, but because as an American, I believe in freedom of religion and I'll die a proud American before I die as a Christian, my belief's don't matter compared to that. The protection of those belief's does.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 months ago (1 children)

I get that old reference, but these days and much more broadly, twink is for a term for a gay man with a certain body type, or other physical characteristics.

So you might get some odd looks using that in public.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Obama wore a suit, and he got shit because they didn't like the color.

Trump on the other hand, wears diapers and has inspired his moronic base to wear them publicly as well. Not just, under their clothing like a normal person, they think its better than pants.

-Written from a republican hell hole.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

Cut myself with a microscope slide. Didn't realize the lens would drop far enough to break it. Whoops. Ended up nicking my finger getting the slide off.

My proudest science lab injury though, was with a plastic butter knife. Don't ask me how I managed, but I did. It was an ugly cut too.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 months ago

We have geckos local here.

If we didn't have cats, I'd put a few in the house.

Problem with cats is, you either find the head, or the rest of the body. Never both halves of the gecko.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Lived next door to a cop, and down the street from another while growing up.

My dad, who only went with his father, trained more often and more rigorously then they did. How do I know? Cops talk a lotta shit, and their kids are sick of fascism already. This was only up until like 6th grade even.

Cop down the street was known for beating his wife, and was probably dirty as hell with the drive by attempt. Thankfully none of the kids were hurt. No one else was either, but even then I wouldn't have shed a tear for a pig.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 5 months ago

I was the SME over POS terminals in a past job.

Owners are often the biggest morons at the location.

Before that, I used the same basic software package at Subway because the owner couldn't be bothered, and the manager, great lady, was not technically apt.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 months ago

Languages grow and evolve with time.

Not all forms of evolution make sense or provide any real value.

Like Trump.

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