
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

Using wev (wayland event viewer, which shows pressed keys) the side buttons show up as extra mouse buttons, so it should be possible to remap them.

button: 272 (left)
button: 273 (right)
button: 274 (middle)
button: 275 (side) <- side button
button: 276 (extra)  <- side button

PS: My old Logitech G710+ keyboard has some extra buttons which show up as normal numbers, which makes them pretty much useless. A while ago I found the now abandoned sidewinderd project which adds support for them. It's sad that those manufacturers don't create proper standards for these kind of things and instead hack it together somehow.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 months ago

Thunderbird + K9 Mail are my way to go, too.

Though I mostly do like the redesign, since it fixes some long standing issues with Thunderbird (e.g. not being able to select a multi line message view ("cards view"), instead of the traditional table view.) The search bar being always on top annoys me each time I open it, so I understand a more long time Thunderbird user might have more nitpicks. Almost all of the changes can be reverted through settings, which I find awesome.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (5 children)

I personally would make sure to choose a mouse with on-board storage. E.g. most (all?) Logitech mice store DPI and RGB on the mouse, which means it works independent of the OS. At least some other manufacturers require a Windows "driver" to disable RGB and configure DPI, which is annoying as those aren't available on Linux, and have to be constantly run in the background.

Basic configuration of Logitech mice can be done through Piper on Linux.

Edit: Precision shouldn't be an issue with any decent mouse sensor. The PixArt PMW 3310 or later is good enough for even gaming and can be found in 20$ mice. Comfort is subjective, but I prefer larger mice where I can put most of my hand on top.

Edit 2: I've now read you're already using a Logitech mouse and are having issue with the the side buttons. What issues do you have with them? My G Pro Wireless side buttons work for going a website back/forward in the web browser, but I don't use them much.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I personally prefer top level subvolumes (@, @home, @var-log, @var-cache), because it makes it easier to know which system folders are subvolumes and back them up accordingly. They are then mounted at their respective location under /.

E.g.. I do snapshots looking at the btrfs filesystem and its top level subvolumes. I'm not doing snapshots going from the mounted root filesystem. I.e. I'd do a snapshot of @home, not a snapshot of /home.

If you want to use backup/snapshot automation tooling, I'd recommend looking at how they expect the subvolumes to be set up. E.g. snapper and timeshift expect a specific layout (which can stil be done manually after OS installation, but why bother).

[–] [email protected] 22 points 3 months ago

Hecken, 65, ist ein CDU-Mann und neigt eigentlich nicht zum Revoluzzertum. Doch die Geheimhaltungspläne der gegenwärtigen Bundesregierung bringen ihn auf die Palme, weil es dafür "keine wirtschaftlichen Vernunftgründe" gebe.

Wenn ich einem CDU-Politiker voll zustimmen kann, während Pharmakonzerne eine Gesetzesänderung begrüßen, ist ein Gesetz mit Sicherheit Blödsinn.

Das bisherige System aus Phantasiepreisen und Geheimverträgen, das die Staaten gegeneinander ausspielt und Patienten in ärmeren Ländern wichtige Medikamente vorenthält, könnten EU-Staaten nur gemeinsam überwinden. Die naheliegende Lösung wäre, die Preise für neue Medikamente zentral für die ganze EU auszuhandeln.

Mehr Transparenz, am besten EU-weit, hilft gegen Wucher. Wenn Preise komplett geheim sind, werden die Pharmakonzerne fordern was sie wollen - und die Gesllschaft (und Ärzte) wissen gar nichts davon.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 months ago

(Of course, not realistic if you have 500GB of music and no SD card slot in your phone)

That's the problem right there. SD card storage is so cheap, but the manufacturers don't include a slot for it.

[–] [email protected] 19 points 3 months ago

It's a sad day. E.g. former MEP Felix Reda did incredible work around the time of the 2017 EU copyright reform and helped the protests through transparency.

Now with the risk of badly written laws enabling (atm. restricted) surveillance, we'd have needed them more than ever. Luckily there's still MEPs from the Czech Republic in the EU parliament.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Ich bezweifle stark, dass man solche Kommentare als "Atomtrolle" oder Atomstartup(-investoren) abstempeln sollte. Der große Teil wird mit Sicherheit überzeugt von ihrem Standpunkt sein, ob aus Unwissenheit oder übertriebenen Erwartungen zur Endlagerung und Baukosten.

Auch ich war vor einigen Jahre durchaus überzeugt, dass die richtigen Reaktoren mit genügend Entwicklung und Zeit eine sinvolle Energiequelle sein könnten. Mit fallenden Kosten von Batterien und erneuerbaren Energien habe ich meine Meinung geändert, nicht zu vergessen habe ich mehr über die Atomkraftundustrie gelernt.

Leute als Trolle abzustempeln hilft mMn. niemandem weiter, sondern macht es nur einfacher, sich nicht mit Ihnen auseinander setzen zu müssen. Gerade auf Hackernews gibt es viele Leute, die glauben mit Technologie alles lösen zu können, ohne die unüberwindbaren politischen und sozialen Hindernisse zu akzeptieren.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Torrents are based on the idea that everyone using them pays for it with their bandwidth and hardware cost. Except for those leechers who don't share.

I'm paying more for my seedbox than for my usenet subscription. If I used my own hardware I'd pay with stress on my hardware, e.g. the disks aging and failing earlier because of seeding. The power consumption is also not negligeble, altough the server is also used for other purposes.

With private trackers this idea of an equal exchange is more obvious because of ratio requirements.

Edit: I'd say it's similar to open source in that no single individual has to pay for it, but someone does have to, for it to exist. Most often with their (valuable) time and knowledge. If no one helps out and does their part (through money or time+knowledge), a project won't survive for long. Same is true for torrents.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

Zumindest in BW erst seit 3 oder 4 Jahren, davor gab es 4 gleich gewichtete Kurse im Abi (zumindest für ein paar Jahrzehnte, davor gab es auch schon 3 LK + 2 GK).

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I will be surprised if Spotify won't announce a new more expensive HIFI subscription with their support for lossless audio. Imo this still makes it less interesting than Tidal/Deezer/Qobuz since it'll still be impossible to permanently download music from Spotify.

Nonetheless it's great that Spotify will provide lossless audio for those who want it.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Gut, dass das Gericht diese Mogelverpackungen verbietet. Abgesehen von der Kundentäuschung, sind übergroße Verpackungen sinnlose Resourcenverschwendung. Mehr Volumen sorgt für ineffizienteren Transport und führt damit zu Treibhausgasemmissionen, zusätzlich zu unnötigem Plastikmüll.



Gnome also might add support for triple buffering (patch has existed for years):

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