
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 months ago

That's what happens when you restrict higher education.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago (1 children)

I salute your patience.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 8 months ago

The thing is, Israel's behaviour is not new. The populations in the Arab countries already had that sentiment for more than a decade (cf. Osama bin Laden's letter to Americans). Now awareness is reaching the people in Western countries.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Sanctions when?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago

You are right, and wrong at the same time.

Depends on who you are talking about and who you are talking to.

[–] [email protected] -5 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Diplomacy?? Why aren't they sending a warship?!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago (1 children)

I really don't understand why people are still talking about religion at this point.

I believe the humanitarian situation and the exasperation on one side and the economical interests and such on the other far outweigh the religious motivations

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Think about the lost revenue! Insane!

[–] [email protected] -2 points 1 year ago

We do not have the same paradigm, that's for sure. That's why we need to learn about each other's views.

Islam's is: God created mankind and put it on earth for a propose. He gave us this life which is a test with do's and don'ts. And depending on whether we follow the rules or not there is eternal bliss or eternal punishment.

Why am I or others positing this? Because God sent throughout our existence messengers to remind us of our purpose.

Why should we trust these so called messengers? They were granted miracles, ie. things others cannot perform like splitting the sea, reviving the dead, splitting the moon etc.

He also gave these messengers scripture with the laws to abide by. Where are these scriptures? Most of them were lost (Abraham's tablet, David's psalms...) or demonstrably corrupted by people (the old and the new testaments). The last scripture revealed is the Qur'an which is demonstrably preserved for everyone to read.

Read it and read about Muhammad's life and you'll understand what so called "Islam" ("peace through submission" in Arabic) is.

[–] [email protected] -3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (3 children)

Sex organs are something that males and females have in different forms, but it is disingenuous to say this is the only difference.

The man MUST provide for the house. The woman is not obliged to work and bring money, but she can do it if she wants. The way you phrased it can be understood that she is barred from working when this is not the case. Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) first wife Khadija was a successful tradeswoman for example. So the religion does not automatically make women financially dependant. There is abuse in some Muslim countries, no doubt like everywhere, but religion is not the reason.

Moreover, whatever the woman earns is 100% hers if she chooses to, and the man has no claim on it in Islam. She can put that to use for the house expenses, or not if she chooses to. It's her right. Usually working women help the household's finances but it's up to couples to decide how they want to function.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (8 children)

The religion tells both males and females what they should and what they should not do. Most of it is the same, some of it is different depending on the gender.

I genuinely don't see how the above is misogynistic.

I encourage you to study it. Find reliable Muslim sources who know what they are talking about and increase your knowledge. I may recommend sine YouTube channels like Muslim Lantern or Dawahwise.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 1 year ago (10 children)

Muslim here, so I can reply to the question as opposed to someone who only knows about Islam from what the media or the predominant islamophobic content we find on the internet tells them about what to think about it. When you have a question about the Mercator projection, you normally don't go to a flatearther...

She was a theologian, so she studied religions and left Islam to the last, which she ended up accepting based on the scripture once she studied it.

As to the stance of Islam with regards to being gay, the sexual act is forbidden as in one should abstain from actually doing it. Thinking about it or having the desire without acting upon it is not considered a sin. There are punishments in the Islamic law for when a person has been seen by 4 eyewitnesses performing same-sex fornication. To my knowledge this has never been followed through by a judge in the Islamic state of the 4 caliphates as the prerequisites are, intentionally, hard to come by: spying invalidates the testimony, the act should take place out of the privacy of their home etc. So it's really if the person is doing it in the open... Now I don't speak about what western media uphold as THE Islamic states such as Iran and Saudi Arabia which are not following strictly the law (and its prerequisites). They have laws that are quite... theirs. Also being gay and being Muslim are not incompatible, since a Muslim is always striving to submit to the divine will and overcome one's own desires. As long as a person is sincere and keeps repenting for his/her eventual shortcomings and never disbelieves in God they remain a Muslim.

About why would a feminist accept Islam, if you study it you'll know that it is not misogynistic (ie. considers women as lower than men or is hateful against women). Rather it has a fundamentally different and more factual stance: women are psychologically and physically different from men. So it is about equity and not equality: women do some things better than men and men can so some things better that women; women desire different things than men. To each their role in a family and in society as a whole. Both are honoured in what they do, and you'd even find women are even more honoured, revered and protected.

"Openness" has less to do with sects and as another person commented is more about the society. Muslims, +90% of which are Sunni, have the same source of law but the differences do not come from the religion but are societal.

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