
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 week ago

I'm feeling a sudden urge to vote Harris Walz right now

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 weeks ago

Our communities are setup like that. We're separated from eachother, and we can't afford to spend enough time at local third places to feel community. Church also used to be central to community and most people aren't religious, but nothing has replaced the churches role in community building.

It's rough. If you can get out to places nearby where people congregate that will be nice. Getting a dog is nice too if you like dogs, they give you love and accept your love and they're a good ice breaker. They also force you out regularly. You can take the dog to dog parks and chat with locals.

It's not your fault. Humans are a social animal and we built cities and an economy that didn't consider that.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

How can it be any other way? The fewer little vote the more likely Trump is to win. In the American system not voting IS a vote for Trump.

I'm sorry change is too slow for you. The first round of liberal/leftist victory is often crap. They barely win, or they don't have his leftist candidates. Every election with a massive turnout on the left opens up space for leftist representatives. I think I've said this before. Change is slow. Right now the window is WAY over to the right. We have to bring it back by voting in droves until we're represented. It's simple math, but we keep losing because we don't get what we want right away.

If a new socialist party can work in the UK then more pretty to you. I know some European countries have 20 parties with elected representatives and the most any party can hope for is 20%. But in countries with two parties you have to change them from the inside. Each situation is s different battleground and we have to optimise our strategy. And we don't win by attacking eachother for starting simple facts because they're not true everywhere.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago

If only we had people who could investigate and warn us of risks to public safety before they happen..... They surely would have spotted this right wing threat coming.... Oh wait....

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

You're playing yourself.

It's almost universal in the west that the higher the voter turnout the more left the government. Just look at France, first round, typical low turnout: far right won. Second round hight turnout massive: leftist win.

Spoiling the ballot is just not voting. When I was young, I used to think that you could make a point by not voting, or by spoiling the ballot. By waiting until the perfect representative showed up. Then I saw elections where the winning party got 43% of the votes with 40% voter turnout. Then I realised that 17% of people just forced us into another garbage right wing government and that spoiling ballots wasn't even reported in the news AT ALL.

Vote EVERY TIME. It's a tug of war, the harder you pull the more the whole thing shifts to your side. Look at the right in the US, this situation was impossible a decade ago, but they kept voting and the window kept shifting. And now it's fucked up.

Don't let your side down just because some of the people pulling don't agree with you on where we should stop. Pull your weight, we can't accept fascism.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (4 children)

It's your local representative, as in he represents your area and his job is generally to bring more money to your area. They don't represent your political views. For that you need to pull your weight at the election to open up space for views more aligned with yours at the elected body level (example the house or senate for national elections). You might be surprised to hear this but MOST of politics is deciding what money to collect and where to spend it. A TINY percentage is what most people consider "political" stuff. When it comes to that, when you pull your weight you open up space for different views that are better aligned with how you think. It's not about how YOUR representative thinks, it's about how the entire house and Senate think. Your representative will generally be pushed to agree with the overall party position or risk being replaced.

If we all pulled our weight the elections would look like this. How many more progressives and leftists enter the ticket in this world? How many Bernie Sanders, AOCs and Ilhan Omars? Or whatever your political views are (scared to ask honestly)...

Pull your weight today, or drop the rope and be unrepresented for another round of elections.

You edited your comment from "so who represents me" to "third party okay". Third party is like attaching a new rope and pulling to the side. You're not doing much. Maybe better than nothing, but often not.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

They JUST had a fucking right wing literal RACE RIOT .... Threat minimal?? The Palestinian protests are worse?? The police have lost their goddamned minds!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago (7 children)

Stop thinking about it like you need to vote for someone to represent your views because that's NEVER how it worked. It's a tug of war, everytime you don't vote you're letting your side down.

Just because not everyone pulling with you agrees on where to stop pulling doesn't mean you get to drop the rope.

[–] [email protected] 27 points 2 weeks ago

Locusts ARE grasshoppers. If enough grasshoppers group up in the same area they literally become locusts and fuck everything up.


[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago


Basically he was searching Twitter for "woman" "dolphin" and retweeted a video that said "woman gets violated by a dolphin and enjoys it".

[–] [email protected] -2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Yeah and they should also eat vegan organic low FARTMAP gluten free Paleo diet. It will fix everything! It cured my mom's dementia, fixed my kleptomania, my brother has a bigger penis and my dad stopped smoking!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

It's just how the industry markets chicken nuggets to adults "these aren't children's chicken nuggets, they're BONELESS WINGS for manly men who enjoy suicide hot sauce"


I saw a convoy of about 30 cars on the highway back in October. I looked it up and found nothing. Then I see a Reddit post in /r/vexillollogy with the same flag and no useful answers.

It's so weird that people bought like 100 of these flags and there is no info on them at all!

I flipped the picture to make the flag the right way.


The laughable Bank of Canada report even includes the line

Why did this increase in markups not contribute significantly to inflation? We show that markup growth reached its highest level because of a contraction in firms’ costs [...] during the pandemic-related public health interventions

So when their costs go down they keep the prices the same and pocket the difference, BoC report verdict "profit growth without inflation". So what happens when costs go back up?

We observe a mild contribution of markup growth to inflation in 2021, partially explained by demand rebounding faster than costs. However, the fact that markup growth fell to zero the following year indicates that firms were likely smoothing out their price increases [...] rather than leveraging increases in market power.

So when the costs go back up, they pass 100% of the cost to the consumer and keep their new higher profit margins (no change in markup). BoC verdict "the inflation has nothing to do with profit growth". Amazing!

If industry follows this "price ratchet" mechanism profit margins can go to infinity "without causing inflation" according to BoC. Absolutely galaxy brain levels of economic genius.

They really think we're idiots.

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