
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 12 points 2 weeks ago

RIP " Moonfish" 🙏🏻

Colonel Oleksiy “Moonfish” Mes was a fervent advocate of giving Ukraine the advanced fighters.

KYIV — Ukraine lost the first of its U.S.-made F-16 fighter jets during Monday's massive missile and drone attack by Russia, killing the pilot, Lieutenant Colonel Oleksiy Mes, one of the country's first to be qualified to fly the advanced fighters.



Ukrainian troops have dramatically downed a Russian fighter jet over eastern Ukraine as an oil depot was set ablaze by a drone strike more than 100 miles away in Russia.

The Soviet-designed Su-25, nicknamed “Frogfoot” by Nato, was downed over Kramatorsk, Donetsk, as it fired on Ukrainian troops.


Russia has launched the largest attack on Ukraine since the beginning of the full-scale invasion in 2022, Ukraine's Air Force reported on Aug. 26.

Russia launched 127 missiles and 109 drones, while Ukraine downed 102 missiles and 99 drones, according to the Air Force. Russian strikes hit several civilian, energy, and fuel facilities, including a dam in Kyiv, part of the Kyiv Hydroelectric Power Plant.


The faded eyes of their [i.e. R.F.] chief perceive the whole world as a gray zone. But we will not allow to turn into a gray zone our lands, where the blue and yellow flag rightly belongs.

A sick old man from the Red Square, who constantly threatens everyone with the red button, will not dictate any of his red lines to us. Only Ukraine and Ukrainians will determine how to live, what path to take, and what choice to make. Because this is how independence works.


Senior figures in Kyiv have suggested that using the Anglo-French weapons in a “demonstration attack” will show the Kremlin that military sites near the capital itself could be vulnerable to direct strikes.

The thinking, according to a senior government official, is that Russia will consider negotiating only if it believes Ukraine had the ability “to threaten Moscow and St Petersburg”. This is a high-risk strategy, however, and does not so far have the support of the US.


On August 24, 1991, Mykola Porovskyi, along with other members of the Ukrainian Parliament, carried a big blue-and-yellow Ukrainian flag into the parliamentary chamber. It replaced the red-and-blue flag of the Ukrainian Soviet Republic, and it is still kept in the building. On that day, the people's representatives of what was then the Ukrainian Soviet Republic declared independence from Moscow and proclaimed the state of Ukraine.

Nb: in a roundabout way, this article was originally written in Ukrainian. It was then translated into English from German.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago (5 children)

And this just came in : "opposition candidate Edmundo González on Monday announced that his campaign has the proof it needs to show he won the country’s disputed election "

ap link

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

"Russian-based companies make up about half of the 61 entities added to the EU's list Monday. In addition to the 19 Chinese companies, it also added nine from Turkey, two in Kyrgyzstan, one in India, one in Kazakhstan, and one in the United Arab Emirates.


Meanwhile, international relief organisations have expressed concern that millions of children could be at risk of dehydration and exposure to record-high temperatures.

Arch link

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago

That would be great if economies would chip in. Idk, USA, EU has some plans iirc, Saudi, Chinese , India etc.

And the Billionaires worldwide as well , they pack a wallet the size of some countries.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 months ago

The banks were among the guarantor lenders under a contract for the construction of a gas processing plant in Russia with Germany's Linde, which was terminated due to Western sanctions.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 4 months ago

Three weeks after one of Brazil’s worst-ever floods hit its southernmost state, killing 155 people and forcing 540,000 from their homes, experts have warned that water levels will take at least another two weeks to drop.

The death toll across Rio Grande do Sul is still increasing daily, and more than 77,000 displaced people remain in public shelters, prompting the state government to announce plans to build four temporary “tent cities” to accommodate them.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

"A higher regional court in western Germany rejected on Monday an appeal by the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party against its classification as a "suspected" far-right extremist organization.

The judges at the court in Münster said the designation was appropriate and did not violate the constitution or European law.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 4 months ago (1 children)


I would have expected that too. Always seemed a good sustainable additional solution to me.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

100%. Its a classic divide & conquer strategy, albeit that the technology has changed over the centuries, and the methodology (hybrid) has become more finetuned. I mean, objectivelly and strategically it's how the world has been working forever: " in war and love there are no rules", it is said.

On the otherhand, how the world has been working forever, is exactly the whole issue. Speaking for European (or worldcitizens) we really hate wars and catastrophic results, so we'd like to move away from the old world, towards a more balanced world with more equal partnership; ideally.

It's impossible to move to that point, when your supposed partners apperantly don't have the same wish ( Ruzz Mir for example, isn't peace). At the end of the day I perceive this as a clash between systems, democracies & authoracies.And, even this comparance may be too simplified. I hope and trust, we can find a proportionate and adequate response to these negative developments and actions.

Also it should be a joint responsibility between all the citizens from the whole world ( if your country is fucking up, try to do something if possible, stay safe ofc). Instead, as it appears now, we have just some head of states deciding everything for billions.

Kinda of like a modernised slogan from yesteryear," citizens over the World Unite; against idiotic head of states! " thing. Wouldn't that be something . Cheesy John Lenon shit. Yet maybe he's right; because here we are in this mess.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

I'm sure there are plenty of unique factors

Correct. it's a very complex situation, which nobody wanted, yet here we are. And politically and judicial, both on regional, national and European level, there is no known simple solution.

What really triggered this mess was a court ruling regarding an environmental N0 ( nitro oxygen?) and a Co2 and smallparticle emission report not very long ago. That ruling gridlocked everything.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Here a more up2date versionlink dec 2023. If you have better info, please feel free to post your own findings, that would be very constructive.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

is trying to destabilize multiple western countries

Yes, and has been trying for many years, so we learn now. But it seems getting a lot worse of late.

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