
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 9 months ago (2 children)

They are very popular and actually have quick service once you finally get through the long line. Most of the ones around where I lived switched to two lanes. They were rated as having g the highest quality service for any fast food chain as well.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 9 months ago

I think that is is important to note that there is very little real evidence for Christmas being taken from saturnalia. You can google christmas and saturnalia and come up with plenty of web articles, but looking at the actual history of it makes it pretty clear. Christmas takes place around the same time of saturnalia, sure, but that does not make it a Christian stab at replacing it. Saturnalia was traditionally observed between the 17th and 23rd of December, not the 25th. It was a 5-7 day festival, not a one day festival. Additionally, the church is said to have gotten the 25th by taking the day John's father was told he would have a son (shortly after the day of attonement), the new testiment statement that Elizabeth was 6 months pregnant when Jesus was conceived, and adding 40 weeks to the end for the average pregnancy. This would put Jesus born in late December. This general time line was documented as being calculated as early as CE 200s.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 10 months ago (1 children)

I did not pay attention and thought it was in USD already. Inwas shocked someone would pay nearly $40 a month.

Semi unrelated, but I had no idea that we started using only one strike through the dollar sign more frequently as of recent. I have always written it with 2 and am shook.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 year ago (1 children)

By swords are they alludinh to the hellish underwire that breaks free and stabs you constantly?


I (25f) am recently diagnosed (April 2023) and still figuring out meds. My primary started me on qelbree which was a total mess and the worst month of my life. After being referred over to a psychiatrist because my doc was uncomfortable prescribing anything other than non-stimulants, my psych started me on adderall. It was a godsend from day one. I noticed an immediate decrease of stress and uptick in being able to actually get things done which helped with a whole slew of related mental health struggles. We have gone through a few different dosages, and I am currently at 15 XR in the morning and 5mg IR in the evening. I am thinking, sleeping, and working better than I have for as long as I can remember, though not without some issues when the drug leaves my system.

Now to the point- About two weeks ago, I went on vacation and the week after was trash as far as the meds working. I felt terrible, and all of the issues that adderall was helping with came back with a bang. The issue has since mostly resolved itself, but I am trying to figure out what caused the problem so that I can keep myself from spiraling in the future. I will include some details below and would appreciate any ideas or thoughts from your experience.

  • the vacation lasted 6 days, all of which I took my meds.

  • all 6 days, I averaged less than 5-5.5 hours of sleep

  • I consumed alcohol the last 2 days out of the 6 with the last evening possibly exceeding what I should have. I do not drink more than once a month usually

-food consumption was normal and I did not eat anything out of the ordinary.

-the last day of the trip, I noticed that I was not feeling as focused with my evening dose. The morning that I left, I was back to feeling like trash mentally as I had prior to starting these meds back in May.

-because I have heard hormones could impact things, I ended my period half way through the trip. I do not remember having any issues following other periods.

Please let me know what you guys think.