
joined 11 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

The fuck are you on about? Where did the person you're responding to say Trump was Asexual? Are you basing this off the word Narcissist? You do realize thats a mental diagnosis that has nothing to do with sexuality right?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

Careful! last time I mentioned that I got called Sinophobic! =P

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

That view and you only having a girlfriend for a few months miiiiight be linked

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

In most cultures betraying contracts is usually considered bad, and relationships are basically intimate and emotional contracts. Trust is important even in business contracts, but in interpersonal ones its ESSENTIAL. If you entered into a polyamorous relationship, cool, thats the contract all parties agreed to, but if it wasnt specifically polyamorous its defaults to monogamous, and if you breach that trust, you're probably not getting it back, and without trust ever having a healthy relationship again is probably gone

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago (1 children)

"Creating art for yourself is a fiction. Doing nearly anything for yourself is a fiction. As much as some feel they prefer to be alone, noone lives in a bubble."

Damn man, your life must suck if you do absolutely nothing for yourself, I dont really have anything else to respond to this with

"When you talk about barriers to entry for art, you really mean high quality art. "

I absolutely do not, most forms of art takes a shitload of hours invested to start producing anything that doesnt look like absolute garbage, the high quality stuff takes YEARS of investment yes, but even passable quality stuff takes a considerable time investment.

"The barriers to making art have been incredibly low for all of human history if you really are talking purely about the cost to begin making art."

Which costs are you talking about? Because as I just said, the time costs are huge

"It seems to me you would find it easier to work on your perspective that prevents you from enduring the failure required to learn high quality art than to advise we steal all art globally and historically, combine it into a program using the energy of a large nation, and present it to you at your home over the internet."

Ah there we go, twisting the wording to make the other side look bad morally. Nothing any of you have brought up I would classify as stealing. Thankfully, since I AM producing my art for myself, I could give a rats ass what people like you think since theres nothing you can do to stop me from making my art.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (3 children)

Once again, art means different things to different people. The process is important to some, but not to everyone. Being able to access creativity has never had fewer barriers to entry which means more people will find enjoyment in it instead of being put off by the previously inescapable barriers. Further, if your creating art for yourself, it shouldn't matter if the market gets flooded and visibility gets harder. Those things are only important if you are looking to sell, and, well, welcome to capitalism.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago (5 children)

Creativity isnt necessarily about skill level though, and while in the past you've NEEDED skill in order to fully access your creativity, as technology progresses that becomes less and less true. Different people get different things out of art and creativity, and for me, the final product is a huge part of the payoff for me, and before, for the type of art I like looking at, that would have required a multi year - lifetime investment in order to be able to achieve. Now, my skills in Photoshop alongside Stable Diffusion allow me to collage myself my costume designs in hours, which wasnt even possible for me to achieve previously. Similarly, this tech is likely to snag future people into an art path because they experience the joy of creativity enough that they then decide to learn the skills to bypass the limitations of Generative AI

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago (7 children)

Counterpoint, image gen ai has afforded me far greater time and ability to access my creativity than I've ever had before it. Different people can be creative in different ways, and have different Muse's for their creativity

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Ah fair. My reading comprehension also failed there because I thought you were the same person the person you responded to was responding to was (Person I thought you were - Person you responded to - you - me: if that makes what I said make more sense). I guess my response though is that discoverability is going to be an issue for any new game regardless of whether someone chooses to put their game on Steam or not (and I'd argue that not putting their game on Steam would negatively impact their discoverability, hence another point in favour of Steams cut)

edit: (I actively hate Epic though, so consider taking their money as losing the possibility of ever getting mine. I am NOT for console exclusive bs on the PC marketplace, and Epic is actively trying to make that a thing. So if you except money from epic to go exclusive on their store, I'm only ever going to pirate your game, if I can even be bothered to play it at all)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Use Steams competitors then if you don't want to pay Steams cut. If you're getting less overall from them, that tells you all you need to know about the validity of Steams fees

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago (1 children)

"There has been a lot of shit on Twitter and Tumblr outright calling for genocide of cis people. Forced sterilization. Saying that if you are a cis white male you inherently are a bad person. A rapist. Etc. Etc"

Believe me I know how crazy people on twitter can get, and I've definitely seen those crazies in action. But they are going to act crazy towards their chosen scapegoat for their problems regardless of the word we've chosen to describe those people.

"It’s bullshit lashing out, and doesn’t truly amount to anything. That said, it can wear on you to be vilified for what you were born as, for things you can’t control."

I 100% understand and empathize with this and will not argue or counter it in any way. I mean no gaslighting and I apologize if it feels like what I said was heading in that direction.

On your last point: for a while Negro WAS the appropriate word to use, and now it's Black (or if you're American "African American") and while it isnt appropriate anymore, we have a word that is that fills its usecase. People dont Identify as Cis (and on that point most dont identify as trans), they identify as Male/Female/etc, and cis and trans are categories based on whether your identity matches your sex or not. As of right now, cis is the word we have for when it matches, we dont really have any other words in common parlance that describe that in 1 word, and further the extreme end of Tumblr and Twitter doesnt care which word we use when they dehumanize the percieved majority, they are going to continue being assholes to those they dont feel dont place on their oppression heirarchy regardless of the word we use

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (3 children)

It literally means "not trans" my dude. Do you get offended when people call you human?

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