
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

I'm not going to elbow drop Owlboy, but I think you should try it within the refund window because in my opinion it's way overhyped, and does not deliver much mechanically.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 5 months ago

Okay so NASA lost a $327 million Mars probe because said was transmitting trajectory corrections in the SI Units of Newton-Seconds, but the home base software was interpreting and calculating it as Pound Seconds.

Remembering that there was endless amounts of scientific equipment aboard that took years to make, and the whole enchilada took 10 months traveling through space before it could even crash.

[–] [email protected] 23 points 6 months ago (1 children)

"with whom I have no meaningful connection with"

Oh it hurts to read.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago

Oh there's lots I have to set the record straight about and there's lots I could talk about, but without being asked a specific question that would just leave me to write an open-ended essay and I'm not up for it right now

[–] [email protected] 0 points 6 months ago (2 children)

Certainly, I'm always happy to share with inquisitive minds.

Is there any particular question you'd like me to address?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 months ago

User Forty2 made a great comment and I agree with so much of that.

Do not focus on stopping a behavior. Focus on slowly moving into a new behavior until the old one slowly disappears.

You can use transitional steps. What I did, was to change from regular soda to diet, and I did it by slowly mixing diet into the sugar until the proportions had reversed. And eventually you got to the point where it was mostly diet. There, I successfully changed to diet soda, I didn't do it overnight, I took a month to do it and it was easy that way.

This applies in all areas of your sugar consumption.

For example, if you're taking two measured tablespoons of sugar in each coffee... Start by reducing that amount by 7%. Yes, literally that small amount... But you layer one change on top of the next, on top of the next, once you have some success. It will take you literally 3 days to get used to the smaller amount of sugar, and you'll barely notice it... And once that feels good, you reduce my another 7%

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 months ago (2 children)

I remember many of these. Are you referring to the one where the stick figure kind of "breaks out" of the animation and starts to fight the animators tools? Like he attacks the pointer, the crop tool, etc

If this is the one, I very much remember it and I could probably dig it up.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Roasted almonds. Tons of protein, lots of fiber, often keeps me sated for longer than a "balanced" meal.

I buy them raw and roast them myself, it takes 15 minutes in the oven on a pan, that's it. I have a giant tub that I go to when I need them.

Yes, they are calorie dense due to the oil but this is a replacement meal, not a daily thing.

It's actually amazing how far 100 g of almonds will take you in a day. I managed to lose 130 lb of fat by incorporating various high protein nuts into my diet.

Edit: Unsalted only. Salted nuts just provoke greater sensations of hunger.

[–] [email protected] 22 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (4 children)

In my view, the issue is that most people are not willing to change their own patterns in the slightest.

It's always somebody else's responsibility to give things exactly how they want. Personal responsibility and decisions have no play.

"Fuck Nestle. Oh yeah but I needed water, what was I supposed to do, die? I had no choice but to purchase water in plastic, there was no other store around and I don't know how to plan for my needs in advance. There is simply no way to anticipate that I could have needed water and fill a reusable bottle before I leave the house."

"The price of fast food is insane. It does not occur to me that I don't need to purchase this, and I have no inherent right to get it at a cheap price. It has also never occurred to me to go to the grocery store. Oh wait, yes it actually did occur to me, but I really don't want to cook, I want somebody else to make the food for me and for it to be cheap."

Personally, I'm done with Sony, I'm done with Nestle, I'm done with Walmart, I'm done with fast food, I'm done with Netflix. I'm done with all the places that behave unethically, and it would not be fair of me to complain about them while also patronizing them. I don't think you'll find this attitude in general population.


I bought 175 g pack of salami which had 162 g of salami as well.


One chestnut from my history in lottery game development:

While our security staff was incredibly tight and did a generally good job, oftentimes levels of paranoia were off the charts.

Once they went around hot gluing shut all of the "unnecessary" USB ports in our PCs under the premise of mitigating data theft via thumb drive, while ignoring that we were all Internet-connected and VPNs are a thing, also that every machine had a RW optical drive.


If you're thinking of buying Z now - the modern remake is a careless trash port FYI

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