
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 weeks ago

To be clear; the Nintendo Switch tends to trade fluently in cryptographic certificates.

The MiG Switch has one of these certificates; one it's creators likely copied from a legitimate Nintendo Switch game title. All games have such certificates and they are uniquely serialized; much like a GUID or UUID would be. These certificates are signed by the Game Dev studio, and then Nintendo in a typical certificate signing chain scheme; Nintendo signs the Game Dev Studio cert, which signs the Title certificate, which signs the unique cart or digital copy cert.

This banning is usually achieved by banning either the lowest certificate in the chain or the one directly above it; or even the Dev Cert if it was compromised.

So the MiG Switch carts are likely hardware banned. Your Nintendo Switch probably advertises to Nintendo which cart(s) were inserted into it recently by sharing the fingerprints of the certificates. Then Nintendo can basically kill the certificate assigned to your Switch system and prevent you from connecting online; as your Switch uses it's own system cert to identify itself to Nintendo services.

In all cases this is un-evade-able when connecting to the internet; as Nintendo Switch system certs are burned into a PROM chip on the main board at manufacture. This chip is a WORM chip, which can only be written once and read many billions of times.

A critical part of the way they try and curb cheating in online play is checking the integrity of the runtime environment; which includes checking what titles were launched recently; and if that happens to include a certificate they've banned for being cloned by the MiG Switch; then you'll quickly be banned by their anti-cheating hammer.

Most important is those checks typically don't take place naturally; they only occur when you're connecting to the EShop, or connecting to NN to play multiplayer online. The devil therein unfortunately lies in the details; and if you've ever purchased a Digital Title that means your Switch is regularly connecting to the EShop to renew Digital License Tickets needed. They tend to expire every 72 hours and must be renewed by presenting an expired Ticket, a valid Ticket Granting Ticket (given to your Switch when you buy the title) and contacting "Mommy Nintendo" and asking "Mommy, May I?". Yeah. DRM sucks.

If all goes well; your Switch gets a shiny new set of tickets. Unfortunately Nintendo was paying attention to requests and will issue out regular waves of bans for systems detected cheating. You won't know when this will happen, and it won't prevent Nintendo from letting you play your games; you'll just suddenly find your Switch banned from online play after such ban waves.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 2 weeks ago

Like a Hydra; You cut one head off; and two grow in it's place.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 weeks ago

Yeah this seems like a non-issue to me as well; the source material for the models is probably the cause of this bias.

I also don't think there's a lot of sources for this manner of speaking. Let's also not forget that there's oftentimes instructions given to the LLM that ask it to avoid certain topics which it will in fact do.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago (1 children)

What the fog is China smoking?

China is delusional here; literally drawing up lists of people it wishes it could kill.

Even weirder is the fact that they cannot accept Taiwan as a Sovereign Nation and keep playing these games with themselves.

Taiwan is not China. It never will be.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Firefox; being open source as it is; is not in danger.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago (4 children)

She's such a narcissist that she couldn't stay out of the spotlight. lol.

Regardless; I doubt that any game she could develop would be any good; and I shudder to think of what deranged DRM scheme she will cook up to protect her own game. It'll probably be worse than Denuvo, knowing how unstable she is.

Genuinely, the scene is better without her hate filled screeds polluting the web. Her abilities might be appreciated more if she got some mental help and she could rejoin the scene as a positive force; not someone who lets their ego run rampant and spews hate at the slightest provocation.

Unfortunately the scene is too cowardly to NUKE her output into obscurity until she cleans her spew up.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago

Honestly, there are low-touch/low-fuss distributions that exist that can be installed with some assistance from a more techy person in one's life.

But I will admit that Apple is more usable across the board.

However, not everyone can really afford the extra cost of an Apple system; which genuinely does require re-buying a lot of other devices in order to get basic compatibility.

For some, yes, Apple does solve the problem. For others, Linux can be accessible and easy to use; particularly if hardware being used is older, and the workflows are common enough.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 month ago

Your argument is irrelevant.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Don’t they, err, already do this?

No, They don't. They have stolen that initial choice from you by paying companies to be the "default" choice. They do this to capture those who are lazy or indolent about their choices, or to entrap those who are too un-savvy to change the preference.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

This is why technologies like DoH and DoT are needed. To prevent this kind of tampering.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 month ago

With all likelihood; it would have been 3 to 5 whole years before anyone could have purchased a localized, legitimate copy of the movie in Lat.Am.

So no; I do not blame them for doing this. Considering that this movie was even broadcast as a "Public Screening" and likely nobody paid anything in admission but for food and drink...I'd even argue this was a 100% non-commercial use. Depending on the laws in Brazil it might even be "fair use" for a city official to do this; as informational and educational arguments can be made for it depending on the audience.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago (4 children)

Even if the punishment is largely symbolic and Google only pays a tiny (compared to it's massive size) fine; I'd still call that a significant win.

  • Google can be REQUIRED to give users A CHOICE of Search Engines.
  • Google can be FORBIDDEN from giving their OWN ENGINE an advantage in search results or advertising
  • Google can be FORCED to ALLOW THIRD PARTIES access to the SAME APIs used in Chrome and Chromium.
  • Google can be FORBIDDEN from BLOCKING THIRD PARTY FRONTENDS from using Google Search, Youtube and more.
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