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London woman stopped to help man who'd collapsed at in the sidewalk at Richmond and Oxford

But what made her challenge particularly difficult was that the drivers trying to get through the intersection honked with impatience and anger, swerving around her and darting through the intersection as she tried to help the man.

"They were acting like I was a delinquent and I was just trying to help someone," she said. "Drivers will stop for Canada geese but you've got a man in distress and no one cares."

Paramedics arrived shortly after and took the man who'd been struggling to hospital. Litsas doesn't know what caused him to collapse or how he's doing now.

After the ordeal, she posted on the social media site Reddit about how some of the drivers chose to honk instead of help.

"I was frustrated, I was a bit shaken up just having the traffic whiz by you and it's just an unnerving position to be in," she said.

The purpose behind her post is to ask that drivers show some patience and empathy if a pedestrian appears to be struggling.

"Stop, put your hazards on," she said. "It's a car against a human being and I'm not going to win against a five-tonne vehicle."

[–] [email protected] 111 points 1 month ago (9 children)


These are great for wildlife as they provide a safe crossing over high-speed highways. They are usually design to be in already existing migration paths where moving a proposed highway may not work and not disrupting migration paths is of importance.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Could malware be installed without access to the physical phone? How would this be achieved. Is it with a backdoor from the phone manufacturer or infected somehow from the sim card service provider.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

A expensive kvm card, or Pikvm for the home server.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 months ago (6 children)

Slap the monkey

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 months ago (1 children)

To quote a line from Interstellar.

“We can care deeply - selflessly - about those we know, but that empathy rarely extends beyond our line of sight.” -Dr. Mann.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

Is it just me or don't European trucks look better then North American trucks? Probably safer for pedestrian traffic as well as automobile traffic, as the driver does not have his sight lines obstructed by the front hood.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

The phrase "Starter homes" no longer exists IMO. The homes that used to be starter homes are really way out priced and no longer really being built.

Instead this phrase is more along the lines of "starter condo". Developer's are only really building single family homes now (in north America) or large condo towers. One is for families and the other for singles/couples or investors. Most condos in a 3-4 bedroom range as well are nonexistence or priced higher then a single family home.

Things like fire codes and parking minimums are really causing this IMO. Most cities and towns are talking about the "missing middle". These are homes placed between highrise condos and single family homes, such as four plexes, low rise developments and laneways. There are a few other examples as well.

Unfortunately developers can't build these, not because of week demand, but because things such as parking requirements and fire code restrictions really make these developments not financially feasible for developers, plus cities can choose to shoot down any proposals or permits which adds to the cost. (Better to build whats know and tried)

[–] [email protected] 14 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Soon we will all be plastic. Its already in our food and water.

What i really think about is these are only the effects so far from the plastics that have started to break down from when plastics were created (smaller quantities). What happens when the plastics of today start to break down (larger quantities).

Kind of like the effects of oil (air pollution) being felt 30-50 years down the line.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

A little anecdotal, but I personally try and go outside every or every other Sunday at minimum to pickup litter around my local trails.

What I find is the only people that say thank you verbally are stereotypical Canadians, or Canadians that seem to be second generation at the least in my eyes.

Everyone else that does not fit this stereotype seems to have a weird look on their face that almost mirrors a look of disgust or hate. Its very confusing TBH. What's also quite interesting is that when people do stop and have a conversation with me the first question always is, "are you doing community service, or do you work for the city".

My answer is usually the same, "no, I am just out for a walk enjoying the trail". There seems to be a stigma that picking up garbage makes you less and not more.

To add, I'm not picking up litter for strangers, I'm picking it up for myself. I enjoy going for a walk on clean trail, and we both know if you don't do something yourself no one will do it for you.


“What is up with some people’s complete disrespect for our public spaces? It doesn’t require a huge amount of effort and discipline to keep our streets, sidewalks, parks and shorelines clean. Yet some of us appear incapable.”

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Absolutely, though I do wish more of the public and local governments would follow this type of mentality. Seems like most local towns and cities have lost this.

Seems like everything's more along the lines of "if it's not completely broken, then don't bother fixing or even improving it."

[–] [email protected] 12 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (2 children)

It does not need to be straight, but I'm not in the sporting goods section looking for a hockey stick.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (2 children)

Until they pull a Microsoft and start throwing ads into the paid model as well.

Or like all the other streaming platforms that you paid a subscription for to not see ads, but believe it or not you now have ads.


Check out the full list of what staples accepts now part of their expanded recycling programs.

More companies should start to follow staples lead and offer return points for packaging and products that reach their end of life.


Check out the full list of what staples accepts now part of their expanded recycling programs.

More companies should start to follow staples lead and offer return points for packaging and products that reach their end of life.


We need to make our cities and towns more family friendly. This is called the "missing middle" in housing, and it's why in north america all we see are either large condo towers or single family homes, which also drives our urban sprawl problems.

Almost all new large towers/buildings in north america prioritize bachelor's units 1 and 2 bedroom units. Trying to find a well priced 3 or 4 bedroom in a "lively" downtown center, close to transit and work, with plenty of schooling in the area is almost impossible. It's also a factor in why cities became so empty during the pandemic, ie. Not to many families living permanently in cities.

Here's a good article that also talks about the same issue with some different apparment layouts, and why developers don't provide adequate family units.

This together with zoning requirements in north america is pushing most cities and developers to only cater towards large towers or single family housing.


Google hits a paywall. On the heels of a deal struck last week between Ottawa and Google, the search behemoth will pay Canadian news publishers $100 million/year for the privilege of hosting their content. Is that a win for Ottawa? Well, on one hand, Canada is now one of the first countries to compel digital platforms to pay (and help keep alive) news publishers. On the other, $100 million is the exact number Google offered pre-standoff and 42% less than what the government wanted. Either way, at least the public can once again access news through Google.

Ottawa has agreed to set a $100-million yearly cap on payments that Google will be required to make to media companies when the government's controversial online news legislation takes effect at the end of the year.

The legislation is called The Online News Act passed earlier this year and would force platforms like Google, Meta, Facebook and Instagram’s parent company, to strike deals with Canadian media publishers for sharing, linking, previewing, and directing users to online Canadian news content.


I downloaded a BDMV folder that should be a copy of a six disk box set. All the files seem to be numbered with .#.ext in them. All the files came in one root folder.

Once I organized this into a streams/playlist/clip/meta folders by file type and feed it into makemkv I can only see disk one.

There are also 12 index files called index, index.1 index.2 and so on.

How do I rearrange this to see disk 2-6?


It's time to increase fines from $85 to $500 for blocking the box on any and all intersections. Doing so would make it's safer for everyone including pedestrians.


The federal government was tackling the problem of how cities build homes. This includes pushing municipalities to build more fourplex and mixed housing units.

In much of the country, zoning restrictions mean developers are only allowed to build either single-family homes or condo towers in residential areas. There is a huge chunk of housing options, often referred to as “missing middle housing,” that does not get built.

We need to make out cities and towns more family friendly. This "missing middle" is a great first step back in the right direction.

This video is also worth a watch. It explains what the missing middle is and how it can make cities greater and more livable.

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