
joined 11 months ago
[–] [email protected] -1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

I'm a braindamage survivor.

You need to communicate your values, and why they are your values.

You need to communicate who you are, via the most-significant-moments/events you experienced: the most-significant-for-you meanings, see?

As for you disappearing, the Soul/CellOfGod/ChildOfGod/Continuum ( whatever you want to call it ) that causes the molecules in your body to continue-living ( yes, there is a physics-level cause for the anti-entropy behaviour expressed as living-organisms, and it isn't there, when those same molecules are doing the disintegrating-corpse thing, obviously )

That cause is unkillable.

It keeps getting caught in conceptions/lives, through endless-stream-of-Universes's perpetual recycling/churning of ALL energies ( including meaning! ) contained within it.

It isn't the-individual-life that is the center,

it is the Soul/CellOfGod/ParticleOfBrahman that is.

IT experienced some of ITs growing-up, in/through your-life.

With you, your Soul got a gift, fersure.

My life's been hell, & I'm glad:

nothing like aversion-therapy to force a Soul/CellOfGod to grow-up, eh?

The Soul that had "me"-personality won't ever make that mistake, again.

: )

If you've still got any ability to read, or to have someone read to you, please have someone get Elisabeth Haich's "Initiation" into you:

it is likely that only part of the book will be important for you, but that part will likely be IMPORTANT.

The world her Soul 1st inhabited was something like 10,000y ago ( it hasn't rained much there, since then ).

My Soul's spent most of its time inhabiting insect-lives, or particularly-stupid-fish-with-bad-eyesight.

It's been centuries since it had been in a human-category life ( the Catholicism I was pressed into, by mom, got nuked when I discovered those strange-memories were memories of my Soul's having lived in other kinds of lives.

Not only did it nuke all the Abrahamic religions, but it forced me to accept that ALL lives are lives because they have a Soul underlying them, and there isn't anything "special" about the life of a human, except for our Potential & our Opportunity, which most take for granted, including me, in my younger days ).

Anyways, you can't unexist, from Eternity.

You'll always have-been, see?

The Soul/CellOfGod who had you has YOU in it, indestructibly.

I'm earning removal of me-personality now ( should be days ), so the nervous-system currently having "me" can get that "me" ripped-out & can replace it with a better personality ( it's a Buddhist technique, apparently nobody remembers it, in the modern version of Buddhism, for some reason ), so you can stack multiple personalities/someones into a single incarnation, to get-through multiple-lives of lessons/growing-up crammed into a single incarnation/life.

It works, but it takes work to force one's own identity-death, or removal of the instance-of-ego underlying one's personality...

There are 3 kinds of mind that death-itself has difficulty "gripping" on:

  • Wisdom-realizing-that-all-phenomena-are-empty-of-self-inherent-existence

  • immeasurable-compassion for all sentiences ( but tempered by wisdom )

  • Faithing, which is the simultaneous surrendering-to higher-power, relying-on higher-power, and gratitude-to higher-power.

Faithing on one's own CellOfGod/Soul is perfectly find/workable.

It has BuddhaNature/GodNature, so all you have to do is orient to that aspect of its nature, and then faithing is powerful/valid, see?

Guru-yoga, is faithing.

"a faith", ie noun, .. isn't what the original texts said, btw.

Anyways, I hope something in this helps, gives you leverage.

Either way, our Souls will meet again, after "us", sooner-or-later...

Salut, Namaste, & Kaizen, Hoomin!

( :

_ /\ _

[–] [email protected] -1 points 8 months ago

China doesn't want to rock the boat .. yet!

WHEN they've got the imbalance in-their-favor enough, they will gut & smash India: that is their plan.

Modi's relying on Russia, China's economic-vassal-state, for protection against China, hands India to China, strategically.

Make-believe never saved any country's life, nor will it, in the coming decade.

See it for what it is: now is only a "location in time", during the slippery-slope ( low steepness, after 1 or 2 more world-process Punctuations, the slope will be STEEP! ) time before global-TANTRUM/POGROM that #ClimatePunctuation, combined with political-tantrum, including "populist" dictatorships, combined with religious-tantrum, combined with food-web collapse, combined with an increasing-fraction-of-humankind becoming refugee...


The Great Filter's unfolding, but still in its Yin stage.

China doesn't want to rock the boat yet.

When opportunity is ripe, however, they are going to.

_ /\ _

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Don't put-up with Israel's gaslighting.

I used to support Israel.

As an Englishman, whose identity I don't remember pointed-out, years ago:

IF the Jews of the region have a moral-right to their own homeland, THEN so do the Palestinians.


Once someone has proven they are only narcissistic-machiavellian-sociopath/psychopath, through their nihilistic obliteration of other's lives, and much more, and throught their sadism,

they have ZERO claim on God, on "scripture", or on "validity" or on Truth.

The old rabbis ( find some interviewed on youtube! ) who call-out Israel & I stand together in contempting their lies.

KNOW gaslighters for what they are, & deal-with-them as such.

Rabies is rabies.

IF the patient can be got sane/healthy, then help 'em do that, but if not...

then don't let 'em infect you with their rabies.

( & that goes also for Hamas's terror-strike, too: both sides have crossed the line into worshipping nihilism/mass-murder, while claiming God, sadly )

_ /\ _

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Read Hofstede's "Exploring Culture", and consider that a person in a high-collectivity culture, which also is a high-power-distance culture, may well answer the survey with what "face" requires them to say, instead of answering with what they, themselves, feel.

If you aren't correcting for that, you're doing propaganda, not science.

Different cultures REQUIRE different subjectivities be taken-into-account.

I think it would be more valid to dig into specific dimensions of happiness, & make some of those objective ( cortisol-blood-levels, for measuring stress, e.g. )

WHEN you ask people in individualistic cultures a question, and THEN you ask people in collectivist cultures the SAME question, they are not answering the same question, they are answering the social-pressure question, instead.

It makes complete mincemeat of cross-cultural measuring of "objective" things.

Try reading Lanier's "Foreign to Familiar" book, & understand just HOW different warm-vs-nordic cultures are, in instinct/reactions,

then it should be more obvious how such surveys are disinformation, not information.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

Then it ISNT a

"Global Happiness Index"

, rather it is a

"Global URBAN Happiness Index",

and such profound mislabeling of things is disinformation, not journalism.

Which, itself, is so systematic & profound, nowadays, that there isn't much hope for integrity to win, in our world, now, anyways.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago (1 children)

and if you consider that "economic barrier to entry" can make any bigger company, who is able to scoop a startup's code & sell the use of it, can extinguish the startup who created the code ...

then, yes, there are definitely situations where protection-against-competitors, some of whom have DEEP pockets, could be an actual requirement, for opensourcing one's code.

"Coopetition" Bill Gates coined, where you "cooperate" with your competitors, but, being Microsoft, you do it so you can snuff them, soon.

I can definitely see why a company would want to be able to allow limited use of their code, globally, but to legally-prohibit using it to destroy them.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago (2 children)

I've been told that to start a fight in Francophones, just demand to know whether grapefruit ( pamplemousse, iirc ), is male or female...

: P

The book "The Alphabet Versus The Goddess" by Leonard Shlain, makes the point that women's-rights simply don't progress as quickly, in countries which have gendered languages...

So, Anglo cultures pushed women's-rights, whereas Latin cultures .. won't, don't, drag their heels, etc...

That book is now a couple ?decades? old?

It's still true.

Conditioning an entire population's System-1 ( Daniel Kahneman's "Thinking Fast & Slow", the System-1 is the default-instinct & the trained-now-automatic-expertise system, it also is the system that is both addiction & prejudice ) into gendering everything, automatically, may well prevent equal-validity from ever having place...

Mind you, I now want to see which Nordic/Scandi languages are gendered, & which Middle-East languages are gendered, to see if that holds in those parts of the world, not just in the Americas...

... digging ...

( that isn't a quick read... may come back to it some day... )


"The grammatical gender of nouns is one of two: a noun may be masculine or it may be feminine, and there is no neutral option. Moreover, masculinity is the default grammatical gender in Arabic and a word does not have to have anything special in order to reflect this. Femininity, on the other hand, is not default and a noun would have to have something special to reflect this gender in Arabic."


So, there is ZERO hope of equal-validity in Arabic culture, because the language programs Arabic people's System-1 into 2 exclusive validity-categories, with male being inherently more-valid, by established language-habit.

What about Hebrew?

No wonder women can't get equal-validity in Jewish culture...

( I read a Jewess's writing ~ Nobody EVERY celebrated the birth of a Jewish girl: only boys are celebrated ~ .. which explains the damage in the stereotypical "Jewish mother", a woman whose validity has been contempted by all in her culture, until the damage is her most defining feature... )

So, it looks like equal-rights/equal-validity for women is .. baseless, in some/many cultures...

Interesting, but depressing.

: \

[–] [email protected] 3 points 10 months ago

I haven't read the article, but yes, wars do have time-limits:

Once a war becomes domestically impossible to participate in, Vietnam as 1 proof, then the-course-of-war changes.

Economic-collapse means that Biden's hosed in 2024, and the Republicans are Russian allies, not NATO allies.

Yes wars have time-limits.

Simply wait & see: by the end of 2025, NATO will be gutted, Trump will have been crowned GEOTUS ( a term they already use for him ), and Trump will ( passively, at least ) back Russia.

Sickening, but it looks like that's the fact of the unfolding global/geopolitical near-future.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 10 months ago

IF by "security" one means bugs have been prevented from living in it, there is one coded in Haskell, it may be named XMonad or something...

( .. digging .. )


from there:

"Due to the small number of lines of code of the Xmonad application, the use of the purely functional programming language Haskell, and recorded use of a rigorous testing procedure it is sometimes used as a baseline application in other research projects. This has included re-implementation of xmonad using the Coq proof assistant,[31] a determination xmonad is an imperative program,[32] and studies of package management relating to the NixOS linux distribution.[33]"

Dig: 2000-ish lines of code.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

Define "Friendly Fire" when it was a bit-error in a logic-board that made an AI butcher our own troops...

This is inevitable, just as autonomous kill-drones are inevitable.

Still jacking-up WW3's tantrum/pogrom as hard as possible, of course..

The Great Filter is going to change the unconscious-mind nature of whatever remnant surivives this century.

( PS: the only climate-model I know-of that ISN'T contradicted by Antarctica's current heating, is a powerlaw, and it predicts between 5C & 9C heating for our current atmospheric CO2 & human-added-methane.

5+C when the methane's CO2-equivalent is ignored, between 8C & 9C when it is included.

That, too, is a Friendly Fire, incident, but planet-scope, right?

Evolution of global temperature over the past two million years

Factoring in the excess methane, only, that we're producing, brings it up to 8.33C planetary heating, using methane's 20y CO2 equivalent. Other manufactured greenhouse-gasses are not included in that estimate.

Other tidbits...

Just Have A Think, Antarctica

Earth beyond six of nine planetary boundaries

Emperor’s New Climate Scenarios – a warning for financial services )

Isn't the Pentagon & the pushers it is addicted-to, every bit as trustworthy as Big Oil?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

There was an item in New Scientist, perhaps last century, of an experiment done at a hospital's ICU ( UK, iirc, the hospital had some kind of religious name, like St (somethingorother) ),

and that experiment tested whether patient-to-patient infections were affected by ionizers ( which charge the air, making particles in the air stick to surfaces, like walls, objects, whatever )...

That experiment had no effect in the control condition, but the ionizer-test condition reduced those infections down to ZERO.

No hospital with any reputation would dare use such "New Age woo", of course, no matter that evidence, combined with the Hippocratic Oath ( 1st do no harm! ), should oblige its use.


I couldn't find much of anything through

and had stuff that wasn't what I was trying to find,

and normal google had this

Anyways, according to the NO cases of inter-patient infection that was reported in the study I remember, it should have been made globally normal.

Notice that the things are called, by many, "air cleaners".

I'm disputing that air cleaners have no effect on health ( put a box-fan with a 20"-square furnace-filter on the suction-side of it, and it'll reduce the amount of dust, without any expensive products, and in some areas, in industrial or desert zones, e.g. it'll likely reduce the harm done to one's lungs by that air ), and pointing-out that different definitions of "air cleaner" are valid, though not about the same thing.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 10 months ago (5 children)

Russia, the invader, is the Good Guys, in the Russia vs Ukraine war??


People need to understand those 10 points that are characteristic of Fascism.

Comically, Fascism was invented by a Black man, an African, named Marcus Garvey, and Mussolini stole it from him, then Hitler from him, to the best of my knowledge...

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