
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 week ago

I'm going to use that next time I need to bail out of a story I shouldn't have started telling

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 week ago

sigh guess I need to go write another letter to my MP

[–] [email protected] 89 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Good thing there hasn't been any remotely exploitable security bugs in any of the mail system components in the 6 years since Debian 7 went EoL

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Yeah, I understand - fwiw, RNZ is the national (government backed) broadcaster, and has an explicit mandate to elevate the perspectives of iwi. Black Sheep specifically has done a few episodes about the musket wars and land confiscation that really don't pull punches.

Another that might fit your brief: - from the ABC, and for the most part does a really good job of setting up the story with some historical context, then letting the people actually effected tell the rest

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

If you are interested in different culture more than different language background, might be interesting

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

If a project is hosted on sourceforge then its a pretty good sign that the developer hasn't progressed their craft since about 2005, which is a pretty big red flag for anything

[–] [email protected] 41 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

True in most places with large immigrant populations, and goes double if it's not just "" cuisine, but "". There is a place around the corner from my work that specializes in Lanzhou beef noodles - it's down a side street in a little shopping arcade, I'm guaranteed to be the only white guy in there but it's absolutely fantastic food

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago

Iosevka is my personal favourite, but will need to spend some time scrolling through

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Or, alternatively, coms management is important and formally declaring an incident is an important part of outage response - going from "hey Bob something isn't looking right can you check when you get a sec" to "ok, shits broken, everyone put down what you are working on and help with this. Jim is in charge of coordinating the technical people so we don't make things worse, and should feed updates to Mike who is going to handle comms to non-technical internal people and to externals" takes management input

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (3 children)

There are very few things more obnoxious than an asshole with unsolicited parenting advice

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

Oh, don't get me wrong, anyone involved with national-level republican politics is either a bigot, or cynically pandering to the bigots (which is worse imo).

That said, I think a lot of people fear/hate trans people because they really can't conceptualise what being trans actually means. Pointing out that if, as a 40-something man who has an embedded self-image of themselves, you find yourself going bald it's not uncommon or unnatural to feel a sense of sadness or loss or unhappiness because your internal and external self images no longer align. You can then point out that some people might choose varying methods - everything from subtle changes to how they style their hair to full on medical interventions - to try and regain some feeling of control over their external self image and bring it closer to their internal identity. There is a straight line from there back to gender affirming care for trans people, and that makes it a smaller jump for people to extend empathy into a situation that they find so foreign that "trans people are actually just all pedos and rapists something something men in women's changing rooms" is a more plausible explanation for them

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The KDE 6 announcement says that

On prior versions you chose between either password or fingerprint authentication for the lockscreen. In Plasma 6, both are supported at the same time.

I've updated my Neon install, what do I need to do to enable this? I've set up a fingerprint through the user settings, but when the screen is locked I still have to use my password to unlock - there isn't a prompt, and touching the reader doesn't seem to do anything

Edit: follow up on an old post in case someone stumbles across it - I needed to install libpam-fprintd


I'm trying to find a thing, and I'm not turning up anything in my web searches so I figure I'd ask the cool people for help.

I've got several projects, tracked in Git, that rely on having a set of command line tools installed to work on locally - as an example, one requires Helm, Helmfile, sops, several Helm plugins, Pluto, Kubeval and the Kubernetes CLI. Because I don't hate future me, I want to ensure that I'm installing specific versions of these tools rather than just grabbing whatever happens to be the latest version. I also want to ensure that my CI runner grabs the same versions, so I can be reasonably sure that what I've tried locally will actually work when I go to deploy it.

My current solution to this is a big ol' Bash script, which works, but is kind of a pain to maintain. What I'm trying to find is a tool where I:

  • Can write a definition, ideally somewhere shared between projects, of what it means to "install tool X"
  • Include a file in my project that lists the tools and versions I want
  • Run the tool on my machine and let it go grab the platform- and architecture- specific binaries from wherever, and install them somewhere that I can add to my $PATH for this specific project
  • Run the tool in CI and do the same - if it can cache stuff then awesome

Linux support is a must, other platforms would be nice as well.

Basically I'm looking for Pythons' pip + virtualenv workflow, but for prebuilt tools like helm, terraform, sops, etc. Anyone know of anything? I've looked at homebrew (seems to want to install system-wide), and VSCode dev containers (doesn't solve the CI need, and I'd still need to solve installing the tools myself)

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