
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 days ago

and seeding seems to work for me.

You can only seed to people who have ports open. At least one side of the connection needs to be reachable.

It's people like me who keep ports available that are able to seed to you.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

This article is referencing new bills that will disenfranchise legitimately registered voters

No. This is what you stated. Instead of showing where any disenfranchisement would happen you quoted

Some Democrats contend the measures could create hurdles for legal voters

This is not evidence of any disenfranchisement is occurring Instead you're just wildly speculating that there's some random clear pattern of some sort that simply doesn't exist.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Some people believe the world is flat. That doesn't make the statement true. They provided no clear example of how any of it could be doing what they claim it would do. So that random statement starting with "some democrats"... is meaningless.

By changing the language from “all citizens”, it sets up opportunities to selectively disenfranchise those citizens who are able and registered to vote.

No it doesn't because the verbiage is "ONLY citizens" as the replacement. It's still VERY clear that citizens are to vote. What it clears up is any argument that non-citizens should also be allowed to vote.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

All of the legislation and proposals in this area come from Republicans trying to make it harder for non-citizens to vote.

Yes... Which they can't do anyway.

The ballot initiatives only clarifies and fixes verbiage to make it more clean. Nothing about this is actually making it any harder for legitimate citizens to vote.

I might even go another step and say that it’s an effort to delegitimize our elections by claiming fraud to pave the way for illegitimate power grabs (like Jan 6).

If you say so.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

This article is referencing new bills that will disenfranchise legitimately registered voters

Please quote where it says that. I see no such statement.

What’s on the ballot?

Republican-led legislatures in eight states have proposed constitutional amendments on their November ballots declaring that only citizens can vote.

Proposals in Iowa, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina and Wisconsin would replace existing constitutional provisions stating that “every” citizen or “all” citizens can vote with new wording saying “only” citizens can vote. Supporters contend the current wording does not necessarily bar noncitizens from voting.

In Idaho and Kentucky, the proposed amendments would explicitly state: “No person who is not a citizen of the United States” can vote. Similar wording won approval from Louisiana voters two years ago.

Voters in North Dakota, Colorado, Alabama, Florida and Ohio passed amendments between 2018 and 2022 restricting voting to “only” citizens.

What about changing verbiage to be clear is "Disenfranchise"?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Nothing disenfranchising about unlinking 2 completely different systems that really shouldn't have been linked to begin with. Licensing drivers and voting together automatically doesn't make sense if you're granting licenses to those who aren't eligible to vote...

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago (9 children)

If it happens so little that it doesn’t matter, then why relax the standard? It’s clearly working then. You spook people who think it could happen when you do that. There’s no positive to doing that. So why do it?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago (19 children)

You have a better chance of getting a clear picture of Bigfoot than you do of having a voter fraud incident in your jurisdiction.

Just because you don't see it. doesn't mean it's not there. It would be entirely possible that there is no enforcement... and thus no records of those events happening.

Just like "illegal" border crossings. Current numbers state "Nationwide Encounters" is the number that CBP publishes. That's not the number of border crossings. That's the number of people that law enforcement has encountered and handled. This clearly ignores those who weren't "encountered" but still made it over. Part of that "encountered" number would be things like, "how many border guards do we have to actually 'encounter' these people?" If you fired 100% of the border guard force. Well your "Nationwide Encounters" stats would also drop to near 0. That doesn't mean that there are no longer any border crossings.

Poll workers collecting votes on voting day have no way to validate if your voter registration is not valid. It's either you're on the list or not. And in a lot of jurisdictions, simply getting a driver's license is enough to get your name on that list, even if you aren't allowed to vote otherwise.

Let's make some safe presumptions. There are at least some non-zero amount of people who vote illegally (ignore if they're "illegal immigrants" or not, just in general). How is discarding their votes and pursuing those felony charges enforced? Is that effective? If the answer is "poll workers", how are they supposed to know who on their registers are not supposed to be there in states that do auto-registration? There is discussion to have here without even bringing up a singular specific source of fraud like this article does.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

You've forgotten about raid0...

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago

It's a laziness thing. Easier to just cut around "problems" then to actually get a good take in.


So there's a fantastic site called It's a bit incomplete from the dataset perspective, seems to be missing the "latest" releases (the 2022 Fantastics Beasts for example), and is limited to very particular "universes".

Is there an *arr that does this?

Automatically grab the items you have and populate playlists like "Stargate - Chronological", "Stargate - Airdate", etc...

And as items are added to your library that were missing in the "universe" it fills in the playlists. Playlistarr?

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