
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago

My primary domain is something that people have blacklisted because four letters happen to partially match a word that could be spammy (how ridiculous is that?), however the mail servers (the ones they keep blocking) are attached to my computer business name which I registered in 2006, so there's really no reason why they should block it for that reason.

[–] [email protected] 32 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Unfortunately that's not true. I've been running mail servers under my domain since around 2000, almost as long as Microsoft has been running Hotmail, and I was certainly following good standards like SPF and DKIM well before they considered such a thing... and yet Microsoft is the bane of my mail server's existence. Despite no compromises resulting in spam blasts, MS still regularly shuts me out with no reason given and no hits showing on their monitors. If I can find their email address to ask what the problem is, I get a generic "your domain has been cleared" sort of reply but never any reason why they blocked me in the first place.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 weeks ago

And people are trying to say that global warming is no big deal. OK, so these particular viruses don't pose a danger to us, but come on, it only takes one...

[–] [email protected] 23 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

TIL... I can get a literal ton of sugar for the cost of a month's groceries.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 month ago

I mean, Musk is so stupid that he probably doesn't even realize he's helping the Ukrainians.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (5 children)

Just an FYI, I had that happen to my driving glasses a couple years back. My optometrist said that's because you cannot leave glasses in a hot car as the heat destroys the coating... OK thanks for telling me AFTER the fact, where do you THINK I am keeping a pair of glasses that you designed specifically for my driving vision? And by the way, I've been wearing glasses for over 35 years and always had the anti-glare coating for night driving, what did you change that is suddenly making them self-destruct when they are stored where I need them???

Yeah they had no answers for me. But OP, if you left your glasses in your car, that's probably what happened to the coating.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 month ago

I just store all my passwords in robots.txt on my web server, makes it easy for me to access them anywhere I go...


[–] [email protected] -2 points 1 month ago

Oh I agree that some people are willing to stand up to their principals. Unfortunately the US is a two-party system, and nobody in either of those parties appear to have a spine against Israel. In any other reality I would be all for shaming Harris for being pretty much the same thing, but in our particular hellscape I have to at least give her credit for saying something that nobody else (of those two parties) running for President has done. It's a very small step, but it's still a step in the right direction. Hopefully we get a chance to allow her to move the line even further.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago (2 children)

We have her speech from March

Most discussions this week seem to indicate she won't deviate far from Biden's actions, although she is one of the few politicians who has so critically talked about Israel's genocide. Honestly I don't expect any politician to have the balls to speak too strongly against Israel, but even if she just stands firm on what she's said so far it would already be an improvement from current policy. However it's only been a couple days since the whole race changed, so I'm not sure she's released much of anything yet on what her position as Presidential candidate will be in any subject. Who knows, maybe nothing will change, or maybe we'll only see very slight changes.

My main issue for speaking out here is that OP and several others have been continuously posting articles to show the absolute worst of the Democratic candidates, while completely ignoring all the ways in which Trump has been the same or far worse. If you make a post that one candidate is bad for a list of reasons, without also pointing out that the other candidate is bad for doing exactly the same thing, then you are obviously just trolling for Trump and not trying to "provide unbiased information". What I'm trying to point out in my response above is that at least Harris has spoken against Israel and in favor of ending the genocide, while Trump's only statement on the issue has been that Israel needs to get in there and "finish the job".

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Here's a couple quick discussions about Harris's current position on Gaza:

And yep, a little more checking about refusing to meet with Netanyahu does actually come back to what happened this week. I thought I had seen something about a actual refusal earlier this Spring but I can't find it again so that was probably a mis-read on my part.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (9 children)

OK all those articles are 5+ years old, what have you got for current positions? Seems like Harris has been speaking out more often in support of Gaza and has even refused to meet with Netanyahu. Even back in March she was speaking critically of Israel.

Meanwhile Trump constantly waffles on the issue while refusing to actually make a choice. Of course he has a history of absolute support for Israel, and has told donors that if he's reelected he would completely crush all protests that support Palestinians.

So what exactly are you trying to do here? Point out that both candidates have shown support for Israel in the past? Call attention to Trump's continued recent support for Israel and stated position of stamping out domestic protests while taking away even more rights of US citizens? It seems pretty obvious to me that if you want anything at all to change around Gaza, there is only one candidate who has even shown compassion for their position this year.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago (1 children)

China might want to have a word...


I would love to have them light up like a scoreboard as each representative takes the floor, showing all of the commandments they have broken. If people want so badly to bring religion into politics then lets just show them exactly who they've been voting for. Maybe we can get the news networks in on this too, displaying it on the side of the screen similar to a sporting event.


Marjorie Taylor Greene, the bastion of factual information, has once again shown the nature of her character by claiming that peaceful protestors at the Capitol are in fact an "insurrection of terrorists". Don't you see all the violence and mayhem being caused in this video clip? No, me either...

If you want to make such bold comparisons, lets start out by checking how many people are running for their lives or the number of deaths involved between these two events. Or maybe we should be asking why MTG thought it was an "honor" to meet with the people responsible for murder and the attempt to destroy our democracy?


Your dreams and imagination evolved as a view into another universe. As with the current beliefs, you cannot decipher technical information -- no words in books, no details of how devices work, so even if you can describe things you see from another place, you could not reproduce a working version.

Now how do you convince others that the things your are seeing are really happening without being labeled insane? And how could you use this information to benefit yourself or others? Take a peek into the multiverse to see how other versions of yourself have solved these problems...


I have a self-hosted matrix-synapse server up and running on a Debian linux server, but before I open it up I want to at least get a captcha service in place to reduce spamming. The only module I've seen to handle this function appears to require setting up a Google recaptcha though, however I would prefer to keep all of this entirely self-contained for the privacy of my users. Can anyone recommend a module that allows for a local captcha option? For that matter, can anyone also recommend a captcha system that is pretty straightforward to set up (which is compatible with matrix-synapse) and uses basic preinstalled code bases like perl or python?

And while I'm here, I would also like to provide the option of registering with an email address, but I'm having trouble finding any clear how-to pages on this. Seems like that function might be built directly in to matrix-synapse but I'm just not finding anything helpful. Any suggestions?

I'm fairly new to matrix in general, but I have an initial setup running with the homeserver, Element web page, and an IRC bridge, so if I can just nail down the validation part of registrations I'll have what I think is a good starting point to launch from.


I was reading another article which discussed taking measurements of distance stars at 6-month intervals to create a 3D map of their relative positions and direction of movement. This got me to thinking... has anyone proposed 'dropping' stationary satellites outside of Earth's orbital path for continuous monitoring even when our planet is no longer in that spot? It seems like such an arrangement could provide constant monitoring of things that are happening on the far side of the sun, and they could each act as a relay to each other, bringing the signals back around where we could receive them.

It could be fascinating to be able to constantly monitor the path of know comets, or perhaps even to detect large meteors which are safely away from us now but might some day pose a threat. Studies like mapping star positions could rapidly expand with the availability of continuous data feeds, and I'm sure if such a tool were available scientists would come up with a host of new experiments to try.

A couple other things also come to mind. First off is radio telescopes, which can gather more sensitive data by having sensors further apart. Of course in this case they would only be able to peer in two directions unless you set up the array to rotate as a singular ring (which greatly increases the complexity). The other idea was that I know some phenomena are so large that it takes a huge array of telescopes or sensors to even detect them, and something this large could detect truly astounding low frequency events. Throw in some gravity detectors and watch as the waves propagate through our solar system.

I'm just thinking there's a lot of possibilities here and a lot more data could be collected if we could drop four or eight satellites along the way. I would assume the idea has been proposed before, I just didn't know if this is even feasible?

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