
joined 6 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (3 children)

Unfortunately that wouldn't work as this is information inside the PDF itself so it has nothing to do with the file hash (although that is one way to track.)

Now that this is known, It's not enough to remove metadata from the PDF itself. Each image inside a PDF, for example, can contain metadata. I say this because they're apparently starting a game of whack-a-mole because this won't stop here.

There are multiple ways of removing ALL metadata from a PDF, here are most of them.

It will be slow-ish and probably make the file larger, but if you're sharing a PDF that only you are supposed to have access to, it's worth it. MAT or exiftool should work.

Edit: as spoken about in another comment thread here, there is also pdf/image steganography as a technique they can use.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Yes it's a fact that obese people smell worse than fit people, so if it was a marathon runners convention and everyone actually bathed daily, I'm sure going without deodorant wouldn't be an issue. Too much fucking might be an issue if the majority of the women aren't on hormonal birth control.

But I think the issue with anime conventions isn't lack of deodorant, it's thinking a shower is something you take every 4-7 days, and 'eww don't touch your buttcrack to clean it, that's nasty!'

I may get flack from the twox crowd for this comment, but talking to my fiance was like talking to a guy when she got off hormonal birth control. Conversation is just... chill now.

That's probably the next big "oops, we fucked up bad the last 50 years, but men's birth control is hard!"

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Take it or leave it but my advice (sometimes I take it sometimes I'm a hypocrite) but tomorrow never comes. Fuck next month. There is no reason for you to wait to eat less sugar. If it's a matter of finances, get a head of romaine lettuce and some carrots and much away for a few days. Feel the sugar withdrawal as your body freaks out wondering what has changed and starts realigning those neurons. After a few days of that, a generic slice of sandwich bread will taste like cake. Use that wasted $30 of high sugar snacks and food as motivation to stop eating this poison. If it's purely a waste issue, find the first homeless person you see and give them a big bag of high sugar food. Even if its frozen meals they'll give them to their buddies and use the microwaves at a convenience store and eat like kings for day.

Honestly, a big part of this comment was me talking to myself, but not about sugar. But if it helps you, I'm happy.

[–] [email protected] 18 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (2 children)

I take testosterone which makes my sense of pheromone smell increase like crazy (not just sweat, I can go into a truck stop late at night and tell if someone was in there somewhere and peed and how hydrated they were, or if someone just had sex in the shower in there... or just an orgasm.)

Sometimes I'll walk into our own house bathroom half an hour after my fiance left for work and get an overwhelming woah, she's definitely on her period right now smell or conversely, "oh yeah, tonight could be a fun night."

Our oldest started showering in the mornings before school, and its become a subconscious game (I think, to him) of who can get in the shower first, because I do not want to smell his.. shower.. my entire shower.

Humans are capable of absolutely incredible senses when they're finely tuned. But our senses are so out of whack, literally, in so many different ways we barely have concepts or words for yet. We have known about, as one example, estrogen-raising chemicals being in plastics leeching directly into our bodies and soil and water and food supplies for over 30 years now (BPA), (when estrogen levels rise, testosterone levels lower, and vice versa. same is true for many core bodily systems). Then around 2010 they did a study that found some of these new lightly tested BPA-free alternative plastics released even more estrogen into the system than BPA did. How's that for a chucklefuck

Plastics, and then leaded gasoline, and then PFASs shortly after (or before) that.... well, when a molecule or series of molecules is found that greatly benefits civilization in some way, people will die. People will sit under oath in front of the supreme court swearing they had no idea how harmful their products were.

It's very unfortunate, because the species are being modified in so many unforseen ways. Not just humans. Alex Jones got meme'd so hard for the chemicals are turning the fuckin' frogs gay!

I'm not sure what I'm ranting about now. I'm just sad for our species and those species affected by us and unable to do anything about it. It's never as simple as it's ALL profits and follow the money! because we've been able to make so much progress as humans through the use of breakthrough technologies like PFASs and plastic. But, at what cost? Our current methodology is to let the major corporations sell these new breakthrough molecules far and wide, and then in 5 years or 5 decades we start to see mainstream scientific acceptance that "okay, it's really bad, we have to do something about this"...

Sure, though, it did some good in the meantime.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 4 months ago (1 children)

So you agree words are real and spelling matters?

I just find it odd such a basic blatant spelling mistake was made while this situation is unfolding and being astroturfed to hell.

You wouldn't think an astronomer would call themselves an astrologer by mistake -- much higher chance someone selling fake pretty glass to tourists would say their crystals are good for astronomy.

Since we're on the subject of spelling things out, I'm questioning the authenticity of the guy who spelled it hobbiest. He may have just made a spelling mistake, we all do it, but 1.) currently heavily astroturfed subject 2.) hobbyists use the word a lot.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 4 months ago (3 children)

You adipisci voluptas wut m8? Rerum omnis distinctio eos aliquid. Asperiores quis illo rem est. Rerum voluptatem ipsa assumenda eum eos est. Voluptas quaerat optio ab eos in eos. Error et et quidem consequatur saepe. Magnam ab et at velit voluptatem illum aliquam sapiente. Sapiente!!

[–] [email protected] 0 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (5 children)

As a grammar and language hobbyist, I'm interested in your spelling of hobbiest. Shouldn't such a word come up so often in your hobbyist communities that you know how to spell it by now?

Feels like someone living in Texas spelling it Texes.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 4 months ago

For me it's the high-horse holier than thou attitude most of them seem to carry in online conversations. I know a fee vegans and they are mostly fine in person after the first few months of radicalization, but I imagine they just suppress it in person to maintain the acquaintanceship and then bitch in their vegan echo chambers about how "my co-worker who knows I'm vegan had the audacity to order a hamburger and eat it in front of me knowing I'm vegan, does he know he's destroying the world with that Burger... AITA?"

If you're looking for scientific answers, good luck they, Inrhjnjbmost people stop worrying about micromanaging people after a few years of academia.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)


pfft gtfo of here we're gearing up for a war.


coming soon to an ISP near you

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm running the latest GrapheneOS with no VPN and yesterday it was failing and saying "if you're using one, try disconnecting from proxy/VPN" and today it's saying server not found. This happens regardless whether I click on Anonymous, or Anonymous (insecure).

Is anyone else having this issue? I have another phone without Graphene on the same network and it's working fine.

Edit: via @[email protected]

Rahul Patel:

Quick update:

  • We had to get new VPS for Aurora.
  • Server was up all night but due to change in location accounts were not able to generate auth sessions.
  • Working on it! We'll be back soon.

Happy Friday ❤️


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