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[–] [email protected] 18 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Well it comes down to 2 problems though.

First and most obvious hitting that critical mass... before you hit it, everything is hell, you are stuck with BS laws, and you can't do anything about it. Your vote is worthless.

In my town this november there was one ballot issue... in short, it was summarized as "put a million dollars towards schools, build a new school on an unused empty lot owned by the school system, build a new sports field for one of the schools). Digging deeper that would be paid for by a proporty tax that would cost... up to 100 a year for people making over 150k.

So... the whole town was plastered in "vote no" signs, when I went to the polling place a guy outside asked me to "strongly consider voting no". I was one of the 17% that voted yes.

So that basically tells me... demographically we need an insane change for the politics of this area to be less stupid, and that's before factoring in that not only does it involve a HUGE change to reach 51%... but realistically we need more like 65-70% to counteract the inevitable gerymandering that will happen if we ever get anywhere close. I will be staying here, and I'd be happy to encourage all my progressive friends to stay and/or move here. But when it comes down to it, I'd be shocked if there is a swing in the next 50 years, and I certainly wouldn't encourage anyone in a group that is likely to be directly oppressed to move here.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 10 months ago

Point is it's a stroke of a pen to change the priority... One president or one DEA switch away. The supreme court upheld Roe V Wade which was why it wasn't important to codify it into law... until it was.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 10 months ago

Well those aren't uniquely AI problems.

AI generated or human artwork created CP is also kind of debatable in terms of harm causing vs potential harm reduction. (IE the question is, does availability of fake CP in which no one is harmed in the making of it, lessen or raise the amount of actual offenders).

Misinformation, scams etc... all just as likely to happen via shops of cheap labor

The problems of AI that I believe this post is talking about, are the labor displacement issues, IE when AI gets good enough to outperform humans at tasks... how will the economy deal with unemployable people. Which is a specifically capitalism problem. IE the fact that work is based on supply/demand... and lowering the supply of work while keeping peoples demand of needing income... leads to people starving to death.

[–] [email protected] 104 points 10 months ago (15 children)

Sad how many people don't seem to get not persecuting people based on their race/religion/orientation, does not mean blindly protecting people who are doing terrible things.

Judge people not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. Which to be quite frank, Netanyahu's character does not appear very good.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 11 months ago

Falling for implies it matters to them. They've discovered the weaknesses in the system. The supreme court has goals to take on issues that can't be demonstrated to negatively effect anyone, so in order to get the cases and overturn law they need straw plaintifs to give cases.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 11 months ago

IMO set him up with some of the modern engines and tutorials... Godot 4, Unreal etc...

actually if you are looking for some stuff to have ready for him.

If he has access to youtube there's also lots of really good tutorials etc... out there. Heartbeast has some awesome ones for godot etc...

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago

Umm... pirating windows is your recomended solution?

Look don't get me wrong I could say it's if anything more cost effective for simply the dev's to say "OK anyone who has more than 1 hour of linux play time prior to this date qualifies for a refund".

Of which, most likely is a handful of people so easy work.

Screw privacy sensitivity that's a moot point. Installing windows isn't a minor tweak to a computer .First of all the suggested method is technically breaking the law. Secondly you are talking minimum adding in a windows partition, so an extra 50 GB storage on top of the amount the game takes. Comprimizes to the boot loader on the system, in which there's a high chance of messing up an existing install.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 1 year ago (1 children)

or more accurately users just have no grasp of what things come from. No shortage of times in tech support where I've heard things like "Yes I know the internet is down, I'm not trying to go to the internet I'm trying to go to facebook".

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

The "as moderate of a democrat as one can be and still have a chance of winning. That's the part that always drives me crazy and wonders what would happen if we ran say a full on AoC/Sanders democrat in some of those areas. IE they are working to appeal to the people that won't vote for them under any circumstance, a Manchin couldn't win because putting a D next to the name is an automatic loss for the majority of voters.

The key there IMO is the only way to win is to actually inspire the people that don't vote to come out. The people that are not even slightly impressed with the republicans. Maybe there aren't any there, or maybe there are tons that just haven't had a candidate to vote for.

Now as far as supporting the less crazy than MTG, honestly I don't see a good reason to. Would you rather a composed polite person vote to gut healthcare, or a total psycho that embarases everyone to vote to gut healthcare. At the end of the day her policies are the same as most moderate republicans, with the exception of getting on the news and saying the quiet parts of the plan on speaker. IMO if the seat is going to vote against anything we want, and for everything we don't want no matter what... then just ignore it and focus on winning seats that will. There's 434 other places to focus our attention on,

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

well in his defense, he's a narcisist. He most likely believes every succesful person breaks the law as much or more than he does. he just is the only one to get caught because he has a target on his head because everyone is jealous of him.

[–] [email protected] 25 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Agreed to me it also seems just dumb for pence. By not commiting treason he's made an enemy of trump, and therefore trump supporters for life. He should really just court the anti-trump republicans rather than continuing to try and win back the unrecoverable trump base.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago

Not neceserally but I think it has the same issue as say the google play store. IE roblox promotes the games do the best at extracting profit. There's lots of games that are well thought out that don't make much money. and they are burried somewhere on page 50+ hidden between a bunch of thrown together test projects etc...

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