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[–] [email protected] 5 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago)

At high concentrations, its still fucking awful for us. Easy to forget that the atmosphere is still only 21% Oxygen and 78% Nitrogen. Even setting aside the risks of fire and explosion at higher concentrations, this highly reactive substance degrades the nervous and musculature system.

You wouldn't want to wander around in a fully oxygenated environment for the same reason you wouldn't want to drive your car through a lake of gasoline.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

I would have to assume there's some ecological pressure they're either experiencing or shielded from. If they're under environmental pressure, they are either exceptionally developed to endure environmental changes or they're adapting to the environment in ways that don't reflect in their physiology. If they've just found a niche biome where the ecological conditions are fairly static, and they're well suited to the environment, what changes would you see other than some generic genetic drift?

[–] [email protected] 26 points 3 days ago (4 children)

Shein’s emissions are especially high because of its reliance on air shipping, said Sheng Lu, a professor of fashion and apparel studies at the University of Delaware. “AI has wide applications in the fashion industry. It’s not necessarily that AI is bad,” Lu said. “The problem is the essence of Shein’s particular business model.”

Other major brands ship items overseas in bulk, prefer ocean shipping for its lower cost, and have suppliers and warehouses in a large number of countries, which cuts down on the distances that items need to travel to consumers.

This seems to be the nut of it. Direct air shipping is a luxury service people will pay huge mark-ups to enjoy. So luxury designers are exploiting the heavily subsidized and polluting industry to marry the exploitative labor practices of captured populations with the aggressive sales and marketing afforded by our ~~global surveillance system~~ data-driven search business.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago

I've been at companies with generic PTO and companies with explicit sick leave which is considered additional to PTO.

The theory of sick leave is that people with serious or chronic illnesses need that additional time and shouldn't be compelled to come in at the expense of their long term well being. Also, if you've got the flu, don't show up and spread it around just have some extra days to get better.

If you want to get ideological about it, this is the nut of the whole "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need" thing the 19th century leftists were talking about. I do get the broader argument that we should just have more PTO generally speaking, shorter work days and work weeks, and more time for ourselves and our loved ones. But I think segregating out "sick leave" specifically for people who need additional time to recover form illness is generally better policy than handing someone a (often smaller and stingier) set of generic PTO and telling them to spend it on the worst days of their life.

[–] [email protected] 54 points 1 week ago

You wouldn't deprive an old man of his walking stick?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Try eating raw grain.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (3 children)

Well... if you want to get really into anthropology, there's an argument that outsourcing our digestion (via early agriculture) actually made us a lot weaker and dumber. It was social pressure (often explicit enslavement) that forced people into the agricultural lifestyle. But that a booming population powered by cheap, reliable agriculture allowed multitudes to outperform by volume what exceptionally smart and strong but scarce individuals achieved in small tribes.

More advanced forms of sterilization became necessary as populations hit certain critical levels of risk for pathogens and other hygiene problems. And so modern techniques, like vaccination and pasteurization, are really just extensions of this ten-thousand year trend towards urbanization that require health and safety precautions as a condition of our dense population centers.

This wasn't just biological evolution. Our ability to process, transmit, and record information made our species heavily dependent on these technological techniques and the passing down of the instructions to perform them. The health risks are now bound up in our ability to maintain a working, useful library of information and to perform the rituals necessary to keep our food and water sufficiently sterile.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 week ago (5 children)

It’s to start the break down of food.

That too. But killing parasites in meat and fish is another big benefit.

We evolved to outsource our digestion to cooking.

To a degree. But we also just died more often to infection and disease. Cooking reduced mortality rates, which spurred a larger population, whose members transmitted the knowledge of how and what to cook before eating.

[–] [email protected] 30 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (9 children)

Primitive forms of innoculation, antiseptic, and pasteurizing go back centuries if not millennia. The very idea of the small pox vaccine came out of the recognition that cow pox mitigated the risk of contagion. Milk maids were (unwittingly) vaccinating themselves for some time.

And pasteurization is just cooking your food. Hell, the whole reason primitive people started baking bread, roasting meat, and brewing beer came down to the benefits of sterilization.

These aren't even new ideas, per say. They're advances in technique, understanding of consequence, and means of distribution.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

I was shocked when i realized that people that talk bad about the hulkster are entirely justified.

He was a heel-turned-hero with a ton of extraordinarily positive media coverage following his heavy commercialization in the 80s. Can't say I'm shocked an 80s-era celebrity athlete turned out to be a bad guy, given the litany of 80s-era celebrity athletes that turned out to be awful, miserable people in hindsight.

he must be the single most vile person in wrestling buisness.-

He pales beside Vince McMahon himself.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago

even if he did say it, it was most likely “kayfabe” - a pro wrestling term for maintaining the story line outside of the ring.

Well, yes. That's a big part of what makes the quote easy to believe. It sounds like an adorably polite spin on the kind of teeth nashing promos common both then and now.

Snopes says they haven’t found evidence that this is something he actually said

I mean, I'm seeing it in black and white right there in OP's post. Snopes even suggests it may have come from a popular wrestling zine of the era, they just don't have access to the full catalog to confirm it.

Also TIL Jesse Ventura tried to unionize WWF and later learned in court that it was in fact Hogan who had ratted him out to their boss (Vince McMahon). (Or maybe this is all just higher-order kayfabe? 🤡)

If its kayfabe, its something Ventura has kept to well past its expiration date. He was outspoken on this incident long after he'd left the Minnesota governor's mansion.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

The thought that there are people out there who are so financially illiterate

Less illiterate than desperate. "Oh, you have a title to real estate? But you're very hungry? How about a trade?"


As the war in Gaza between Israel and Hamas has stretched into its 11th month, Israel has increased its military activity against what it terms suspected terrorism in the occupied West Bank, and violent settler attacks have surged at the same time.

Far-right ministers in Mr. Netanyahu’s government — particularly Bezalel Smotrich, the finance minister, and Itamar Ben-Gvir, the minister of national security, who are both West Bank settlers — have espoused divisive rhetoric and advanced policies to expand Israel’s hold on the territory.

The West Bank is home to about 2.7 million Palestinians and more than 500,000 settlers. Israel seized control of the territory from Jordan in 1967 during a war with three Arab states, and Israelis have since settled there with both tacit and explicit government approval. The international community largely considers settlements illegal, and many outposts also violate Israeli laws.

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, which tracks violent incidents in the West Bank, said in its latest update on Wednesday that Israeli settlers had carried out 25 attacks against Palestinians in the previous week. Since the Hamas-led attack on Israel on Oct. 7 that set off the war in Gaza, the agency has recorded around 1,250 attacks by Israeli settlers against Palestinians and their property.

“There has been an uptick in vigilante attacks by a minority of settlers,” David Makovsky, director of the Koret Project on Arab-Israel relations at the Washington Institute, said in an interview. “The West Bank is a tinderbox.”

Few attacks, however, have generated the kind of immediate reprobation from Israeli officials that followed the storming of Jit.


When men want women on this kind of basic animalistic, just life level, to reproduce. Right? So the most obvious way to distribute women is to give all the women to the strongest man. Right? So you get — reproduce from the strongest person. That's the way gorillas — many gorillas, silverbacks live. The one guy gets all the girls. And the problem with that is it sounds like a good idea, but it's unstable because, obviously, all the other guys finally get think to themselves, oh, I know what we'll do. We'll get together and we'll kill the main guy, the alpha guy, and we'll steal the woman. And that's why those governments are unstable. That's how you get Magna Carta where the aristocrats, the most powerful people, go to the king and say, we want power too. That is, kind of, the human way of acting out that gorilla system. Ultimately, other men want women.

When you have a democracy, the best system is monogamy. Right? One per customer. Everybody gets a woman. And it sounds like that means that weak people will be allowed to breed, but it turns out it's actually a pretty good system because it favors diversity. Because a lot of times, the smartest guy in the room and the strongest guy in the room are two entirely different people. So you want the strongest guy to reproduce, but you also want the smartest guy to reproduce, and that is how humanity advances. In fact, monogamy, one per customer, is a really good basis for a society. However, it goes against the gorilla code, and the gorilla code is written into our DNA.


Mayor London Breed said a “very aggressive” sweep of San Francisco homeless encampments will start in August, after a recent Supreme Court ruling cleared the path for widespread enforcement.

In June, the Supreme Court ruled that enforcing rules against homeless people for sleeping outside doesn’t violate the Eighth Amendment’s “cruel and unusual punishment” clause.

On Thursday, Breed celebrated the ruling and said the city plans to change its protocols and may begin issuing criminal penalties against homeless people.

“Thank goodness for the change in the Supreme Court decision,” Breed said at an election debate hosted by a local firefighter’s union. “Effective August, we are going to be very aggressive and assertive in moving encampments, which may even include criminal penalties.”


When Ronald Reagan was shot on 30 March 1981, his wound was not immediately noticed. It wasn’t until he started bleeding from the mouth that the car was diverted from the White House to the hospital. The story goes that upon arrival, the president said to the surgeons, ‘I just hope you’re Republicans.’ A doctor is said to have replied: ‘Today, Mr. President, we’re all Republicans.’


American politics has sunk so low into the cesspit of political despair, there will be a rare few who can’t bring themselves to say this. Rather than muster up the humour of Reagan, or the humanity of the doctors, they won’t hesitate to keep pouring petrol onto a nation already ablaze. Those takes won’t be received very well. If there is anything left tying America’s national fabric together, it’s that such instances of violence can’t be tolerated.


The over 900-page document, commissioned by the people expected to run another Trump White House, is a laundry list of the far-right's most politically toxic ideas, from banning abortion nationwide to mass firing federal officials who believe in protecting public health and safety. One would think that Trump and his allies would try to keep their sinister plans out of public view. Instead, Team Trump published their fascistic blueprint on a website for anyone to read,. They even proudly display the menacing "Project 2025" label on the front page.


On Sunday, actress Taraji P. Henson took a break during the BET Awards, which she was hosting, to speak out about Project 2025. "The Project 2025 plan is not a game. Look it up!" she told viewers. "I’m talking to all the mad people that don’t want to vote. You’re going to be mad about a lot of things if you don’t vote."

The clip went viral, amplified by other celebrities like Mark Ruffalo. So the MAGA forces swung into action on social media, accusing Henson and Ruffalo and other progressives of making it all up. "Is Project 2025 in the room with you?" a blue-checked user sneered under Ruffalo's tweet. These efforts at gaslighting people run against a real problem, however: The drafters of Project 2025 seek to promote their authoritarian playbook. Thus, a simple Google search generates a slew of explainers from various news organizations, with even more coming out rapidly, as a response to the rising number of people asking, "What's Project 2025?"

"We received a flood of reader inquiries asking if Project 2025 was a real effort," the fact-checking team at Snopes wrote in their lengthy explainer published Tuesday. Google Trends confirms that the number of searches for "project 2025" has grown dramatically in recent days.


A group of undecided Latino voters said they would vote for President Joe Biden after watching his Thursday night debate with former President Donald Trump.


A clip posted on X shows the group being interviewed by a journalist. One man said he would vote for Biden because "Trump sounded like a crazy liar," according to Matt A. Barreto, professor of Political Science and Chicana/o & Central American Studies at UCLA.

The man being interviewed said Trump "said the same thing time after time" and was not answering questions or "saying how he would fix things," according to a Newsweek translation.

He went on to admit that "Biden was indeed a bit slow in talking," saying the president "has a stutter" but believes Biden explained "what he has done and what he is still doing while president.

"After being undecided for a little while, I think today, I switched to Biden," he added.

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