
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 week ago

You asked, I answered. Thinking about what right wing weirdos and perverts might do when in power is absolutely part of why I care about my digital privacy.

[–] [email protected] 30 points 1 week ago (4 children)

Law enforcement used Facebook private messages to investigate and prosecute a woman for an "illegal abortion". This is not a hypothetical, this happened.

I care about my privacy because I don't want right-wing weirdos and perverts incarcerating me for controlling my own body.

There are more reasons. This is just the one most recently in the news as a glaring red flag real-life example.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

My youngest sister has never watched Sixth Sense so that's the plan the next time one of us visits the other.

I suspect even though she doesn't know the twist, it has invaded pop culture references and memes enough that she will figure it out early on in the movie. I remember even just knowing there was A Twist^TM was enough for me to spot what was coming much earlier on than the reveal. Really looking forward to seeing what she thinks of the movie from her Gen Z perspective.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Yeah, I would call that a "killer of the week" format. There is a new crime/murder every week. Sometimes there is a season-long story as well (Natasha Lyonne's character running away from the Vegas baddies) and sometimes it's just the killer of the week story. Murder, She Wrote is a good example of the latter; you can watch MSW episodes in pretty much any order, it doesn't matter because each episode is basically self-contained. Any story external to the killer of the week is just to service actors being replaced or setting Jessica Fletcher in different locations beyond her hometown so she can face a new killer of the week. MSW is a whodunnit and also a killer-of-the-week show.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago

It's been a while for me and I never did watch all of them, but no, I think Sherlock is a whodunnit, heavy on the drama, plus the twist of some narration from Watson's blog.

The first episode opens with several people seemingly taking a pill to commit suicide. But someone is making them do it somehow. We don't know who, we don't know why. Who did it? Whodunnit genre.

Where if it were a Howcatchem genre, the identity of the baddie is revealed up front and the episode is about how the detective figures it out and nails them. How did the detective catch them? Howcatchem.

Monk, if you ever saw that one, would sometimes do whodunnit episodes and sometimes howcatchem episodes.

[–] [email protected] 18 points 1 week ago (4 children)

The subgenre Columbo falls under is a "howcatchem" or an inverted detective story, as opposed to the more typical "whodunnit".

Just in case OP likes that setup and wants to keyword search for more. One I like and has a second season in works is Poker Face starring Natasha Lyonne.

[–] [email protected] 29 points 2 weeks ago

I don't claim expertise, but after living in four different coastal areas of three different bodies of water, I've not heard one. It's always just "6 hours to high tide" or something like that, they want to know time to high/low point so people can plan accordingly.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

Yes, mostly learned through endurance sports and multi-day backpacking trips that make it easier to sense during normal activity days. Hunger for sugars and salts is very different from hunger for protein.

I also know bodies are dirty liars. No amount of craving means my body needs another ice cream sandwich.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 2 weeks ago

I don't know how to answer "exotic". "Exotic" can easily slip into xenophobic territory.

Maybe I answer with a restaurant from a specific culture that I had never been exposed to before? In which case, Himalayan/Tibetan/Nepalese. I could eat momos every day. But I say that about every savory-wrapped-in-dough thing. Dumplings, empanadas, bierocks, meat pies, xian bing, piroshki, is there a culture that doesn't have some variation of that? And it's always good. If ever there is need for a flag to represent Humanity, it should be of a savory pie.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I don't like to analyze myself because I might not like what I see

^ Trump in an interview in 2014

I'm angry we're on a path to re-elect a piece of shit to lead my country, a person who knows he's a piece of shit but actively avoids thinking about it.

Also, I'm a woman. Segregating on gender for no damn reason also makes me angry.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Public library.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago

We have a work area with school desks for some reason, of the crappy right-handed variety. So I notice when colleagues awkwardly try to use the desks and they're left-hand dominant.

I have a friend who is left-handed and insists on shaking hands left-handed. She will stare down anyone until they offer their left hand or do a weird fingertip shake with their right. Anyone who manages to shake her left hand without looking like a goober, she excitedly welcomes to the left handed club.


Inspired by a post since deleted, I feel bad for probably coming off judgemental about the poster's taste in the movie that drove him to consider sailing.

The earliest desired media I can remember that drove me to figure out sailing was DC Talk, a Christian rock band. Pop music was not allowed in my house, so a Christian group was tantalizing and scandalous to a rebellious, young Vanth. Things escalated from there.

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