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[–] [email protected] 37 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (4 children)

it sounds like they consider a male seahorse a male because he produces sperm rather than eggs.

The female seahorse drops her eggs off into a male brood pouch, a little pocket the male seahorse has on the front of him that has a placenta in it, and then he fertilizes those eggs and carries the fetuses for a few weeks and then little seahorses flutter out when he gives birth.

there's a video. and it's a LOT of baby flutterhorses

[–] [email protected] 26 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

thanks, haha, I was checking the comments before I said "discworld"

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

you are making things up and pretending I said things I didn't.

I specifically disclaimed that crystals do not cure cancer and magnetic bracelets don't work, and then provided a couple incontrovertible proofs that electromagnetic fields("energy") affect physiological processes ("frequencies") to demonstrate the limited scientific understanding and allowance of the meme.

you are caught up on the simple existence of random, inanimate objects that do not have significant clinical effect on physiological processes and incorrectly extending those false analogies to the particular relevance of electromagnetic fields that do have clinical effect on physiological processes.

Your false assumption is that because dried turtle or rocks or Xboxes don't cure specific diseases(irrelevant and illogical examples that you fabricated and are arguing against all by yourself), energy does not affect frequencies(despite incontrovertible historical and current proof, that you admit to, that energy does affect frequencies).

The illogical and unscientific examples you are making up by yourself to have something to argue against?

Those are false.

Electromagnetic fields affecting physiological processes, specifically tissue regeneration in the referenced studies?

That is true, and proof that science is still discovering new uses for "energy", even though you and OP were unaware of those advancements.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

i dont know If there's any implication for that, but there is certainly a mental image.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

The meme is about how science won't discover that "energy" alters your "frequencies".

This premise has been proved wrong countless times throughout history leading up to today: photosynthesis, radiation poisoning, microwaves,radio waves, gravity, x-rays, ultrasound, infrasound....

Understand that list of discovered energies and frequencies that have changed the world is not exhaustive.

One of the recent examples of energies altering your frequency are NASA's studies of the clinically significant effects of tvemf, pulsed electromagnetic fields, influencing tissue regeneration, specifically neural tissue and cartilage documented in the studies linked above.

Your argument, and that of the OP, against all ongoing evidence to the contrary, is that you happen to be writing your comments at the absolute apex of historical and technological science, that your lay understanding of such science is sufficient, and all of the scientists who are telling you that you are wrong and new technology and scientific concepts are still being developed, studied, and experimented with constantly are incorrect.

You maintaining that because some inanimate objects do not alter physiological processes, "energy" cannot affect your "frequency" is an absurd illogic.

You are tossing a rock in the air and swearing that planes cannot exist because the rock falls to the ground while planes are flying over your head.

many people mistake the brief moments they are alive for the culmination of history, but this is a selfish and limited understanding of time and history and the next generation will prove you wrong.

Heck, the next Xbox console is going to prove you wrong.

technology marches forward, and so does the human understanding of science.

you should be less proud of your ignorance.

the few moments you are alive are less unique than you want them to be, and you know less than you think you do.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

why, indeed?

I'm not the op who made the assumption you're referring to, try asking them.

i assume they made their assumption for the sake of humor.

clearly a barn-burner.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago (5 children)

dogs have 8-10 nipples, and wookies are reportedly based on dogs, so it may be a safe bet to up your estimate!

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (9 children)

teats, because in the holiday special malla(chewie's wife) does not have pronounced breasts, implying wookie teats.

I'm glad we addressed this.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago

that's alright, the stuff before and after wasn't important either

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (4 children)

phew, good thing nobody made any of those claims.

what are you talking about?

NASA is very specifically studying and documenting clinically significant physiological effects of low-amplitude pulsed electromagnetic fields.

crystals and magnet bracelets don't emit electromagnetic fields at all, and NASA isn't claiming they do.

why are you replying to me with arguments against your own false assumptions?

neither my comments nor NASA's studies have anything to do with what you're talking about.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (6 children)

nope, this study specifically focuses on the neuronal regenerative effects of electromagnetic fields, not simple voltage:

"The present investigation details the development of model systems for growing two- and three-dimensional human neural progenitor cells within a culture medium facilitated by a time-varying electromagnetic field (TVEMF)."

The study is interesting and informative about fundamental biological effects of magnetism, for anyone who wants to read it.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (8 children)

The frequencies don't have to be new so much as understood.

NASA has concluded electromagnetic frequencies are actively healthy for humans, specifically promoting neural tissue regeneration, so try not to unilaterally dismiss everything crystal hippies say.

babies, bathwater, all that.

NASA's doing research right now with tvmf to develop cartilage regeneration as well.

throwing a magnet bracelet on isn't going to cure cancer, but magnetism has clinically significant effects on many basic physiological processes like the circadian rhythm and that's why it keeps being studied.


And there's no way to fix it short of flashing a new rom,as I understand. Just have to deal with the extra step now.

I was not impressed with this phone and they just keep making it less-user friendly.

I mean how the fuck are they justifying not letting you see which devices are connected to your hotspot?



A landmark case was won in 2021 ruling against the rights of a mining company to mine los cedros' cloud forest, a high altitude rainforest, because it would harm the biodiversity of the area.

All of the permits issued were canceled upon the ruling.

It's awesome.


Australia is about 200 times bigger, by landmass, 7.7 million to Taiwan's 36,000 square km


I always assumed credit scores were an integral and historic part of the American financial system.

They were not, they are very recent,most of your parents didn't have credit scores growing up, and as you can probably tell or at least intuit, it's mostly just a b******* scheme for those with capital to accrue more capital by invading your privacy.


I don't get it. Her music is sometimes catchy but otherwise unremarkable, from the songs I've heard. How does she break all these records and accumulate so much fame and wealth?

She's pretty, but a lot of singer songwriters are, especially those with makeup and costume people, a support staff.

Is there something else to her that people like?

I'm confused about what makes her so apparently unique or phenomenal.

Update: there are so many things that make swift unique or phenomenal.

I've received tons of great answers from people that have helped me understand, like piecing together a jigsaw puzzle, many factors that makes swift different and consequently more successful than her peers.

Clever lyrics, top-tier production, sharing autobiographical and emotional points in her life very directly, apparent honesty with few or no public blemishes, creating a community of fans through Easter eggs and house parties and unconventional, but always personal methods, an early start supported by wealthy parents, she keeps winning against abusers, and her music itself is popular and fun.

Those are just a few of the puzzle pieces contributed here, and a dive into this post is a pretty good explanation of many of the factors that must be contributing to her phenomenal success and recognition, that set her apart from other pop stars, even pop stars who were phenoms in their own right.

This is a very educational post, thank you to everyone who has contributed.


Just trying to figure out how to get this update going since it says it's been "downloading" for 3 days without an active status bar showing anything. Just a rollie circle piece of s***.

I've been using the internet all three days with a stable connection, what's going on?


I came across a post in a Michigan community that mentioned this, and i asked if it really happened because it seems so crazy that Republican collaborators would directly mail in fake documents saying Trump won states he lost and I hadn't even really heard about it.

But this is exactly what happened, as I found out today after looking for more corroborating sources:

Trump republicans in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Arizona, Wisconsin, Nevada, and New Mexico forged false elector certificates and actually mailed in those forged electoral certificates to the national archives, that were examined and found to be forgeries, with trump, Rudy Giuliani and John Eastman as the ring leaders calling hundreds of Republicans to ask them to directly commit election fraud and forgery.

Some of them said yes. A bunch of them said yes, actually.


All the news headlines and verdict said sexual abuse, which was kind of vague, but I just found out today that the judge clarified that this was a matter of legal definition and by the verdict of the trial and the case, trump has been found guilty of penetrative rape.


I'm looking up fan theories again and keep coming across the claim that John Carpenter in an interview has said the 2002 video game is canon to his 1982 movie, but out of literally dozens of references I have not come across a single link or article quoting John Carpenter yet.

Is there anyone obsessed with this game or the movie who knows what interview I'm talking about?

Thanks for your help

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