
joined 11 months ago
[–] [email protected] 8 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (1 children)

I think that's the biggest crime for a comedian - not being funny. He's just doing the same jokes over and over now, and it's being done by other comedians, too, so it's even more derivative.

[–] [email protected] 23 points 8 months ago

It also ignores the existence of black trans people.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 8 months ago

Exactly. The app developers were willing to make changes but they didn't give them nearly enough time to do it. They dropped the changes at the last-minute and then lied about what they and the developers said in their private conversations. Then they got mad at the Apollo dev for recording it to cover their ass. It's like getting mad at your partner when you cheated on them lol.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

That's not her saying she gave questions to both campaigns. That's her saying she contacted both campaigns for guidance. Even in there she denied giving debate questions, and that senior aide is saying he agreed that she probably didn't give any debate questions, and that her defense about giving both campaigns guidance is true, so the leak is probably mixing those two things up. You can tell because they say she probably didn't even know the debate questions, and he's agreeing. It's admirable of that guy, but with hindsight he was wrong.

It later turned out she lied and admitted she did do that. Your article is from before she admitted it, during the time she was denying it for while.

Also, Happy New Year! I won't be able to resume this debate much because I'll be switching instances in the new year to a bigger one. But I hope you and everyone reading this has a great 2024!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (1 children)

Why does every Israeli argument come down to "we were oppressed and killed en masse so we're allowed to oppress and kill en masse others"? That's not a defense. By your logic, black people in the US should be allowed to kill white people in the South and take everything below the Mason-Dixon.

As far as the Ottoman empire, Jews lived there before it fell in WWI. Including, (GASP), Palestinian Jews, which Lemmy doesn't even seem to realize existed. Or tall about the useless land that they purchased and transformed and THEN it became an issue with pre 48 conflict.

Lemmy does acknowledge this, you just ignore it. It actually doesn't help your argument at all. Jewish, Christians, and Muslim Arabs lived in peace in the area for centuries. That's a huge argument against the necessity of Israel as it's one Jewish ethnostate and a huge argument for a one-state solution, the one I prefer myself. And no one minded the land they purchased until they started buying it from the UN without consulting the local people who actually lived there. Israel always says it was legal, but ethically it's horrible. Imagine your landlord selling your stuff and land without consulting you after promising you he'd sell it to you soon if you rebel against your old landlord.

And if you think Britian betrayed the Palestians instead of COMPLETELY fucked the middle east hand in hand with Russia, France, and the US through incompetence, arrogance, and racism... then you've either not studied the subject or you're being intellectually disingenuous.

Ya, they did both, but that's unrelated. What's your point here? My point was that there's a reason Palestinians were angry at being promised their own state and then Britain and France giving huge portions to what would become Israel. It explains a lot of later actions that Israel doesn't like to give context for, like when they're attacked by surrounding nations (after all, that's where the Palestinian refugees end up running to and affecting). Not sure what your point was.

Pretending there's innocent parties here is an easy way to spot someone who doesn't know what the fuck their talking about or worse is being intentionally dishonest.

There's no completely innocent party. I mean, Hamas sucks. But the power dynamics make things more clear. All the power to change things lies in Israel, who has an actual government, state, military, advanced defense technology, etc and controls everything about the Palestinian territories.

I can easily roll off examples of settlers' crimes and pre Israeli settlers, but I'm aware of plenty of Arab ones too.

I'd bet you money they don't really compare. That'd like saying I can say plenty of times the Native Americans did horrible things to the white settlers to the US, but I can tell you 100% that one side was way worse than the other when you factor in scale of damage, power, and historical context.

If you really want to delve into history and issues arising, why are the Israel's arguably the first people's / first nation. Treated so differently worldwide than all other first nations? Hmm. LOL

Treated differently how? They get special treatment, I suppose, but I have a feeling that's not what you mean. They're condemned as much as other nations. Probably should be condemned more, up there with Russia, but they got the US backing them up. Other than that, they're brought up a lot because 1) people are more anti-colonialosm now than they used to be and 2) most of the English-speaking internet is from the US and it's allies who donate tons of money to Israel, so unlike other places of horror, a lot of the citizens who speak up can actually do something about it, and 3) I actually don't think people speak up enough. People have generally ignored the plight of Palestinians for decades, part of the reason they're so angry lol.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

It's not delusions, it's called acknowledging facts. Fact:the last election was decades ago. Fact: Most of the population is under 18. Fact: Most of the population didn't participate in that election. Fact: Hamas at the time was more moderate, or appeared to be, supported a two state solution and other more moderate policies. Fact: Most of the population didn't support Hamas until Israel started doing a genocide. These are all facts. The irony of warning of a slippery slope when you're ignoring all of these to defend an oppressive, genocidal, apartheid regime that's killing tens of thousands more civilians, including children, than Palestine is palpable. You're so stuck in your propaganda bubble you don't even realize it.

Everyone knows the solution. Stop oppressing and blockading the Palestinians. Adopt a one state or two solution, give them autonomy, the ability to control their own land, power, sky, sea, trash, water, imports, etc. Either with their own state, or combine all the land into one, give equal protections to all people in a strong constitution, give representation to everyone, setup reconciliation panels to help the nation move past the crimes done and establish a new start, make treaties, etc. It was done in the UK with the Irish and South Africa. Israel thinks their situation is so special and unique, but it's not. It's the same settler colonial situation as all the others, except with Jewish people, so because they went through the holocaust, I guess they get a pass on genocide.

And genocide is what it is, or they're dumb. Otherwise, what's the plan? They're just making more Hamas recruits by making all these orphans. You think they'll like Israel after 30,000 dead? They're either stupid or just plan on killing or displacing all the orphans, too, which is genocide. That's what I'm saying.

Even before now, it looks like the same process, what they've been doing for decades. It's the same as the natives in the US, which everyone would call a genocide, too, btw. It's the same playbook. First, lots of colonialism and taking of land. Next, say they're savage when they retaliate. Then, killing while moving them over bit by bit into smaller and farther pieces of land. Retaliate with huge violence when they try to fight back to kill off tons more and take more land. And their situation gets more desperate and they fight back more, retaliate harder, and repeat. It's like the Nazis saying that it's the only solution after the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising because they too dangerous to govern. No shit, stop oppressing them.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 8 months ago (2 children)

They don't continue to elect them to this day. They were elected one time, on a more moderate platform, and there hasn't been an election since. They actually had less than 50% support before the attack, but getting bombed to shit makes you support the only group that's willing to do something about them and fight back, do I get why they're popularity may have risen since then.

Incidentally, that's why bombing the crap out of civilians doesn't stop terrorist groups. All those offers Israel is making just turns into more terrorists. Either that, or they kill all the Palestinians, which is genocide.

No people would tolerate what the Israelis have done to the Palestinians since the start of their occupation. The rockets are their only means of defense,and even those don't do shit. Look at the numbers of dead from each side in every year. It's not even comparavle. Israel isn't defending themselves, they're perpetrating the humanitarian crisis by their treatment of human beings, and then complaining when those people are pushed to the brink and lash out. Then they use it an excuse to do more genocide: displace people, take their land, and kill more children. The US did the same thing to the Native Americans, it's the same playbook.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 8 months ago (3 children)

Actually the more people study the history of Israel, the worse it looks. When you start diving into the terrorist groups that drove the creation of Israel, that then were forgive for their war crimes, combined with their mainstream right party, and one even became prime minister; or Britain's betrayal of the Palestinians after they helped them fight the Ottoman Empire during the war, or the historical opinions of Jews who survived the holocaust talking about the terrible treatment of Palestinians even back in 1948, etc it doesn't look good.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago (2 children)

Do you have a source for that? I can't find one. I found plenty of sources saying she gave the questions to the Clinton campaign in advance, apologized for it, and then resigned. But none of them mention giving them to the Sanders campaign.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

A huge deal was made one gay guy was killed for being gay last year. Its doubtful they were killing thousands or people would've similarly noticed.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago (1 children)

And LGBTQ rights. But I would say it's true for any theocratic states, except for to its credit Isreal. It just happens to be that most of the ones in today's world are Muslim. The Christian Fascists of the US are trying to turn the US into a theocratic state as well, and when our laws are based on religion, it'll be terrible for LGBTQ, too.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago

Just because they're not out, doesn't mean they're not gay. Israel has 100% killed more LGBTQ Palestinians recently just from all their bombings.


False claims suggesting that the BBC has been misreporting temperatures in southern Europe have been spreading on social media.

A clip of Neil Oliver, a GB News presenter, accusing the BBC "and others" of "driving fear" by using "supposedly terrifying temperatures", has been viewed more than two million times.

For the past few weeks, an intense heatwave has been sweeping through parts of southern Europe and north Africa, with extensive wildfires breaking out in Greece, Italy and Algeria - leading to more than 40 deaths.

Speaking about the fires on Rhodes on GB News on Monday, Mr Oliver accused the BBC, and other broadcasters, of trying to "make people terrified of the weather".

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've used the megathread to make a super basic proof-of-concept for my own streaming setup, and I'm not sure where to prioritize upgrading first and in what way. Any help is appreciated!

Current setup: I got a subscription to a VPN, so I figure I'll use that until it runs out. I have that with my main PC (a laptop, I haven't been able to save for a proper gaming PC yet), a torrent client, and Plex. I tested it out with one TV show and one movie with the Plex app on my TCL Series 4 Roku TV and it seems to work! The video and audio quality work even better when I turn my VPN off and it can tell my server is "nearby", but whatever.

Possible Improvements I've Seen People Talk About: I figure I should split off some of these services from my main laptop. I don't really want to keep it on 24/7, and I should save the room on it for games and other projects. I'll put things I've seen people talk about below, but not sure what order to do stuff to make the best Netflix replacement.

  • I can buy another smaller machine or two I can use as a server. Not sure whether to put the torrent parts on it, so it can torrent while I'm at work and stuff, make it host the Plex server, or both. And even then, I'm not sure whether to use an NAS, raspberry pi, NUC, Nvidia Shield TV Pro, buy or find an old cheap laptop, a ThinkClient I saw another post suggest, etc. I need something super small and quiet because I am splitting a small place right now. Should I get 2? One to torrent things while I'm gone and one to host Plex, or can I put them on the same machine?

  • Or should I start improving other parts of the torrenting and streaming experience? I've seen people mention Sonarr, Radarr, and other applications that I haven't experimented with yet.

  • Or should I just port all of this into a seedbox hosted by someone else even though I have the VPN subscription for awhile longer? It would clear up some room but I'd hate to be tied to a subscription.

  • I know I'll also need to buy more storage soon to make it a viable library, too.

What do you all think should prioritize next?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

There are starting to become so many for Android and Apple, it would be nice to have a community on news and updates for them, comparing them, finding the right one, etc. This is in addition to the individual communities they should all have.

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