
joined 8 months ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 8 months ago

Yeah, I think it's important not to lose perspective here and let expectations slide just because Nvidia are being more awful right now. Make no mistake, value went out the window a long time ago and AMD are also fucking us, just a little less hard than their main competitor. Even adjusting for inflation, what used to get you the top of the line now gets you last-gen midrange.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

I agree that this happens to an extent but Digital Foundry in particular makes a point to take into account performance of the cards most used by regular people and are one of the biggest forces in that space pushing people to not just hit "ultra" and move on as you can see with their optimized settings series and the like, as well as getting the best out of older games as in their retro series. They like games that look good and play smoothly, of course, but I don't think it's fair to associate them with that kind of ULTRA MAX OR DIE attitude.

I think there's sometimes an overcorrection from the "gameplay over graphics" crowd. I've been part of that group before and get it, it's frustrating when from your perspective the industry is ignoring the parts of games that you care about the most. But it's a strange thing to pick on because at the end of the day pretty things that feel smooth to play are wonderful! That can be done on a toaster with beautiful pixel art / low poly 3D models, but it can also be done in dramatically different ways by pushing high end hardware to its limits. There's room for both and I adore both. Games are art like anything else and it'd be strange to tell people who appreciate going to a beautiful movie shot on particularly nice film on-location in expensive places just because it's still a good movie if you watch it on an old laptop with awful web compression or because an underground mumblecore film from 2003 is also great.

Graphics aren't all that matter to me but if the primary joy someone gets from gaming is seeing ultra-detailed and perfectly rendered scenes the best way they possibly can, good for them. Personally, I like getting good visuals when I can but my primary concern is always framerate, as particularly in first person games even 60fps often triggers my motion sickness and forces me to stick to short sessions. Ultimately I see the this whole debate as a relic of the past that only made sense when the only games the average person had access to were AAA/AA releases. Low-spec gaming is better than it has ever been, with the indie scene continuing to go strong like it has for the past 15+ years and an ever-expanding backlog of classics which now run on just about anything every year.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 8 months ago (4 children)

What launcher do you recommend? I've been using Flauncher as it's the only decent FOSS one I've found, but it's pretty barebones.

[–] [email protected] 88 points 8 months ago (2 children)

That's fine, just let the rest of us do the same.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago

You can still play Magic if you want to avoid Wizards, you can print proxies or (if you play online) use a foss client like Cockatrice. There are even tools to simulate drafts and such if you want some limits on what you can use.

The nice thing about card games is it's actually very easy to not give the companies behind them anything and treating them as folk games we all own.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (1 children)

I have mixed feelings about this whole thing. It's weird to me that Brave is a line too far for people when the scale of evil that Google and Microsoft has brought to the world is so much larger and Kagi was already sourcing from them, bothering no one who chose to use the service. Don't get me wrong, Brave sucks ass. I'm queer and homophobia is of course a very close issue to my heart, but I can't find any framing that makes Brave a bigger issue than fucking Microsoft. That said, I'd ideally like to see a response focused more on a pragmatic look at possible sources than a blanket "we won't get involved in politics."

I'd prefer a totally independent search engine ran entirely according to my principles if possible, but uh, have you used them? The search quality is horrific. I don't think I'll cancel yet, but the iffy response does put them on shakier ground.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

I didn't say it was a problem. When security and privacy come into conflict, they pick security. Myself, I don't care as much and I'm perfectly happy grabbing those apps through Aurora Store. My personal preferences don't completely line up with them in this case, but it's a principled position in its own way, and they don't stop me from doing it the way I prefer.

[–] [email protected] 43 points 8 months ago (7 children)

They only support Pixel hardware because it's currently the only line that meets their list of requirements. I'd guess that if something came around which beat the Pixel line, they'd support it...but I also don't see anyone positioned to do that right now.

Though it's worth mentioning that the developers don't emphasize degoogling all that much and their community often have a bit of tension with degooglers who come to join them. The OS certainly meets the needs of those of us getting away from Google but the developers have no problem recommending workflows that go through Google (albeit with regular app access rather than the privileged and deeply integrated access on stock Android) when they're more secure than the alternatives. For example, they'll regularly suggest using sandboxed Google Play over F-Droid or Aurora Store, again because of their stance of prioritizing security above all.

It can sometimes be a bit annoying when your priorities are more about avoiding corporate surveillance than protecting yourself from attackers or a snooping government, but their work ends up supporting both regardless.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 8 months ago

They absolutely are not The solution but even if a gargantuan government project to make America a public transport-first country started today (and god knows the political will is not there yet), people would need SOMETHING to use which isn't as directly awful as traditional ICE vehicles during the many years it would take to switch us over. I want to live in a nearly 0 car world as much as you do and absolutely support political causes which bring us closer to that, but figuring out what to drive on these awful roads we have everywhere is a question that we can't avoid answering.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Yeah, I've been looking into possibly getting an EV and apart from renting in a place without anywhere to charge making it a nonstarter, another problem is that a routine trip like to my parents' and back is like 250 miles with nowhere to charge. Giving a bit of wiggle room for degrading batteries, doing anything other than making a straight line for their house that day, and random other inefficiencies, only the 300+ mile models are doable, maybe. I don't know how much to tack on for winter range loss. And we have very modest needs for our region, most of my family makes trips that long or more at least once or twice a week.

I understand that it's probably frustrating for people who get by well enough with an EV to see people who live similar lifestyles to them overestimate what they need, but in much of America at least there's a lot of people who have to drive hours and hours to get anywhere. Our needs are very real, not the result of fear mongering.

For my part, I'm currently thinking we'll just get ourselves some used shit from the late 90s to avoid the privacy hellscape of new cars and do our part environmentally by just using it as little as possible.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 8 months ago

Maybe, but it's a silly battle to pick regardless. Decades ago, tons of things that are now everyday commonplace computing were widely considered the realm of AI and pursued by AI researchers. Playing chess well was true AI until we did it, and now it's nothing special. In reality, all "AI" has ever meant is doing something humanlike in a way that's still novel at the time you use the term, and that's fine. More precise terms still exist.

See the AI effect.

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