
joined 8 months ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 months ago

Fantastic. Time to deliver opnsense and/or pfsense to the masses. Or better, recycle a router with openwrt or similar

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago

When are we going to riot to have the same button to enter bios setup everywhere? For me personally grinds my gears every time I have a different machine, check the bios boot message like a hawk to get what key I need to press to enter setup (after a while you sort of know by vendor, but for me that should not even be a thing)

[–] [email protected] 0 points 5 months ago (1 children)

No kidding, denuvo made me stop buying games every time because I just detest it and what it stands for. Also, boggles resources way too much (and no, having a root kit is a no no for me). But more importantly, single player games with denuvo is the ultimate low.

[–] [email protected] 26 points 8 months ago (3 children)

For me was not grand parents but my dad was referring me ALL the time to other people that went to his workshop that I "know about computers" (almost is some sort of arcane knowledge). I remember once somebody approached me with the typical question:

  • Are you the one that "knows about computers"?
  • (cringing inside already) yes that's me
  • You know, I have this fridge that won't cool....

I just left even before he finished the sentence. My dad later that day asked me why I was rude to someone (I know it was this guy). I just told him "imagine you know about cars and somebody asks you fix their fridge". Didn't even need to say more.

So for some people in my place, " knowing about computers " means arcane knowledge with nearly everything with a digital screen on it.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago

I was reading about it and I actually like a lot this solution's principle. It reminds me a lot of puppet which I have seen before (for other kind of tasks) to orchestrate several computers. Big shame it works on windows though, since I have a server with docker on ubuntu server at this point and was not really looking forward to change that. But thanks for the suggestion, is for sure very interesting

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago

Nowadays I sort of do this with seafile. Select folders to sync, open the app every other time to resync stuff, carry on with your day. The only thing I wanted to take away if there is a better way to not have a massive hassle to reinstall everything in case something happens (and in case I forget to select a folder to sync also).

But your suggestion I think is very valid as well. At least for mint have a way to make a more automated installer or similar to get the stuff I use usually. Yet another rabbit hole to go into...

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

I checked a couple of times time shift, but it's a shame not even ftp is allowed as a backup destination.

As for restic, will give a check later

EDIT: just read about restic, and I think this can be the solution I was looking for. Docker image is available and all, so for me that is a big plus. Once I have the chance I will test drive it and see where it goes. Thanks!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago

Had to search for a while what even pxe boot is, but I believe I came around the suggestion. I like fogproject main idea, sounds like a way to deploy thin clients or similar. Not exactly what I am looking for,but it's good to know this exists. Thanks!


Hey there, I have a (very) small Ubuntu server and I was dabbling on the idea to do system backups (entire system, meaning, if the disk of the said pc fries, I can get another one, put the info from the backup on the new disk, works immediately afterwards). I have a couple of Linux mint machines and a windows one. I searched a lot out there and found several names, from rsync to Borg backup.But ultimately I don't really know if these solutions would fit my use case.

So the question is: is there a feasible way/service that can be self hosted to do backups of local machines, similar to an image backup? Or, if you believe there are better ways to do it, can you please mention it?

Thanks in advance