
joined 4 months ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago

Or thought the child was a small dog.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Yes, from holsters that require special training to simply remove the gun from.

Even if they weren't special holsters, try unsnapping a leather or ballistic snap with a dino toy.

It's just fake funny shit that gets distributed waaay too far because our species has lost all capability to think.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

Fact is, for it to work as a placebo, you need to believe it will work.

What's even wilder is you don't have to consciously believe it, you can unconsciously believe it and it will still work! Doctors will routinely prescribe placebos and be very open about the fact that it's just a placebo, that there is no chemical compound in the medication.

And yet, the act of taking a pill from a bottle seems to trigger something. Recent research has actually identified part of this mechanism in rat brains. There really is a part of the brain that can be tricked into releasing a set of chemicals that relieve pain, reduce inflammation and create better moods. Someday we might have a placebo pill that actually has medication in it. Wildly convoluted how the brain works.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

And here we thought it was bad trying to get a coherent message accepted on the left. Leftist infighting is legendary because the left has no idea how to dog whistle, which is a good thing. But the fact that there are 900,000 splinter groups with wildly different ideologies perfectly willing to fight tooth and nail to be the One True Leftism means the left knows infighting. Experts at it even. That's why leftist policy is so timid and careful usually.

The right has ridden long and hard on the basic fact that most of their base are too stupid to think hard enough about ideology that they could worry about having to make them all work together. You easily get anti-vax moms riding alongside armband-wearing nazis on the right, because they're both too dumb to realize that they're supporting each other.

But all that is finally starting to come to a head (hopefully) as the current Democrat contenders are talking actual policy, as in, things they will do on a legal, prescriptive, professional level to enact changes. The right has gotten away with not doing anything for a long time because the left became basically the opposition group instead of actual challengers.

So they have to put their actual desires on paper, AND get them universally accepted by everyone on the right. It all looks a little different in that light. Seeing abolishment of birth control right next to their desire to abolish Civil Rights is making them sweat. These are NOT universally held positions of people on the right.

And honestly, most on the right, even the most frothing zealots, they don't really want social disruption and rollbacks to the dark-ages. They are children. They are toddlers. They want to be heard and be recognized that they are angry, and they want to share that anger with the rest of their own little WWE Wrestlemania audience that lives in a fantasy world. That's all. They don't want to work on coalition building, they don't want to phone-bank, they don't want to have debates, they don't want policies signed into law that will change their comfortable lives.

These are people who really need to discover some kind of Dungeons and Dragons gaming system that appeals to their anger and stupid worldbuilding.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

Conservatives clearly don’t even understand words.

Which is wild because these are the same people who treat words like we found them in a fucking meteor crater and have to uphold the ancient definitions of gender, sex and relationships between people AT ALL COSTS.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 month ago (3 children)

I was raised by hoarders. I was the only one who ever did any cleaning. I was the only one in the house who knew how to operate the washing machines and vacuum cleaner at age 10. I made huge efforts sometimes to keep the place clean and organized, which turned into huge dramas as my parents used the new clean space as a reason to fight and be victims, until they would bring more shit in and leave it piled on top of the old shit.

To this day, if I could live in a blank, white box with nothing else at all, it would be heaven.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

My only real claim is that we don’t know shit.

This is partially true. But I want to stress partially.

We do have very robust models of climate, of exchange cycles, of how chemicals and atmospheres and heat and cold and life all interplay, if we didn't have these models we wouldn't be aware of the impending danger and we would be saying "wow this hot spell sure is lasting" so let's give science some credit here.

And that's MY only position and reason for pushback. There STILL can be things done to avert the worst-case models, it's going to be bad but it could also be a lot worse if no action is taken, and more likely than not, our species is going to slide through this one like Indiana Jones grabbing his hat behind the lowering stone block, but it's not going to be without a lot of suffering and sorrow and loss of life.

But if this science denial/doubting continues, we might not gain enough traction and momentum in our education and outreach efforts to ensure actions are taken to reduce the amount of harm coming. The harm coming is going to be worse than anything we have imagined in Humanity's long history, but we CAN get through it, we may even fix it if enough people can start working together. Maybe a few more degrees and people's discomfort will finally drive our species to avert course at the last second like we tend to do a lot.

But science denial has been an agent of chaos that has put us here to begin with. I don't like using science to predict the near future and then abandoning it when we need to make educated speculation on what can and cannot happen. If you truly believe that this trend is going to lead to iron boiling on Earth's surface, that's fine and you can believe that and it's not a hill worth a fight much less a death, I'm just telling you that's not what's going to happen. Life will survive us.

The "exponential" heating curve you're seeing on the graphs is a measurement of rates of change, NOT a measurement of maximum possible heat indexes or a prediction of long-term climate models, because Earth's climate is complicated, it tends to change itself over long periods of time.

The most extreme instance we can see in the fossil/geological record was the Permian Extinction, where Earth lost 96% of all life, this was due to the Earth basically disemboweling itself across what's now Russia and Siberia. This was a lake of fire that covered a sizable portion of Earth and gases and ash that plunged the Earth into a runaway greenhouse with deadly acid oceans and then eventually back to frozen snowball as the greenhouse gases began to stabilize (most greenhouse gases don't have geologically long lifespans unless some process is replenishing them like Venus's volcanic activity, even Carbon will eventually react or bond with things and over vast stretches of time be pulled back into the Earth from a variety of biological and abiotic processes.)

It's also speculated that life was already thriving while Earth was undergoing the Late Heavy Bombardment, a period of around a billion years where Earth was just getting pummeled by everything from space debris to small planetoids, this was the period of time that saw the formation of the landscape of the Moon, and Earth didn't look too different, with seas of molten lava and craters everywhere.

While sure it's possible for a runaway greenhouse to create sterilizing conditions, there is just no scenario where we can see that as an outcome from human activity based on what we know.

And speculation does have its limits, we're just all trying to be smart here and show we understand those limits. Just because there are gaps in our knowledge, we don't need to summon Russel's Teapot.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

We should leave AI to the realm of producing fringe/impossible porn, like it was meant for and like what everyone actually wants from it. All this "search engine" stuff is just cover like when you buy some non-lube products like groceries along with the tube of astroglide at 1:00 AM.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

Yah I'm so happy every major internet and tech company is deciding to deliberately power every system we use with random word salad generators, there's no chance will cause any problems.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (3 children)

So? What harm is it doing?

Best case: personal products become more available so kids who need something harmless can get it. Oh no, societal collapse.

Worst case: you're all right, it's a huge performative stunt meant to push some ideology, and you all are falling for it hook, line and sinker by getting outraged.

Either way, outrage here is dumb. People trying to make people question it are dumb. The fact that we have literally millions of public, gender-neutral bathrooms across the country that have vending machines that dispense condoms, tampons, mouthwash, cologne and other personal products, and nobody has said SHIT about those, should be all you need to understand that any negative engagement you're feeling here is a trick, a scam, a grift or manipulative tactic for some rich fucks to win an election.

I wonder what's more likely here... I wonder....

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Well, you are correct that Earth's nuclear weapons are literally a poofing fart compared to the energy we could potentially get from the sun, and we do have precedent for the sun creating extremely hostile conditions due to greenhouse gasses in one of our nearest neighbors, Venus.

But we need to examine what we're talking about here specifically. I am not a geophysicist so I don't have the numbers, but in order for your "concern" to have teeth you would need to show that there's anything we can do here and no or even in the next thousand years that could change the nature of Earth's atmosphere enough to replicate the kinds of conditions that created Venus's current conditions.

And not only that, you need to compare what we could possibly do, even intentionally, that would come remotely close to some of the other greenhouse heating events that we've experienced in the past, and we've had some real doozies. We've had Earth heat up to scorching conditions from the planet turning inside-out several times, we've had Earth become a giant ice-ball. We've had impacts in the distant past that make the Chicxulub impactor look like a bottle-rocket misfire. And still, Earth regained equilibrium enough to support life. Over the last 4.5 billion years or so it doesn't appear we've experienced anything that turned Earth's surface and subsurface hostile to all forms of life, so it's pretty safe to say that unless we start deliberately steering planetoids into our crust, which isn't out of the question knowing our warlike ways, we're probably not going to unintentionally create Venus-like conditions on Earth.

And of course we have to address the fact that we're not even sure if Venus is sterile, there are increasing signs of bacterial life in the atmosphere so it's quite possible that once life gets a foothold it may be incredibly hard to dislodge.

This isn't an argument against the serious threat that we pose to the ecosystem, or to say that we're not in extreme danger of ruining the current biosphere of the planet, we are in fact in the middle of a human-made mass-extinction. It's not good. Our worst-case scenario sees a planet completely devoid of ice, no clouds, an atmosphere that consists of a hot haze that heat can't escape from for thousands of years and an ecosystem collapse killing off most land animals. But it won't be the end of life. Just another setback.

This is important to make clear because truth is important, speculation is not helpful when it points out unlikely extremes, it gives ammunition to deniers when you proclaim factually improbable extremes. Things are absolutely going to get bad, but there's no reason at all to hype it to an extreme or you shoot yourself and your cause in the face.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago (5 children)
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