
joined 1 year ago

Tldr: my wife and I get into verbal fights quite often (once a month or so) I get over it in an hour and it takes her days. Both of us think that the other's timeline isn't normal. What's typical/normal?

I'm ADHD (my current therapist thinks it's AuDHD) so I'm prone to emotional deregulation and pretty crazy mood swings. I'm pretty sure my parents are somehow ND as well so I don't have the best basis. My wife is also ND, but it's audio processing not emotionally related

My wife and I get into fights and arguments sometimes over petty stuff. I feel I hear her out but it's difficult for her to listen to me straight through as I tend to take a while to get to my point. She interrupts me a lot with either snide comments or questions that if she just waited a sec I'd answer. This leads me to getting frustrated and raising my voice and yelling, which gets her pissed off and raises her voice and suddenly we're in a shouting match.

Eventually one of us gives up or realizes they're wrong and we end the fight and go to our separate (safe) areas.

After about an hour I feel I'm back to normal and can talk about other things. (We usually have something we need to do with our kids or work or the house that we need to communicate on).

My wife feels it takes her a day or two to come down from a fight so shes very short with me until that time, where I feel I can talk after an hour or so.... She feels that it's not normal to change in that short of time.

What do people think?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago

Yeah. But she wanted to carry a really small purse that wouldn't be able to hold the foldable :(

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago (3 children)

After an impromptu upscale bar/lounge crawl with the wifey the other day.....

A shoe that can easily go back and forth from high heel/wedge to comfortable flats w/o much, if any, tooling or carrying around extra parts. She also brought a clutch purse

Wifey was dead the next day from foot pain of walking between places.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Question. If a group of people raped and kidnapped almost all the women in your family and the family of all your friends in front of you and killed or kidnapped almost all the men. Leaving you as one of the few people left. Would you kill an innocent child to get to the people who did and planned this if it was the only way, or just say, "oh well! Guess they can get away with it, I didn't want to be a monster...."?


Having issues gathering vyvance, which is slightly working for me. A friend suggested that she has friends who can help get some from Brazil, where the DEA isn't down everyone's throat. Just curious about people's experiences

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

It is a religious practice for Jews ... I completely agree with your point of it being a "health fad" for non-jews though.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 7 months ago (2 children)

More popular, more commercially successful, and more accessible to casual fans. Agreed.

But for magnum opus, I gotta agree with the wall for a few reasons

  1. They made a movie out of it
  2. The ode to the intense para social relationships that revolve around stardom and how a truly crazy creative can take advantage of it in scary ways was not only true back then, but predictive of how much worse it would get in current time.
  3. DSotM always seemed like a lot of good ideas in an unordered list. I felt like they could be scrambled and the album would be similar, except for the first and last songs.. Meanwhile the wall tells a story of pain, alienation, search for meaning, lashing out, and then a quest for self-forgiveness.
[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago

Hah! I thought that was my work VPN when I first saw it. Not sure how much I like that it's actually the site



I have three situations, all would be very helpful if I could manually update the mappings of individual files or albums. If this is the wrong sub/community, can you point me in the right directions?

  1. I have an album that i accidentally mapped to the wrong artist/album combination and now it won't let me change it because I also tagged it, even renaming doesn't help.
  2. I have an album where the 1st and 6th song switched during the mapping/renaming/tagging process and now, even if I rename the files and retag them manually using id3, both lidarr and plex think they're the wrong track
  3. I have an album that's not only a standalone album, but also a disc in a box set, I'd rather have it as part of the box set, but can't figure out how to unmap/remap the album to move it to under the box set, when I have the rest of the box set already set up properly

Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Yeah .... I wasn't sure when I wrote it and didn't think it'd matter tbh

[–] [email protected] 4 points 9 months ago

Not only for iPhone, but for Mac as well. It's easy to install bsd on a machine when you have access to the best hw engineers and documenters on the planet.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 9 months ago

Thank you, exactly

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago

Seamless integration has been around since the first real-time chatrooms though. Again, just making a better UI

For phone calls that's just VoIP which was around waaaaayyy before the iPhone, Skype was doing something similar in the consumer geek market in 2004/5. They just brought it to the big consumer market, and again, made it 1000x easier to do.

[–] [email protected] 87 points 9 months ago (33 children)

There's an old saying in computing. "you improve usability by taking away options and features" apple didn't necessarily invent this mindset. But they perfected it.

They took BSD, a security focused, but not very user friendly, offshoot of Linux/unix and made it "popular" by adding several layers of polish and doing a lot of the configuration work for you and made it osx. This was a time when Linux usability/management on the personal/newbie scale was garbage. If you wanted to install a certain distro of *nix, you better make sure you have supporting hardware and the right up to date tutorial, which is managed by an unknown volunteer, which was usually some person bored on the weekend a few months ago and never updated, they've made *nix installation and management a lot better though recently.

They also did this with music. People used to have large collections of unorganized mp3s in the early 00s, unless you were really anal and had a lot of time in your hands, because you were likely downloading them from several different illegal places, and legally buying mp3s were all over the place. You could buy the album off this weird obscure website that you didn't want to trust with your CC information, because there were a lot of mom and pop music stores online. Then apple brought out iTunes and allowed both buying and managing (and eventually upgrading, traveling around with) music to be dead simple.

For smartphones, they stole a LOT from BlackBerry, but they took it to the next level. Blackberry had email, a private messaging network, and mobile web scrolling waayyyy before anyone. And so many people loved it so much that even Obama famously didn't want to give his up when he took office. Then apple came out with the iPhone, and blew it away with a bigger screen and again, a lot more polish.

Innovation happens in small steps over years. Apple didn't invent mobile phones, smart phones, tablets, or computing, they didn't invent security, encrypted audio/video calls, or music management. They've done a lot of crappy stuff, and they charge super high amounts of money for less than state of the art hardware. Their innovation could be summed up by this profound statement I remember a friend said to me once around 2003/4.

"Osx, because making Linux pretty was easier than fixing Windows"

[–] [email protected] 10 points 9 months ago

(looks around)

(To neighbor) psst who's gonna tell this guy that unbreakable not only got a sequel. It's start of a trilogy.

(Neighbor to me) I think he's being sarcastic....

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Whenever there's a storyline with quark, they talk about money/latinum.

I remember in one of the next gen episodes that there was discussion about money and Picard said something about how they've moved away from money.

So do Starfleet get paid now?

Update: thank you for the quick responses. From what I'm gathering the tldr is that the following is the answer

  • Ferengi love for money/not being a post scarcity society by design
  • Bajorans being so near their slavery times and not post scarcity yet
  • Quark creating an atmosphere of camaraderie/gambling/upgraded replicators/actual food

All this requires some form of currency.

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