
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

And also probably some chunk of those views are from bots or otherwise not real trying to boost engagement metrics and game the algorithm

[–] [email protected] 23 points 1 week ago

That explains why in the movie Predator, you can hear the crunch of Doritos right before it attacks.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago

A more accurate and detailed explanation is available by running man hier

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago

Fun fact: you get more accurate info by simply running man hier

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

It's entirely possible to use, enjoy, and benefit from Linux while also using proprietary software. Your attitude only hurts the reputation and adoption of Linux by perpetuating the notion that you're either all-in or else you're out. Your idea of "Linux the lifestyle" is a fantasy.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

In other words, RTFM

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

None of this is a likely threat, but is any of it completely outside the realm of feasibility?

Yes. It's well beyond being worth considering. You're describing a massive conspiracy where hundreds of people from multiple countries' governments as well as private corporations would all need to work together without any information leakage. All this to entrap some Canadian programmer who tried to torrent season 2 of a TV show aired in 1990. If any of this was worth doing, it would have been done by now, yet we hear of nothing like this ever happening.

I've gone my entire adult life downloading copyrighted material without using a VPN and it's never caused me any problem. My contract with my ISP confers me a level of trust that I'm perfectly comfortable with. I'm familiar with the Canadian law around this stuff, and how it's been interpreted by the courts in the past. I am under no threat of financial damages being pursued against me. My ISP has no incentive to log my online activity or report it to foreign authorities. And even if they did, the Canadian courts limit the pursuable damages to four figures; barely enough to pay for the lawyer that would file the suit.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (3 children)

That level of paranoia is a waste of energy. I know that what I'm doing works just fine. Why would some Hollywood studio plant CSAM in a torrent? That would implicate them as well. It makes zero sense. They have better things to do than entrap some nobody in a country whose laws don't favour them seeking any damages. It would cost them far more in legal fees to come after me than to just leave it alone. The notices they send out are entirely automated and exist primarily as a scare tactic.

If you're willing to be curious and open minded about things beyond your limited perception and experience, rather than be a know-it-all, I'd be happy to share with you an example email that I recieved recently. I think the language they use is quite interesting.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago (5 children)

The law in Canada limits the ISP's risk exposure and the pursuable damages of the rightsholder. Also it definitely would cost them if they told me "we have not responded to this notice from the rightsholder" and then turned around and did exactly that. That would be a flat out lie to their client. I'd have grounds to sue in a situation like that.

Also, I've been doing this for almost a decade and never had any problems. Maybe you shouldn't assume that your situation is everyone's situation.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago (7 children)

Your ISP has the same access to your data, but they also have a payment account linked to you, and they regularly cooperate with rights holders and law enforcement.

This varies widely by ISP and jurisdiction. I never use a VPN and my ISP doesn't give a fuck what I download. They forward me the scary letters from the rights holders but they always preface it with "don't worry, we ain't no snitch"

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

That's just my parents' backyard


I thought something was causing people to double post more recently, but after testing voting on some examples, I'm pretty sure posts are getting duplicated by the app.


I live in Canada. My girlfriend is Chinese (also living in Canada), and while we are able to communicate via SMS, her mobile carrier isn't the best, and so there have often been issues for us with regular texting. She expressed a strong preference to use WeChat, at least as a backup option for when texting fails us. While I have some pretty significant reservations, it's not the hill I want to die on. So my question is: what can be done to use WeChat without compromising my whole phone? I'm okay with it if our conversations aren't private, but I'd like to know that I'm not giving unfettered access to all of my phone's systems and data to the CCP. What can be done to limit the reach of this ubiquitous app on my device?


I live in Canada. My girlfriend is Chinese (also living in Canada), and while we are able to communicate via SMS, her mobile carrier isn't the best, and so there have often been issues for us with regular texting. She expressed a strong preference to use WeChat, at least as a backup option for when texting fails us. While I have some pretty significant reservations, it's not the hill I want to die on. So my question is: what can be done to use WeChat without compromising my whole phone? I'm okay with it if our conversations aren't private, but I'd like to know that I'm not giving unfettered access to all of my phone's systems and data to the CCP. What can be done to limit the reach of this ubiquitous app on my device?


Back in my days on Reddit, my favourite feature was the ability to hide individual posts if I had downvoted them. It made it easy to hide things which I didn't want to see or felt shouldn't be seen


Seriously this was very surprising. I've been experimenting with GrayJay since it was announced and I largely think it's a pretty sweet app. I know there are concerns over how it isn't "true open source" but it's a hell of a lot more open than ReVanced. Plus, I like the general design and philosophy of the app.

I updated the YouTube backend recently and to my surprise and delight they had added support for SponsorBlock. However, when I went to enable it, it warned me "turning this on harms creators" and made me click a box before I could continue.

Bruh, you're literally an ad-blocking YouTube frontend. What kind of mental gymnastics does it take to be facilitating ad-blocking and then at the same time shame the end-user for using an extension which simply automates seeking ahead in videos. Are you seriously gonna tell me that even without Sponsorblock, if I skip ahead past the sponsored ad read in a video, that I'm "harming the creator"?


I assume that of course we are posting the iconic Lower Decks character who is Peanuthamper's father.


I just wanted to say: if you were to take every piece of software I've ever used in my 28 years on this earth, and you added up the cumulative amount of time I spent using each of them, RiF would be the winner. And it isn't even close. And I now feel like I always took it for granted. It was always there, in the top left corner of my home screen across multiple phones and for over a decade. The software you wrote has had a greater impact on my life than any other software ever has. My only regret is that I only paid you for it the one time.

Thank you.


Looking for content like Reddit's rarepuppers, zoomies, dogberg, tippytaps, animalsbeingderps, whatswrongwithyourdog, etc.

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