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The original was posted on /r/nosleep by /u/HeadOfSpectre on 2024-09-18 05:36:18+00:00.

I’d be lying if I said that breaking up with Harmony felt liberating in any sense of the word. It didn’t.

It felt like putting a two week old puppy down with a shotgun behind a woodshed, while looking it straight in its adorable little puppy eyes as it asked you: ‘Why are you doing this to me, Mark?

But breaking up was the best thing to do for both of us. There’s no easy way to say this, but Harmony needed therapy, not a boyfriend.

Harmony had attachment issues. Dear God, did she have attachment issues… Her mother had died of an overdose when she was a kid, and her Dad had been a deadbeat who’d taken off the first chance he’d gotten, so she’d been punted from foster home to foster home like an unwanted hot potato. As a result, when she latched on to someone, she latched on.

She used to text me constantly, and if I didn’t reply every ten minutes, she’d confront me about it. Sometimes, those little confrontations would escalate into full out arguments… and after a while, ‘sometimes’ became often enough that I stopped bothering with arguing back.

See - you can support someone as much as humanly possible, but there’s only so much one person can do to prop up another’s mental health. No matter how badly I wanted to help her, there was never going to be any way for me to help her work through her literal mountain of personal issues, and my continued failure to do so just poisoned our already toxic relationship even further. And not to sound too salty about everything… but I was pretty sure that on some level, she didn’t want to work through those issues.

What she wanted was someone to just deal with it for her. And so every few nights, she’d sob and ramble about how everyone in her life had abandoned her, how no one ever truly cared about her, how all she wanted was to be loved. But she never really considered what she could be doing to fix her own problems. She never seemed to stop and think about what she could be doing differently. It was everyone else’s fault, never hers and if only someone would come along and be different, if only someone would come along and fix it all for her, everything would be fine.

Some nights, I was that guy.

Some nights I was just another asshole who was inevitably going to abandon her too.

Still, I tried to prove her wrong… God, did I ever try. But she’d already decided that I was going to leave her right after we started dating and while it took three years, that self fulfilling prophecy ultimately came true. I couldn’t deal with her anymore… the constant emotional meltdowns, the constant need for validation, and constant shifts in her mood. One minute, she could be fine, and cuddly and everything would be great. Then I’d say the wrong thing. Mention a TV show or a comic she didn’t like. Spend too much time with a friend who wasn’t her, and then she’d go off on me.

I couldn’t keep doing it. I couldn’t deal with getting yelled at for not spending enough time with her because I was the only one in the house with a regular job, since she refused to go out and get one herself. I couldn’t deal with her anymore.

So I ended it.

At first she cried, bawling her eyes out. Then she got angry, screaming at me, throwing things at me, calling me every single derogatory name in the book. And then, after I’d left to sleep on a friend's couch, came the apologies. She begged for another chance, she begged for me to come back, she sent me nudes, trying to lure me back with the promise of sex.

Then the cycle started again… until the length between the messages she sent slowly got longer, and longer, and longer as she began to accept the reality that we were finally over. Like I said… I hated doing it to her. It felt like… like drowning my best friend, watching her struggle and fight to save a relationship that I knew had to end.

I realise that to an outsider, she probably does sound legitimately insane. Most people would probably wonder why I even dealt with her for so long… but our relationship wasn’t all bad. We had some good times too. The thing is, with relationships like this, it’s hard to just accept all of the problems. You make excuses.

You downplay them. You focus on the good and every time you get yelled at for being the bad guy, you just take it because even if you know it’s all bullshit on some level, you don’t want to invalidate the other person's feelings because that’s what all those bad people who left them did, and you don’t want to be one of them! You’re supposed to be different! You need to be different.

You know they’ve got problems but you don’t want to admit it. You don’t want to abandon them like everyone else. You want to be the one who stays with them until the end… in every sense, it’s a hell of your own creation.

In between the arguments and the emotional instability, Harmony could be sweet, she could be sincere, she could be full of passion. She could be a good listener, when I needed to vent. She was genuinely funny! And she loved me… she loved me so much that I knew she felt it in every bone in her body.

She loved me. And I loved her back.

I wanted to help her.

I wanted to help fix her messed up life.

I wanted to be her other half.

I really, truly did,

I just couldn’t… and accepting that was the best thing I could’ve done for either of us.


Maybe it was a mistake, but I did stay in touch with Harmony after the breakup. More accurately, she stayed in touch with me and when she finally accepted that she and I were through, then I started responding to her. Mostly, we’d talk about old TV shows we both used to enjoy together, and sometimes she’d give me updates on how she was finally getting her shit together.

I suspect she mostly did that to try and gauge how interested I’d be in getting back together and I’d be lying if I said that I hadn’t entertained the thought. I wasn’t planning on actually doing it… not anytime soon, at least. But I had considered it. Maybe if she was getting the help she needed, the therapy, the medication, the socialisation, things would be different.


Either way - it was still nice to see her finally starting to take care of herself. Not only had she started therapy, but she’d also taken up hiking to help her get out of the house. Thanks to the hiking, she’d put on a few pounds of muscle since the breakup. She’d always been scrawny (thanks in no small part to a history of eating disorders), but now she looked good!

If you’d shown me the last selfie she sent to me back when we’d still been dating, I would’ve thought it was someone else entirely! Her skin was less pale than it had been, the dark circles under her eyes had started to fade and her long, messy dark hair looked like it had finally encountered a hairbrush!

In the picture, she was standing at the edge of a cliffside, overlooking a dense forest. She had a wide, beaming smile that I’d never seen on her face before, and the message that accompanied the text read:

5 KM! New personal best!”

The Harmony I’d known would never have taken a five kilometre hike! Hell, the Harmony I’d known barely changed out of the tank tops and shorts she slept in, but here she was dressed to be out in public! She’d been working full time as a graphic designer! She was doing fantastic!

“Badass!” I’d texted back.

“Thanks! The hike back was actually a little harder, wandered off the trail and got a little lost for a bit there!”

“Oh shit, you okay?”

“Yeah! I’m fine! I’m back in my car!”

Well at least she was safe.

“Gotta say it did spook me a little, though! At one point, I actually think I heard something moving through the trees.”

“Oh shit? You see what it was?”

“I don’t think so? Probably just squirrel or a deer. Didn’t get a good look at it. It probably heard me and ran off.”

At least she seemed upbeat about it… and it really didn’t seem like she’d ever been in any real danger.

“Busy tonight? Wanna grab a bite?”

Her next text didn’t really surprise me. She asked to see me every now and then. I usually turned her down… I wasn’t entirely ready to go back to seeing her in person again. I still needed my space.

“Sorry, I’ve got work.”

“Boo. Another night, then?”

“Yeah, I’ll let you know.”

We’d had that little conversation almost a thousand times before. It wasn’t entirely a lie. I did still have some work I needed to finish up that night, but I knew I wasn’t really going to be that late.

“Yeah! It’s been so long, I really want to see you again! <3”

That message… admittedly almost made me rethink choosing not to see her again. I kept thinking about the good times we’d had together, the best parts of our relationship… and thinking back on those made it easy to forget just how dysfunctional we’d been. Still, my bigger head prevailed and I gave her a polite but dismissive reply, before moving on with my day.


She’d messaged me again the next day, late in the morning. Around 10:30. It was a little odd, up until yesterday I hadn’t been hearing from her as much… although I wasn’t that put off by hearing from her again.

That said, the message she’d sent was… concerning.

“Hey! You sleep okay last night?”

She usually didn’t send messages like that. It seemed… oddly personal? At first, I kinda wondered if maybe she was just trying to endear herself to me or something, but that seemed unlike her. She’d never even sent me messages like that when we’d been dating. Still, I responded....

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The original was posted on /r/nosleep by /u/EclosionK2 on 2024-09-18 00:35:09+00:00.

Previously, my girlfriend Aiko and I had rescued a missing child. 

You might think I deserved to feel like a hero, that I might be filled with pride or honor. But instead my chest tightened with a damp, foreboding heaviness.

The kid did not look right. His eyes were permanently open, and his lips were frozen in a sinister smile. I know it might’ve been some crazy symptom of paralysis, but seeing the boy like that just felt so off.

Aiko was worried about him too, so she joined his late night ambulance ride to keep an eye on his breathing.

That night I walked back to my accommodations at Aiko’s aunt’s cottage, and I wished the story would just wrap up there. Just a nice: We were Heroes! End of Adventure!

But it only got much worse.


You see, my phone started getting random notifications from the theme park app. The application called Bakery Park Hunt

I was walking home, in the middle of sending encouraging texts to Aiko, trying to help her feel brave for her emergency ride, when my phone bombarded me with:  “Cinnamon nearby! Would you like to pick some?” 

I clicked on it, and immediately my phone entered camera mode, showcasing the dirt road at my feet. A cartoon stick of cinnamon walked into frame. "Follow me please!"

I didn’t feel like playing the Pokemon Go knockoff, so I closed the application. But that didn’t stop my phone from opening back up and pinging me ceaselessly.

“Cinnamon nearby!”

“Vanilla nearby!”

"Saffron (RARE) nearby!”

It was enough to kill the battery and end my communication with Aiko completely.

So I did the only thing I could. I snuck back into my room at the cottage, and went to sleep.


I woke up to the smell of green tea drifting through my room. Out of habit, I peered over to my left to see if Aiko was awake, but her bed was as empty and unmade as she left it.

On my phone I could see several messages from her:

1:04am - Remember 2 tell Nana

1:06am - Cant txt more. Guard.

1:32am - We’re at helipad. 

1:45am - The paramedic says the boy is stable! He is alive! I can’t believe we actually saved someone, its like the movies. We did it. We saved his life!!

1:50am - I didn’t want to be around that guard. So I took the paramedics offer and I’m taking the last seat in the helicopter. I can act as a placeholder guardian.

2:07am - I feel so much better being away from those guards!  ε-(´・`) フー

2:08am - Tell Nana I will be at the general hospital in Shimado, I should be back in 1-2 days!

2:10am - I’m so sorry they put you in that holding cell. It's unfair you’re in that jail. I hope they don’t keep you there long.  (。•́︿•̀。)

2:11am - But forget those stupid guards, they don’t know what they’re doing. Let me know when they let you go please! I hope they treat you okay (;_;)


I wish I had a chance to respond to these messages. Aiko still thought the other guard had taken me under arrest. Thankfully that wasn’t the case.


2:14am - WOW the view is beautiful from up here. I’m so sorry for dragging you through this. But it was worth it. We saved the boy. The medics say he’s going to live. He’s in some kind of shock, but he will live.

2:16am - I promise no more adventures like this again. I don’t want you to get in trouble. I don’t want the police to get involved.

2:20am - I didn’t even think about how this could affect your visa. I’m so stupid stupid stupid stupid. What a mess. I am so sorry. I feel terrible. Please text me as soon as you’re free. I know they probably took your phone away.

2:27am - It was my idea to save the boy. I’ll tell them I forced you to help me. I’ll make everything my fault.

3:06am - Made it to the hospital. They’re giving me a room. I hope to hear from you soon.

6:05am - The boy’s family is here! And yes we were right, it is Kaito! This is crazy. 

6:07am - Mom and son reunited (♡´・ᴗ・`♡)


Attached was a photo of Kaito in a hospital bed, hooked up to some kind of respirator. His mother was there, in tears, but clearly happy to be able to hold her boy’s hand again. I don’t normally gush over this kind of stuff, but it honestly warmed my heart. 


6:10am - Text me please. I’m so worried about everything.


I did text her. I explained my phone had died, and that I wasn’t in any jail. I told her that I was so happy she was OK, and that she could text me throughout the day. More than anything I wanted to hear her voice, so I said to call at any time.

That sunken feeling in my chest had lifted a little. Maybe things weren’t so bad.

In the kitchen, Aiko’s aunt was already working on her sudoku. There was an egg and rice meal waiting on two different placemats at the table.  

I remember it feeling very strange to have a morning alone with Nana-obasan, especially after such a weird night. I didn’t really know what I was allowed to share yet, so I did my best to keep my composure.

“Good morning, Nana,” I said. 

“Good morning.” Her focus was on solving one of the columns. 

I tried to word my 5th grade Japanese in a way that would explain what had happened without scaring or alarming Nana. Eventually, halfway through my breakfast I produced my declaration.

“Nana, you should know that last night, Aiko and I saved a child who had gone missing. We called for help and an ambulance took the child away. Aiko was a real hero and even accompanied the child on the helicopter ride. She is currently at Shimado hospital, and she says she will be back in 1-2 days.” 

I held up my phone to show her the texts, but quickly realized she couldn’t read our English exchanges. So I lowered the phone and said. “She texted me all this in English, but you can call her if you want.”

Nana lowered her tea and looked at me briefly above her reading glasses. I think she believed me, but she only really seemed to focus on the tail end of my speech.

“So, Aiko is coming back in a few days?”


She went back to her sudoku. “Okay.”


Although Nana-obasan may not have appreciated what happened last night, I kept replaying events in my head in total disbelief. Focusing on the positive.

Aiko's hunch proved true. We had saved a kid. We were heroes.

I avidly re-read all of Aiko’s texts, imagining her type them. There was a flutter in my chest from the anticipation of hearing more.

I took a shortcut rounding the forest edge to get to work. I still had a shift at Bakery Park today, and I felt it was critical not to show up late. I’m sure I would be asked a dozen questions about last night, and would have to explain Aiko’s absence.

As I walked along the gravel road I tried to get my story straight. I would focus on the good news: Aiko and I had rescued a kid for god’s sake. Surely, that would render our trespassing meaningless? Did anyone actually care that we had snuck into the park late?

Then my phone chirped. “Candy floss nearby! Would you like to pick some?”

For fuck’s sake. I clicked to close the app, but couldn’t. Suddenly I was staring at a polygonal version of Bakery Park’s premiere mascot.

It was Mashumaro, the marshmallow tanuki.

Just like in the Confection Showroom, half his face was missing. It's like his pixelated skin couldn’t quite cover his skeleton wireframe. He was dancing in a field of cotton candy. His voice was garbled, yet loud enough to peak my phone’s speaker.

"Jēmusu Naka jūgyō-in# 604373, kon'nichiwa!"

( James Naka Employee #604373, Hello!)

I tried to turn down the volume on my phone, but the interface was frozen.

"Sakuya wa issho ni asonde kurete arigatō!"

(Thanks for playing with me last night!)

This virtual mascot found a way to hijack my phone. None of my buttons worked. I freaked out a little. I even yelled without meaning to. “Stop. Stop this!”

The virtual mascot’s smile lengthened. He switched to English. “Stop what? Aren’t you glad you saved little Kaito’s soul? Hehehehehehe.”

I was surrounded by nothing but trees and the gravel beneath my feet. It was just me and this digital nightmare. I was irrationally afraid, but I covered it up with anger. “Who the fuck are you?”

The tanuki waggled his rear toward the camera, grabbing cotton candy from the field. “That’s a little rude. I don’t talk to rude boys.”

“Are you a hacker? Are you kidnapping kids at Bakery Park?”

Using the cotton candy as pom-poms, Mashumaro danced to the left and right, performing a little Macarena. “You better not be so mean next time. Or else.”

The app closed immediately. My phone returned to my home screen.

I tried to open it again, but all that loaded up was a benign-looking inventory. It said I had collected candy floss.

Jesus Christ what was that?

It seemed to me like there might be some nefarious hacking happening. Like some terrorist had been able to exploit software at Bakery Park to capture a kid in the first place. And now he was trying to manipulate me.

The thought chilled my bones.

And it was possible that this was the same hacker who was responsible for kidnapping the other two missing children. And if that was true, who knows how many future kids could still be at risk…

I decided I would have to tell the park staff my whole story.  Everything. Children’s lives could be at stake.

I typed out last night’s events in English on my phone, converting it as coherent...

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