
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Me too, I have a lot of fun with it this season.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Diablo 4 for me too. I did not play much last season, but this one I enjoy a lot. I like the changes regarding loot and crafting and I see myself finally using the Aspects now that they are not consumed, but can be pulled from the codex as often as I want. Previously I saved my good rolled aspects "for later"... and later was usually beyond my playtime for a season :-)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

You would think so, yes. But to my surprise, my well over 60 Containers so far consume less than 7 GB of RAM, according to htop. Also, of course Containers can network and share services. For external access for example I run only one instance of traefik. Or one COTURN for Nextcloud and Synapse.

[–] [email protected] 18 points 9 months ago (3 children)

I would absolutely look into it. Many years ago when Docker emerged, I did not understand it and called it "Hipster shit". But also a lot of people around me who used Docker at that time did not understand it either. Some lost data, some had servicec that stopped working and they had no idea how to fix it.

Years passed and Containers stayed, so I started to have a closer look at it, tried to understand it. Understand what you can do with it and what you can not. As others here said, I also had to learn how to troubleshoot, because stuff now runs inside a container and you don´t just copy a new binary or library into a container to try to fix something.

Today, my homelab runs 50 Containers and I am not looking back. When I rebuild my Homelab this year, I went full Docker. The most important reason for me was: Every application I run dockerized is predictable and isolated from the others (from the binary side, network side is another story). The issues I had earlier with my Homelab when running everything directly in the Box in Linux is having problems when let´s say one application needs PHP 8.x and another, older one still only runs with PHP 7.x. Or multiple applications have a dependency of a specific library when after updating it, one app works, the other doesn´t anymore because it would need an update too. Running an apt upgrade was always a very exciting moment... and not in a good way. With Docker I do not have these problems. I can update each container on its own. If something breaks in one Container, it does not affect the others.

Another big plus is the Backups you can do. I back up every docker-compose + data for each container with Kopia. Since barely anything is installed in Linux directly, I can spin up a VM, restore my Backups withi Kopia and start all containers again to test my Backup strategy. Stuff just works. No fiddling with the Linux system itself adjusting tons of Config files, installing hundreds of packages to get all my services up and running again when I have a hardware failure.

I really started to love Docker, especially in my Homelab.

Oh, and you would think you have a big resource usage when everything is containerized? My 50 Containers right now consume less than 6 GB of RAM and I run stuff like Jellyfin, Pi-Hole, Homeassistant, Mosquitto, multiple Kopia instances, multiple Traefik Instances with Crowdsec, Logitech Mediaserver, Tandoor, Zabbix and a lot of other things.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

Oh wow! That looks like a pretty unique experience. I have a pen, indeed! Thank you very much :-)

[–] [email protected] 3 points 10 months ago

I always miss Demos for games, but totally forgot that on Steam you can refund within the first 2 hours of gameplay. It should not hurt if it´s used rarely. I can not figure out yet if Slay the Spire is for me (for some games it is pretty clear when reading about them), so this one might be a good opportunity to test it out.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

I played Mini Metro on Android a long time ago... did not remember that I might have it on Windows already too! I think it was in a bundle at one time. Thanks :-)

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Thanks for the suggestion. "Unfortunately" I grew up with those and know probably each one of them inside out, as they have been replayed multiple times over the decades. But I did not think about SCUMMVM and reading this I get the urge to Talk to Mr. Tentacle Guy again :-)

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Oh cool. That looks like it might also be a battery saver and not causing too much excess heat in the tablet :-)

[–] [email protected] 4 points 10 months ago (2 children)

I love Traefik! When I started, I tried NGinx, but could not wrap my head around it. So I tried Caddy. Pretty easy to understand andI used it for a while. Then I had demands Caddy could not do ant stumbled uponTraefik. As you said, a learning curve, butfor me much easier than NGinx. I like that you can put the Traefik config inside the Compose files and that the service only is active in Traefik when the actual Containers are up and running. I added Crowdsec to my external facing Traefik instance and even use a plain Traefik instance for all my internal services also. And it can forward http, https, TCP and UDP.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

That´s a good idea. A Sci-Fi setting is a nice change from the classic Civ theme. I loved Alpha Centauri back then, could not stop playing. This might scratch that itch. Thank you :-)


What I am searching for is for games that support touch screens and can be played with 1 finger / one hand. No action games with fake joysticks on the screen, just games that work with a single finger or at least one hand while lying in bed and trying to wind down. One very good example is Civilization V, which has a dedicated touch screen mode and is a turn based game. Also the windows included card games work good.

I tried to search for games on Steam, but unfortunately there is rarely a tag for touch screen support. Even Civ V with its dedicated touch screen mode has no tags telling about it in the Steam store, so it is hard to find games that work well.

I thought the "The Room" series could work well, because they are awesome on IOS devices, but the Windows version on a touch screen is cumbersome to use. So you can not even look out for mobile games that also exist for Windows.

If someone has some recommendations, I would appreciate that very much :-)

Edit: Changed Civ IV to V!


Hi everyone,

I am thinking about self-hosting Invidious just for personal use in one household. So this will generate of course much less traffic than the public hosted ones with probably hundreds or thousands videos watched in a short timeframe.

However, I read that it is not unusual for Invidous instances to get IP banned and I wonder if this is more a problem with the public instances or if someone here hosts it just for itself and had to cope with that too.

To be precise: The plan is to self-host it in my homelab, accessible only from the LAN for the few people living here.

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