
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 20 minutes ago

No, 1500 T = 1.5 kT.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 12 hours ago (2 children)

240 tons of TNT is 0.24 kT, not 2.4 kT.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

Everything is easy if you can get everyone to agree. World peace, end of poverty, end of inequality, end of hunger/starvation, end of climate change.

Turns out this isn’t a very productive line of thinking. All hard problems are coordination problems.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago

Yeah exactly. I’m not a biologist but I am aware that horseshoe crabs are harvested for their blood and its unique properties. How much evolution (in the last 450MY) have they undergone in terms of their immune system and other microbiological processes? We may never know but I think it’s quite a stretch to assume “none!”

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

No, but Russian bullets will! Not one step back, comrade!

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

Travis has an excellent video about the brown recluse. It goes into rather excruciating detail! He even covers the story about all the false attributions, including a map which shows how it comports with the spider’s range. Interestingly enough, people who live inside its range are much better at correctly recognizing the spider!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

The main users of Canada Post are businesses anyway: junk mail. I get maybe one actual letter from a non-business per year. I doubt my experience is out of the ordinary. Subsidizing Canada Post out of tax revenue would just be subsidizing those businesses that use it to flood our boxes with fliers and coupons.

If we’re going to subsidize it then we should probably move to weekly delivery, rather than daily, and stop delivery of junk mail altogether. But that would cost a lot of postal worker jobs, which seems to be the main purpose of keeping Canada Post in existence.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago

Russia waited until Trump was out of office to attack Ukraine. I think they just would’ve waited longer and in the mean time cozied up to him even more to try to make the situation more favourable for the attack.

The reason they attacked was because they thought Biden was weak. If you’ll recall, in the beginning the US had to have a debate just to give themselves permission to send Javelin anti-tank missiles to Ukraine.

[–] [email protected] 26 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

That’s a lot of lactose in human milk! You’re gonna have a bad time if you’re lactose intolerant!

[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 weeks ago

Which is a shame. This is an untapped skill in games! I recall sniping in Metal Gear Solid had a steadiness mechanic. It used analog and rumble. You could even pop some diazepam to slow down your muscle twitching, as well as press a button to hold your breath! Very cool mechanics that other games don’t bother with!

[–] [email protected] -4 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Comparing one jail sentence against another in totally unrelated cases, tried in different courts by different judges, is ultimately a self-defeating and unproductive exercise.

If you think there’s a systematic problem then you need to look at more than 2 cases for comparison. Is there an overall trend towards sentencing protestors to excessive jail time throughout the court system? Or is this one problematic judge who has seen many of the protestor cases and is deciding to make an example out of someone?

Anyway if you’re interested in seeing what it’s like to be a protestor engaging in civil disobedience and especially to see what these folks go through both personally and in the courtroom, I highly recommend the movie The Reluctant Radical.

[–] [email protected] 25 points 1 month ago (12 children)

Not sure what this is trying to say, but this seems to conflate genetic modification with selective breeding!

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