
joined 6 months ago
submitted 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Continued From:

I managed to fix the one biggest gripe about my Thinkpad E16: the RTL8852BE Wi-Fi controller randomly dropping out. I actually found this a few days ago, but I had forgotten where I put the file I had edited. You put a file in modprobe.d called 70-rtw89.conf. Both /etc/modprobe.d/ and /usr/lib/modprobe.d work - I used the latter, but for the sake of conventions, you should probably use the former.

You then put in these options for the rtw89 module: options rtw89_pci disable_clkreq=y disable_aspm_l1=y disable_aspm_l1ss=y

Now, my Thinkpad is a fully functional Linux laptop. I will be docking it to an 8 from my initial score of 8.5, but I'm back to liking it for now. If you apply the fix, be sure to update the firmware as well - some older distros have an old version that works but returns a lot of journalctl error on this card.

Update: What do you know! The updated firmware-realtek just went into backports!



I know we've all been crying to ourselves in bed at night over the end of such a wonderful show - me included - so here's a fun little distraction for now.

  1. What is your prediction for the plot of the series finale?
  2. How much gold-pressed latinum do you bet on it?

I bet 5 strips that it will be a parody/pastiche of the time shenanigans of TNG:"All Good Things" and VOY:"Endgame" where we get to see the futures of each character.

Your turn. Betting closes once the first episodes of the season comes out (in other words, I think you have until 11:59 PM PST on October 23rd to bet, though I could be wrong). I will declare the winner of our imaginary latinum when I've watched the finale.

P.S If it's not too much trouble, since there's still more than a month to season premiere, would you be able to pin this, @ValueSubtracted? It's totally fine if not, but would be convenient due to the long-term nature of this post.


Yesterday, I began watching the 1960s British sci-fi series The Prisoner (first five episodes) and have been quite enjoying it. Much of my enjoyment has been from the fact that it kind of feels like “What if The Cage was a whole series?”

In other words, like “The Cage”, it’s a prison environment in which a person can’t be certain of reality any more. It does diverge in all the torture on number 6, whereas the Talossian’s illusions are less flawed and sadistic a prison in some ways (you know, besides the purpose of breeding a bunch of human slaves). However, I feel like both “The Cage” and The Prisoner overall embody the same “everything might be fake” sense of reality. I almost feel like “The Prisoner” is somewhat a window into what Star Trek might have been if CBS hadn’t thought people would be too dumb to understand “The Cage”.

Besides the similar vibes with “The Cage”, another thing winning me over is the surreal set design, which has already won a place in my heart. I just wish I could make a replica of one of the signs in the village and have it not be so obscure no one would ever recognize it.

The main thing my 21st century brain finds fault with is the strong gender roles used in The Prisoner (there is always some woman that Number 2 sends to try and manipulate Number 6), although like TOS, I’ll give it a pass since it was in the same boat as most television at the time. However, I did like the twist in “Free for All” where Number 58 is revealed to be the real new Number 2.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Not exactly “full of” - it was more like 3 classrooms with 30 each. Still a lot of Macs, but keep in mind this was a high school of 2000 students. Also, I’m pretty sure the Macs were paid for with grants for the visual arts programs rather than standard public funding.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

In some ways this is true. However, I feel like in the case of Adobe, someone needs to take another shot at a good FOSS image editor. Adobe is really starting to mess itself with generative AI; knowing many artists, they hate generative AI image tech as a threat to their job, so I find it weird that Adobe is alienating one of their largest user bases. I find it weird how Inkscape is really good and has evolved (I actually switched to it from Adobe Illustrator and don´t regret it), while GIMP has barely changed in 10 years.

I get that some parts of an image editor are complex, but at some point, it's just a chain of mathematical operations. Maybe I'm wrong, but when I get the time, it's almost tempting to take a stab at the issue.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I think it depends. If a school has a laptop for each student, it is most certainly a Chromebook. However, a lot of schools also have a mix of systems. In elementary school, I was taught to use Microsoft Office on Windows, for instance. At my high school, all the students had Chromebooks, but there were also some labs with Windows machines; graphic design, photography, and film classes had labs full of 5K iMacs.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Mint’s fine. I might also recommend PopOS - it just seems to be less crappy Ubuntu.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago

So long, pally. 🫡🖖

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

When I exchange files between host and guest, I usually just go to the directory I want to share and run python3 -m http.server


Original Post:

After using this laptop a few weeks, I have one important note. I was having a problem for a while where, usually after waking from sleep, in some rooms my Wi-Fi card would disconnect and I'd have to reboot to get my network connection back. Based on journalctl, it seemed to be some sort of weird firmware error.

I found the fix was to install updated firmware, specifically the version of firmware-realtek from testing, upon which the problem has stopped ocurring. As firmware packages tend to not have a lot of dependencies, I do want to see if I can get a bookwork-backports package uploaded so it's easier to install.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

I encrypt my disk with LVM on my Debian laptop. You'll need to reinstall your operating system, as you have to do special partitioning. If your device has a TPM, you can use Clevis to set it to auto-decrypt.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

In mineral oil, right? 😰

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

The comic is from the perspective of the TOS cast, and they have just realized that, at least by the dynamics of this sappy tribute post, they would eventually have to spend all eternity with Shatner.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago

In my elective class on Terran culture at the Academy, they also had me watch the following:

  • Empress Bride
  • Montilius Python and the Holy Grail
  • Subject Kane
  • Soldier Who
  • My Little Pony: Fascism is Magic
[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Honestly, make an issue in the OpenRGB Gitlab.

I got a Roccat Pyro that didn't work, and when I found that out, I was able to test someone's pull requests before they were merged.


I recently came across this meme. After researching, the original meme appears to be in late 2020.

That leaves me with one question: Where is this frame of DeForest Kelley from? Looking through both my memories and a double-check in MemoryAlpha, I'm certain it's not from TOS. Is there someone here more familiar with DeForest Kelley's filmography or, alternatively, someone who actually has the time to start looking through DeForest Kelley films?


What are your guy's thoughts on the theme for Star Trek: The Animated Series (1973)?

I feel like:

  1. It almost sounds like the battle music for a Star Trek turn-based JRPG on the Nintendo DS.
  2. I feel like PRO's theme gives very similar vibes to this one while having a distinct identity.
  3. I almost feel like this theme is a weird in-between of the TOS theme and TNG-era theme (which makes perfect sense - I mean what else would be between the 60s and the 80s).

I saw the original (grayed out) part around Nicoles's death and couldn't take take it seriously. Therefore, here is my addition to make all of this more accurate.


It is believed he entered an anomaly with a shuttle in mid-2385. Upon returning, he said, "I guess I basically missed the late 80's."

Seriously, though, it surprises me how naturally Starfleet this guy sounds, especially after knowing him from another role. It just feels like he could be edited in to be some Ensign at Conn on a TNG-era bridge and no one would notice.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

A severe temporal anomaly during a transporter accident lead to this abomination, Kai Winkomaskix, child of Mogh.

The transport officer on duty almost phasered them on site. During the manhunt, Gul Dukat got the closest he ever did to getting a statue on Bajor.

Luckily, temporal investigations got everything sorted out.

Kai Winkomaskix, child of Mogh was a spiritual successor to Needole.


Edit: I added a GIF version as the thumbnail. Here's the apng version below.

If it’s not moving, wait 30-ish seconds and see if it loads.


I'm writing a program that wraps around dd to try and warn you if you are doing anything stupid. I have thus been giving the man page a good read. While doing this, I noticed that dd supported all the way up to Quettabytes, a unit orders of magnitude larger than all the data on the entire internet.

This has caused me to wonder what the largest storage operation you guys have done. I've taken a couple images of hard drives that were a single terabyte large, but I was wondering if the sysadmins among you have had to do something with e.g a giant RAID 10 array.

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