
joined 11 months ago
[–] [email protected] 22 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

Canva is on the traditional corp Extend, Embrace, Extinguish mission to snuff Digital Content Design that is local only and has no AI. Canva bought Affinity Design Suite, which was the reaction of the non-corp creative world to not have to Adobe Creative Cloud, may it burn.

I believe we are in the era of "the great rug pull" of consumer empowered technology, moving to corp empowered technology stack, with them in control at all levels.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

I can appreciate your re-iterating of the fundamentals of extremely easy to understand tech, but instead of basic thinking, you just repeating the already presented text which anyone can read hopefully, I presented a case for how it could be used that meets all technical specifications and is therefore possible. Likely even, given big tech track record.

This pheneomena of using tech "not as in the manual" is common. In fact, the Apache web server team was not sure it would work and the Internet adopted a series of HTTP patches as a whole unlike they intended.

don’t have any network capability themselves

That is just wrong and I can't understand how you came to that conclusion. I also invite you to think of it as a network, because it is using Bluetooth in a network?

[–] [email protected] 0 points 4 months ago (2 children)

Thank you for adding this, erm, maybe a bit "insider" info, as I always wondered how easy and reliable it was to map MAC to Manufacturer on mobile devices. Given what you say, the IETF tracking database could technically contain, or used as metadta, for another system to identify all device models.

Yeah, and what is that MAC generation scheme Apple/Android uses from a Security standpoint, what conditions make it regenerate and how often? How easy is it to map a "new" random MAC against a Model again when it re-enters the network and fingerprints itself again.

Lots to think about it.


I revised the title many times. Am I giving the impact breadth of what it could be without veering into click-bait?

Bluetooth Low Energy MESH Network, it is built into the OS without any noted country exemption. Although there be will many air gaps, that is not what I mean.


Some questions that came to mind reading it?

  • Can China even pull it out of the OS for good measure, hack it?
  • Even with topology of some enable, others disable, others wanting security will be reading bluetooth MAC addresses of un-consenting, disabled, for tracking of others whom have enabled, even if they are not being targeted. See below screenshots from the Internet Engineering Task Force presentation.
  • Is the Bluetooth freqz and combinatory fields bio-active in any regard of it's function? Do plants stay healthy around "high intake" Bluetooth whatever that may be?
  • They mentioned other devices and Industry being involved, how many devices to we expect to also use this protocol in the future?
  • If we mapped it out, all of these devices thus operating, mapped out of the whole network with a Supercomputer, real-time, how much energy do you think it would be? How many BLE pulses per second, in a busy metropolitan area?
  • Who pushed for this TRACKING NETWORK I will be partcipating in whether I like or NOT (uptake)?
  • Where was the pre-planning market and socio-economic research on this presented beforehand?
  • If entities very intent on tracking you, will just disable/refuse the protcol, then why instead would Apple and Alphabet whom introduced the vulnerability, just ...make thier own implementation secure?

So we're going to skip this useless marketing-speak on 9to5 Mac - Here’s how the new Cross-Platform Tracking Detection works in iOS 17.5

As far as I can tell, there is nothing that says it doesn't perform assessment of the MAC address in range, all of them, for "your" security of course. In fact, it seems in line with what they want to accomplish: Track all the trackers? Later safeguard them with a "Safefilter" online database check when Phone starts?

Did I get it wrong?

[–] [email protected] 33 points 4 months ago

Best breadcrumb from article:

I wanted to understand: what kind of human spends their days exploiting our dumbest impulses for traffic and profit? Who the hell are these [SEO/Google] people making money off of everyone else’s misery?


I was a big Markdown fan. I think what finally broke me out was list formatting of mixed types, differences in formats across my repo servers, TOC generation software I was using broke, and no good editors suitable for my tastes for asciidoc that are available on BSD or Alpine Linux.

However, I found out that gedit natively supports adoc and even colors the admonitions. Excellent!

All the guides seem to be too skimpy, not robust enough, or out of order. I like to create as I read.

  • Comes with the adoc used to generate the guide and a PDF version.
  • Recommends editors with native asiidoc support.
  • Gives a comprehensive header "template".
  • Enables experimental features, admonition icons, and code highlighting.
  • Shows the best read/write table syntax missing from the official guide.
  • Corrects two errors in the official guide.

Did you know Asciidoc has a counter increment function?

Although it gives a warning saying not to use if possible, I found it works well for simple tasks.



[–] [email protected] -4 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (6 children)

I feel bad for you OP, I get this a lot and I'm totally gonna go there because I feel your pain and your article was fantastic! I read almost every word ;p

This phenomena stems from an aversion to high-confidence people who make highly logical arguments from low self-confidence people who basically make themselves feel unworthy/inadequate when justly critiqued/busted. It makes sense for them to feel that way too, I empathize. It's hard to overcome the vapid rewarding and inflation in school. They should feel cheated and insolent at this whole situation.

I'll be honest in front of the internet; people (in majority mind you, say 70-80% of Americans, I'm American) do not read every word of the article with full attention because of ever present and prevelant distractions, attention deficit, and motivation. They skip sentences or even paragraphs of things they are expecting they already know, apply bias before the conclusion, do not suspend their own perspective to understand yours for only a brief time, and come from a skeptical position no matter if they agreed with it or not!

In general, people also want to feel they have some valid perspective "truth" (as it's all relative to them...) of their own to add and they want to be validated and acknowledged for it, as in school.

Guess what though, Corporations, Schools, Market Analysis, Novelists, PR people, Video Game Makers, Communications Managers and Small and Medium Business already know this! They even take a much more, ehh, progressive? approach about it, let's say. That is, to really not let them speak/feedback, at all. Nearly all comment sections are gone from websites, comment boxes are gone from retail shops, customer service is a bot, technical writers make videos now to go over what they just wrote, Newspapers write for 4th graders, etc., etc.

Nothing you said is even remotely condescending and nothing you said was out of order. Don't defend yourself in these situations because it's just encouragement for them to do it again. Don't take it personally yourself, that is just the state of things.

Improvise, Adapt, Re-engineer, Re-deploy, Overcome, repeat until done.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Ah, much better. MITRE CWSS + CWARF is comprehensive, yet insular and as is MITRE, Military/NATSEC Focused. I do not see any flaws in my reasoning, but words as communication. I do concede that maybe my saying an alternative to CVSS is not really the best wording as I see such things in very broad terms, but I get the perspective now. As in, the common singular, Gov/Corp system does not fit, I need an alternative model that does. In contrast to I need another exactly scoped system that does it differently alternative.

To evidence this I can point to that fact that I even advocated that CVSS-BTE v4.0 should be NVD baseline, but I didn't make this very clear that I'm expanding the CVSS as an alternative use, different in applicability, essential in nature, and somewhat built upon CVSS and OWASP with a different, very important objective.

Not replacment which I never intended.. I'll change the article to reflect those views, well done.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

You know what else was also super sophisticated, chained, and confident enough in it's APT to not be persistent across reboots? DOUBLEPULSAR.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 8 months ago

Skill is certainly one evaluation parameter and Fin7, JokerStash, Carbanak fit that bill but that is not their MO. Target, motive, opportunity -> Embassy Employees/Diplomats -> Nation-State or Intergovernmental Group (like 5/9/14 eyes) as eval combined with skill rating, @95% confidence.

[–] [email protected] 27 points 8 months ago (12 children)

I recently invented a "People First" Cybersecurity Vulnerability Scoring method and I called it CITE, Civilian Internet Threat Evaluation with many benefits over CVSS. In it, I prioritize "exploit chains" as the primary threat going forward. Low and behold, this new exploit, although iOS, possibly one of the most sophisticated attacks ever using one of the longest exploit chains ever! Proof positive!

Depending on how you define it; I define the Kaspersky diagram has 8 steps. In my system, I define steps that advance the exploit discretely as stages, so I would evaluated Triangulation to be a 4 stage exploit chain. I should tally this attack to see how it scores and make a CITE-REP(ort).

You can read about it if interested. An intersting modeling problem for me was does stages always equate to complexity? Number of exploits in the chain make it easier or harder to intrusion detect given that it was designed as a chain, maybe to prevent just that? How are stages, complexity, chains and remediation evaluted inversely?


[–] [email protected] 0 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (1 children)

The comments are full of drivel, but I'll pick this one to respond to as you sound educated and able to re-formulate concepts but lack open-mindedness and novel application of concepts. Plus, your response is full of institutional verbiage, first level thinking, which sounds great to the uneducated and low IQ posters, but doesn't even pass the first test so it easy to disassemble.

1 + 1 = 2 isn't an axiom, it's math, equality, and true. This is exactly what the perspective point I was trying to make! Truth itself cannot be axiomatic! This is so self-evident it is hard to comprehend how your education can lead you to one of the largest fundamental misunderstands in Science, but I guess that is not surprising. I mean, your post is a testament to misunderstanding reality, an reference to be studied in the future of post-Idiocracy. It in fact provides a broader understanding of post comments, Lemmy, and social media in general.

My definition as I understood it before looking it up is an axiom is a logical statement true on it's face that serves as foundation for another step. Let us look at the some definitions for Axiom.

Tutors An axiom is a basic statement assumed to be true and requiring no proof of its truthfulness. It is a fundamental underpinning for a set of logical statements. Not everything counts as an axiom. It must be simple, make a useful statement about an undefined term, evidently true with a minimum of thought, and contribute to an axiomatic system (not be a random construct).

Mathigon One interesting question is where to start from. How do you prove the first theorem, if you don’t know anything yet? Unfortunately you can’t prove something using nothing. You need at least a few building blocks to start with, and these are called Axioms.

Wikipedia An axiom, postulate, or assumption is a statement that is taken to be true, to serve as a premise or starting point for further reasoning and arguments. The word comes from the Ancient Greek word ἀξίωμα (axíōma), meaning 'that which is thought worthy or fit' or 'that which commends itself as evident'.[1][2]

Wolfram An axiom is a proposition regarded as self-evidently true without proof. The word "axiom" is a slightly archaic synonym for postulate. Compare conjecture or hypothesis, both of which connote apparently true but not self-evident statements.

You may use first level thinking about Propositions so to avoid more non-sense here is an another explainer.

University of Idaho


Let me hammer it home again, the principle of my argument, to give you repeated attempts to understand and forego your ego 1 + 1 = 2 cannot be a proposition, an axiom, and proof, a logical statement that evaluates to true, it is already true and by definitions above it is:

  • Defined
  • Does not serve to prove a logical statement
  • Does not serve as further reasoning.

Saying 1 + 1 = 2 serves as foundation for further deductive reasoning is like saying my car accelerates because of motion or momentum which is generic, imprecise, not a proof, and worthless. Movement is already motion. Your car accelerates because of a gas engine. Again, please think deeply about this, no shallow thoughts. What I'm trying to do is go beyond and surpass common knowledge, to push the envelope further than before using the scientific method to challenge old constructs. I'm free to be shown wrong or corrected, but no one has even come close! What we are really talking about here is addition!

I would challenge any Mathematician anywhere and I meant to. 1 + 1 = 2 is what is, a truth, true, fundamental building block of all things and requires no reasoning. If a toddler picks up another stick, it knows it has two whether it can convey that thought-form in a way we understand it or not. Saying 1 + 1 = 2 is Axiomatic is like saying Oxygen is an axiom or axiomatic. To further build the periodic table. No, Oxygen just is, a fundamental piece of reality which is also true! Maybe someone will understand in the future.

My aim was to put this comment up for posterity as wasting more time here is fruitless so don't take it personally really, I just used your most educated and almost right post as an example of how that if intellectual debate is to be sought, it certainly isn't on Lemmy which is I would say mediocre at best, and in fact, one is surely to get misinformed, ugly responses.

I will use all the debate that went on in my head in trying to combat this circus into a proper Academia.edu Paper. Really, my whole point was the second part of my post where I thought it was quite clear the logical conclusion to which would be that programming lanaguages need to be re-engineered! No one even put that together that I saw!

I skipped all the mean comments.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 9 months ago (1 children)

I would say in programmer terms that would be a less strict evaluation of Science. Science strives for Truth through experimentation and peer proofing, but it's purpose is the seeking of truth. So purpose and now state. I would also say if "the state of Science" is least wrong, then we would be no where as advanced as we are. The Scientific Method is about proving the most right.

Science has uncovered an incredible amount of truths and we use those truths everywhere around us, Chemistry is a good example. If the rules of chemistry weren't true and correct, then the formulas would fail.


Science is what is, which requires nor benefits from belief. Adding a belief layer is interpreting, exploitable, and leads to believing untrue things as true (Science).

Reduced Logical Form: I believe what is (true) = Oxymoron

Oxymoron: A rhetorical figure in which incongruous or contradictory terms are combined

Explainer: It is impossible to believe what is true.

---Highly Related---

Question: 1 - Is it true or false?

Hint: Is/must/can the number/digit/integer 1 (one) be boolean in [all] cases? What are the conditions in which 1 is false?

Test from OCaml: if 1 then true else false;;

Theorem Pseudocode: if (1 = true) && (2 = 1 + 1) && (2 = true && true) then [true +& true +& ...] = true else nothing else matters

Note my recursive application to all other numbers/physics and inference that if 1 is not true, nothing is true

Postulation: All positive integers are true

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This post with embedded music/videos in one blog page


White Hat

Frida - I Know There's Something Going On, Bladerunner Mix https://soundcloud.com/thebladerunners/frida-i-know-theres-something

Black Hat

VLF Electro https://soundcloud.com/microdosepromotions/sets/wook-chamers

Gray Hat

Dark + Light Electro https://soundcloud.com/xenondream/do-it-to-it-xenondreamix


CISA NCISS CODE BLACK – 12 minutes until people die https://soundcloud.com/lil-chromosome-unofficial/andrew-hulshult-davoth-doom-eternal-the-ancient-gods-part-2-extended-gamerip

CISA NCISS CODE RED - 11 minutes, 11 seconds until people lose it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwUejFGol9E


A. Against all odds, you WON in near perfection, and you knew you would; Let us bask in your glow. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEr8Gfa-hsk

B. Against all odds, you WON utilizing any/all available means, and it was chaos the entire time; Let us be in awe of you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PlSTjgcpa8

Apologies for music that could only be found on YT

✳️ Add your music+-scenario! ✳️



Major cyber attack could cost the world $3.5 trillion - Power Grid, Internet Outage

The one database/file/zip to save humanity, what is it?

Show Lemmy the downloadable URL of a Database or AI you know of so we can have a local backup copy that will improve the resilience and availability of Human Knowledge.

Given the state of AI being Corporatized I think we could definitely use links for whatever comes closest to a fully usable Open Source, fully self-contained downloadable AI.

Starter Pack:

★ Lemmy List




I'm personally motivated in a non-commercial way to supply everyone with as much cybersecurity as possible in the interests of civlization, especially now. I've just finished what I wanted to releae as "set" 2 days ago and it's time to announce them.

I'm the former Web Application Security Team Lead for the National Computer Center, Research Triangle Park, having been contracted to the EPA by the now defunct Computer Sciences Corporation.

If you have some extra hardware not really being used I would suggest perhaps a great use of it would be to create yourself a hardened platform, just in case, to protect your sensitive data on an emminently stable platform going forward.

Maybe you've always wanted to try a BSD, well now is a great time to do that. They are super stable, super reliable, community drive, and you are in control of everything.

I would also like to mention that if you'd like to go extra hard consider Hardened BSD. Another alternative is using grsecurity/PaX kernel patched Alpine Linux as a Desktop choosing crypt full disk encryption during setup + AppArmor.

Just as an example you can get your hands on a $250 Thinkpad T495 and installing GhostBSD on it is as simple to setup as Linux Mint and runs as fast as a brand new 2023 Windows laptop. If you choose Dragonfly BSD, the fastest BSD, on a T495 (the lastest year fully BSD compatible laptop), my repo will completely configure it for you, complete with all applications needed for a professional developer.

In addition to that I've created a Network Based Firefox hardening solution that wipes the extremely profitable, For-Profit, Mozilla Corporation off your Internet and easily combines with Arkenfox. It removes Mozilla servers from being contacted by any application or service on your machine and does not interfere with web page rendering.

I've created my own Git Repository using Gogs (which Gitea is based on) where you can get all the goods here:

Latest Software


Main Website




Backup GitHub


Backup BitBucket



Hello everyone!

Former Security Team Lead at the National Computer Center here. I'm a Security Professional with decades of experience in most Operating Systems and Web Applications.

Recently I've gotten weary of the Global Mega-Corp $100 Billion Linux Eco-System, which still manages to provide an unstable OS experience. I've turned my attention to the rock solid and predictable BSD/Unix world whenever I can use them.

I've created security hardending scripts for most BSDs except for NetBSD which is next in line. What would normally take an experienced SysAdmin an hour to complete, covering kernel mitigations, file system permission, daemon permissions, password encryption, etc can be done in seonds by a new user, with conf file verifications, backups, logging, and pretty printing the output to console.

  • FreeBSD
  • GhostBSD
  • DragonflyBSD
  • OpenBSD

For Dragonfly BSD, the fastest BSD, with a filesystem in the news lately that recovers itself and provides automatic snapshots down to the file level, I went ever further and created a rice for it using AwesomeWM. You are in luck if you have a Thinkpad T495 because I also wrote a full installation script for it for DF!

In addition to that I did it right and got explicit permission for Logo use or attained sponsorship and included the Wallpaper+Icon pack you see above.

You grab it all for my free on my self-hosted git repo for free at: https://quadhelion.dev/

Although I use a custom License which is somewhere between copyleft and copyright, it is generous enough to allow you to accomplish whatever task you wish and provide protections for my work and future oppourtunities for me.

I'm not liking the direction GitHub is going but you can find my work there: https://github.com/wravoc

I hope you find it useful and you are free to ping me here or write to my email listed on the main website page with any concerns.


  • Elias
  • @wravoc
  • @erogravity
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