
joined 7 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

I feel this way about music too. Not just pirated tunes, but copyright takedowns on shorts and in yt vids

Finding new artists as a fan is hard enough. If someone has reposted your music video as their own, sure I get it.

But a minute clip or less? Fans or haters talking about it? Let that thing fly free baby! I've found so much new music that was background music. I use the family Spotify account or buy merch more than I buy music these days to support.

I've bought so many books from authors that became my favs after they did a free epub once that got my attention.

There's always the "do this thing free for the exposure" problem - but people who say that are usually trying to exploit artists for their own gain. Fans are different, they are grass roots and not trying to exploit, but trying to recruit.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Did you really say "removed"ass? Because if you did not, I do not understand the censorship filter on here. If you did, it's funny.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Another reply acting like this is a dumb thing to remind people. Maybe I'm dumb too.

But we used to have a fan that blew air across the bed. Husband loved it, I hated the feeling of air moving across me and would be buried under blankets to avoid it.

After a medical procedure he was sleeping in a recliner for a few weeks while he healed.

I adjusted the fan and ceiling fan so they move air around the whole room, just not directly across the bed. I can sleep without barriers for air tickles, we get the white noise benefit, and the room feela cooler. It works for him too this way when he's in there and keeps him cool enough (I've asked)

Before that I had just assumed you had to be directly in front of a fan to get the benefits, especially when it's too hot outside for the AC to work effectively.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

This requirement is what stalls almost all constitutional changes. The last three to pass were 25th 1971 about voting rights for 18 year olds (100 days to pass) the 26th in 1967 about presidential succession (just under 3 years to pass) The last last one (27th) was added 1992 after almost 203 years of meeting the other requirements (It has to do with sitting Congress not being able to raise their own salaries, increases are delayed to the next term. )

There are 6 amendments still sitting out there awaiting ratification by the states.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Biscuit is the perfect name for this handsome guy!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

Yes, I shake the fuel nozzle. After dribbling gasoline down the car's paint more than once, I always tap tap before I pull it completely out.

  • source, am woman
[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

Omg, it's an inside-joke at our company now.

Anytime something happens on a server that's been running great for years, like a hard drive going bad or the time one literally caught on fire...

98% of the time it is selinux that is the reason it is doing weird things after the main fix because selinux changed a setting on the reboot.

"Have you checked selinux?" is the go to question whenever anything breaks now, even if it's not a computer.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago (3 children)

I have an S7 (yes I know it's old) I still like it and it works - but - something happens about once or twice a month and it starts hanging up whenever a phone call connects and/or an app will get super laggy.

Anyway, reboot fixes it (so far) and nothing else I've tried does.

There's definitely something with these older phones that is like a slow leak and the simple, easy, lasts for weeks fix is to just take 2 minutes for a full "turn it off and back on again"

Plus the overheating when something gets stuck doing a background thing. Reboot reboot.

I plan to use this phone until it dies, reboot stops fixing things, or needed apps are no longer working/supported.

Slack no longer works/supported, but that one I'm just like "oh, noooo" However I expect ones I actually need to start falling off and I'll be lucky to get a couple more years of use.

My meandering point, some of us are still using Android phones where reboot helps a lot

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago

I thought the tolerance overdoses were mainly from stopping for an extended time then starting again without realizing the tolerance is significantly lower after the detox?

[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 months ago (1 children)

My husband isn't on Lemmy, lol. I was just pointing out that my house has a similar light dynamic as this guy's. And that sometimes it's the wife with the light sensitivity. And yes, I know I'm weird for it compared to other people. :)

[–] [email protected] 14 points 3 months ago (3 children)

I'm the wife and I'm like you. I will stand in the dark and wait for my eyes to adjust rather than turn on a light.

We have fairy lights and red LED string lights for the high traffic areas to dissuade hubby from flipping on the overhead.

Low light motion sensor nightlights for a couple spots so that we don't step on a cat on the way to the bathroom.

The kitchen lights are dimmable, so we can go bright when needed to cook, and dim if just searching for a snack.

I love it. He has given in and adjusted. I find it calm and cozy.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 5 months ago (1 children)

I was never really into twitter, but I like Mastodon a lot. It takes some time to find people to follow (but can be fun to do in the micro breaks)

My Mastodon feed is pretty active now with stuff I'm interested in. If you were on reddit to keep up with the news, that's doable on Mastodon.

What are some of the niche communities you are missing? Maybe they are here just harder to find?

If you like books, maybe switch to short stories? I found when I didn't have time for novels, they were great alternative. Especially stuff like Neil Gaiman or collections of authors. Or like NG's Norse Mythology or Stephen Fry's Mythos. I listened to them on audio though because they are great story tellers and if I lost track it was easy to start the story over.

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