
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

The app knows if location permission has been denied though

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (3 children)

You're probably right but it wouldn't be a clean implementation for the os to do it. If it was more universal and better documented app devs could just put notices in themselves

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Did the people there actually believe they were robots? Impressive acting of course but you can see they're costumes in the video and I imagine it'd be more obvious in person

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (5 children)

I think all apps should have those explanation screens of what's not going to work if you deny X permission and why, especially in the case of an issue like this

It should request location access, and if it's denied tell the user that it won't be able to get the location data from images and give them a button to have it ask permission again

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Ah right, wild guess says it's designing systems for them and not attempting to teach 5 year olds c++

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago (2 children)

So teaching/tutoring or something different? Had thought schools were a lot more balanced gender wise nowadays, at least from what I remember

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (4 children)

What industry is that?

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago

Man I wish there were more women in programming, I've met like 3 and one of them was the sole female classmate in cs

I'd finally have something I could talk passionately about without boring them out of their minds

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago

I love when shows have subtle nods to show their support for these things rather than having to draw as much attention as possible to how progressive they are being

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

They refunding people or was it free to play?

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Need hardware with it pre installed with a reason to buy other than because it has Linux

Maybe use the lack of a requirement for a Windows license to bring the price to performance ratio down

If they're really performant machines also helps break the idea Linux is only for old and slow machines, I only ever used to put it on laptops as they were reaching the end of their usefulness, the moment I put it on my pc and a new laptop it changed my perception on it entirely

I also think the majority of technical users still use windows, maybe we should concentrate on getting them first and maybe we'll see more support

[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 week ago (3 children)

I'm out of the loop did they un-release the game?


I've got this idea in my head that I want a tofi based sound board that I can summon on a button press (and maybe fuzzy find through)

Should be fairly simple to do with the way tofi works to make the interface, but as far as I can find there's not a quick and easy way to mix sounds in with mic input using pactl

Is there any single line solution for playing a sound over mic (like a soundboard would) anyone can think of or do I need to mess around with virtual audio devices to achieve this


There's a video on YouTube where someone has managed to train a network of rat neurons to play doom, the way they did it seems reminiscent of how we train ML models

I am under the impression from the video that real neurons are a lot better at learning than simulated ones (and much less power demanding)

Could any ML problems, such as natural language generation be solved using neurons instead and would that be in any way practical?

Ethically at this point is this neuron array considered conscious in any way?

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Am I the only one who gets to the self checkout and is compelled to finish as soon as humanly possible?

Imagine if there was a speedrun timer on them and a leaderboard

Would make boring everyday life a little more interesting

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

My phone's just bitten the dust and now I need to look for a new one again.

Thought I'd test the waters and see what kinds of phones people on here are using nowadays and what for, what features set them apart if any etc

Bonus points if anyone's managed to get mainline linux running on them either via KVM or bare metal

Edit: Thanks for everyone who talked about their choices of phone, I am now writing this on a fairphone 4 and am quite happy with it so far.


What's everyone's thoughts on how baldur's gate handles areas you're not allowed to short rest?

I get that it adds to the challenge to have to conserve resources but up until moonrise towers the game has let us long rest when and where we please

My friend and I have been burning through spell slots like nobody's business because when we start to run low on health and short rests we just throw everything we have at finishing a fight thinking we're going to long rest afterwards, only to be realise we can't and now have to fight through the remaining areas with no spell slots

Would be nice if the game warned you when you were entering an area you wouldn't be able to long rest so we'd know to be a bit more conservative with resource usage and I feel like this is going to be a pattern going forward

Tl;Dr don't mind not being able to long rest in certain areas but would be nice to have a heads up


Obviously nobody in their right mind is using BSD for gaming but I do wonder how it would show up

I heard there was a bsd port of steam at some point and some people got the Linux build working on it. I have to assume the Linux build would probably report as Linux unless it has some mechanism to determine operating system besides it being hard coded

Having 1% of my playtime be on BSD seems like a pretty good meme to me


Work have started trying out signal for messaging, but I'd rather not have all my personal contacts and conversations on a machine I don't own

Is there any way I could white/black list certain contacts from one device, or is the only way to manage two separate accounts? (If so, is there an easy/built in way to do that on windows/nixos)


Screenshot is taken from the worst premade ever video WPE absolutely butchering the English language 2023 edition

The game looks pretty cool but I don't recognise it and can't seem to find it with image search, does anyone recognise it?


I have a theory that it should have a very different "personality" (probably more like writing style) depending on language because it's an entirely different set of training data

In English chatGPT is rather academic and has a recognisable style of writing, if you've used it a bit you can usually get hints something was written by it just by reading it.

Does it speak in a similar tone, with similar mannerisms in other languages? (where possible, obviously some things don't translate)

I don't know a second language well enough to have natural conversation so I'm unable to test this myself, and may have worded things awkwardly from a lack of understanding


I've noticed YouTube specifically has become more addictive, I never used to be one to sit and scroll for long durations before but I often catch myself spending way too long on shorts now

Even people or older generations seem to be getting sucked in nowadays


With digital circus coming out recently I realised the 2000s game aesthetic can actually be kinda cool and endearing

It feels like games nowdays are kinda soulless and generic though, glossy and modern (Obviously except for indie games)

Will the 2020s aesthetic be microtransactions and lootboxes?


I have been spoiled for customisation by hyprland recently and have been looking at customizing my phone UI

All the custom launchers I've tried so far are rather lacking in customisability, features and are usually paywalled for "advanced" features like having more than one widget

At the moment I think I'm going to end up back on the default one

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