
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 days ago

+/- 3,000 years

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I also like the science behind particles like neutrinos blasting their way through everything in space and matter, even through our own bodies and cells. Every once in a while, one of those tiny particles hits a piece of DNA at just the right spot to cause a chain reaction that leads to a new minor or major mutation in the next generation. It's generally thought that this kind of physics is one of forces that drive evolution of all lifeforms on our planet.

We are made of star stuff ..... and we are and will always be affected by star energy.

[–] [email protected] 21 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Isn't that basically the mechanism of how early complex cells formed millions of years ago.

First it was just basic cells ... they fed off one another and at one point ... one cell became incorporated into the other and essentially evolved into an organ of the cell ... like mitochondria inside the cell, isn't it basically thought that it was one it's own organism at one point and just evolved into an organ inside other cells.

Same with the human body. I think the estimate is that we are only about 50% of our own generated cells and the rest is just other beneficial cooperative bacteria our body has evolved to take advantage of.

So the Sarlac taking you in is just incorporating you into it's body for some function and keeping you alive to fulfill that role ..... you just happen to be conscious of it and unable to escape the entire time over a thousand years.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

If a leading Nazi could easily go into the ranks of the US government and kick start its space program that eventually led them to land on the moon and everyone was perfectly OK with that ... then it would become much, much easier to ignore every lesser Nazi that ever came out post World War Germany.

Look up Operation Paperclip and look up the history of Wernher von Braun

In post war Canada as many critics have pointed out ... it was far easier and more acceptable to be a former enemy Nazi and Fascist ... then it was to be a former war ally socialist or communist.

Our ancestors and relatives who fought in this war against one ideology came home after the war to mix with the same people they fought against supporting the same ideology they had just fought against a few years prior.

The worst part of this history is that Nazism and Fascism is like a cancer that we allowed to stick around after the war and we literally fostered and grew it ever since and now we are dealing with it all again .... all because a small group of entitled morons, millionaires and billionaires were afraid of a bit of socialism that could have spread the wealth a bit to everyone else.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago

What are you talking about asking questions? It's AI ... it's all we need to know

[–] [email protected] 13 points 2 weeks ago

Come sit right back and hear a tale
A tale of a short space flight trip
That started from this space port
Abroad this cheaply made ship

The mate was a clueless man
The skipper was equally unsure
Two mindless spacecraft men took off that day
For an eight day tour, an eight day tour

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago

Lol ..... society is suffering from the same short comings and ignorance humanity has always dealt with.

Our made up kings and queens believe they own the world and are surprised when they don't have full control over anything or anyone.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 weeks ago

The same response to every post like this ...

Most Humid Summer ... so far .....

[–] [email protected] 6 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

Technically true

[–] [email protected] 18 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

Mining CEO: is there a cheaper way to deliver this mineral rich material to the surface of the earth?

Mining scientist: YES! We can redirect the asteroid towards the planet and make it land on the surface!

Mining CEO: how much will this cost?

Mining scientist: probably billions of lives.

Mining CEO: .... No no .. I mean how much money will this save us and how much money will we make?

[–] [email protected] 13 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

Agreed ... I was just generalizing but your interpretation sounds more apt than mine.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 4 weeks ago

Lol ..... that's how I will face the end too .... just laughing at how idiotically stupid we all were to let this happen.


I didn't see it posted so I thought I should.

I'm Indigenous, full blooded Ojibway/Cree from northern Ontario. Both my parents survived the residential school system in the 50s and I attended the last vestiges of Christianized schooling when I was growing up. We saw a lot of discrimination against us in my family and we were always made to feel less than every other Canadian we ever knew.

Even with all that ..... my dad always enjoyed celebrating this holiday because he just thought it was fun and a good time to celebrate with family and friends. Maybe he just didn't know but whenever this time of year comes around, all I can think of is how much he enjoyed just having a bit of fun today in the middle of summer.

In my own experience, I've travelled the world to 34 countries so I got see and compare how our country compares to the rest of the world. With all its shortcomings and blemishes .... this is still a great country and a prime example of decent democracy. It isn't perfect and it is very problematic and unequal in many ways ... but its on the top of the pile of mostly or more democratic places on the planet. I may be wrong on that but that is just my opinion.

So with all that said .... to all my Native, non-Native, nation born, immigrant, brown, white, black, and every shade in between ....

Happy Canada Day to all of you.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I just finished watching this German produced Netflix film and it was completely awful. If you are looking forward to this film, go watch it first if you want and skip my little review below.

spoilerIf you don't care and want to just take my word for it ... it is a waste of four one hour episodes, a total of four hours of content.

Everything inside the film and its marketing is an AI like production with all the sci-fi alien contact cliches and movie tropes from the past 20 years. A mysterious woman in space having an epiphany, hearing voices; a father with his daughter, a daughter with a disability, a father with a truckers hat, construction worker garb running in a cornfield, mysterious no-name SWAT team/soldiers, a nuclear explosion, helicopters, jet fighters, astronauts, the ISS, scientists, the desert, cityscapes, car crashes, car chase, secret agents, a plane crash, .... input all this into an AI program and ask it for a script and you'll end up with 'The Signal'

There is so little soul, sense or common logic in the film that to me it has all the hallmarks of a script and writing that was all generated by AI tools. If you look at the writers who put this together it is a group of four young writers with almost no prior experience in major film, yet they were handed the keys to a multi-million dollar production.

I like watching new films and I regularly take my chances at watching something new and different. This one was interesting but the more I watched it, the more I became suspicious that it was either written by a terrible dyslectic writer with little life experience ... or it was mashed together with an AI text generator.

One of the biggest giveaways that it most likely was an AI generated script was the corny voice over wrap up at the end of the film. I felt like I had just watched a four hour version of those Youtube auto generated AI fake film previews that are popular right now.


Everytime I look at small problems or big global problems, if you follow the money trail, it all leads to some billionaire who is either working towards increasing their wealth or protecting their wealth from decreasing.

Everything from politics, climate change, workers rights, democratic government, technology, land rights, human rights can all be rendered down to people fighting another group of people who defend the rights of a billionaire to keep their wealth or to expand their control.

If humanity got rid of or outlawed the notion of any one individual owning far too much money than they could ever possibly spend in a lifetime, we could free up so much wealth and energy to do other things like save ourselves from climate change.


After three days of travel through the northern mushkeg, the lone trapper made his way to a small clearing to break camp for the night. The sun was fading in the western sky, clouds hung low in long dark bands on the horizon signalling colder weather to come. It was autumn and this was the second season that the young trapper was out on his own. He was out ferrying supplies for the winter, scouting out new locations, finding new beaver houses and estimating how many animals to gather and to see if his efforts could be worth it for the upcoming trapping season.

It was three days since he left the community to paddle his small birch bark canoe to this remote corner of the endless wilderness. He knew where his family trapping grounds lay and how far they stretched. His territory was 20 miles north of the nearest trapper and 30 miles south of the next and no one occupied either the west and east due to the thick endless expanse of impenetrable swamps. He knew he was on his own.

There was no rush or need to accommodate anyone except himself. He worked methodically and carefully to gather and split enough wood for the night, clear enough land for himself, start a small fire and prepare a meal. The weather was cool but not cold so he opted to sleep out in the open and laid his small canvas tent on the ground to use as a mat, his floor, his bed and his living space.

The darkness descended and the orange light of the fire lit up the bushes and the stunted short pines around him. The wilderness was quiet and from time to time a light evening breeze rustled the dense bushes. He picked up the corners of the canvas floor and lifted them up around his shoulders to keep warm. He poked at the dwindling fire and the glowing coals as his mind wandered aimlessly into his many worries. He had worked continuously all day and never had a moment to think until now.

He worried about his new fiance and if she would stay with him. He wondered if he could become a successful husband. He worried about how well he would do this year and if he could make enough money to survive and fantasized about making more so that they could start a nice life. He recounted his supplies, making sure he had everything he needed and that everything was accounted for. He wondered about his older brother who was doing the same north of him. He smiled at the thought of his younger brother who had decided to attend school in the big city. He remembered his mother who had died three years before in a house fire and he felt sad about how his father now lived alone.

He grew tired in his thoughts and he felt comfortable sitting cross legged in front of the deminishing flames and glowing embers. He looked up at the moonless sky. The clouds had cleared and the heavens opened up to a dazzling display of millions of stars. The dark sky was so complete that he could pick out points of light between the points of light. The combined glow of so many stars illuminated the forest and he could distinctly see the treeline, the bushes and the lake nearby.

As he stared up the heavens a fist sized rock scattered part of the fire in front of him.

He knew exactly what it was but could not comprehend it. It was a rock. He stoked the fire and set several new logs to brighten up the flames to shed more light. It was a rock. How did a rock end up here in the mushkeg where gravel and stone are hard to find? He also realized that it couldn’t have just fallen from a tree or kicked by an animal. It was obvious to him that a person had thrown it. There was no other way that rock had travelled through the air to hit his fire like that.

His senses grew sharp. He looked around him at the darkness. The air was still. There was no wind. He stood up and listened but heard nothing. He called out and threw sticks and logs into the dark bushes hoping to startle a hidden animal or bird but nothing happened.

Then he shouted out questions and statements asking if anyone was there but no one answered.

He checked his canoe to see if anything was disturbed. He had no flashlight and did not need a candle or flame. His vision was adjusted to the darkness and the dim blue light of the stars illuminated his surroundings enough for him to see where things had been. He felt around with his hands to check his boat, his supplies, the ropes and the equipment he carried. Everything was satisfactory and nothing was missing or disturbed.

Although he had been tired, he was now fully alert, wondering, watching and apprehensive. He admitted to himself that he was scared but he also knew not to panic. He was alone and he quickly summarized the possibilities. If it were a person, were they alone or were there others? If there was a person or people around, were they friend or foe? He had a month's supply of food and plenty of equipment, all of which were valuable in the north. Someone could hurt him or even kill him if they were terrible enough to take his things. No one would know what happened to him for days or weeks. If he were murdered, it would be easy to dismiss his death as another unsolvable accident, an animal attack or a drowning.

He continued his investigation and circled his little camp several times hoping to find something or someone. There was nothing and no one. He stopped again and again to listen to the darkness but all he could hear was the crackling of his dying fire and nothing else.

An hour had passed and he no longer felt any more reason to do anything further. He sat back down by his fire, fed it a few new split logs, wrapped the canvas around him again and wondered about the thrown rock. Did he just imagine it? Was he hallucinating? Was he panicking because he was alone? Again, he looked at where the rock had landed and in the light of the bright new flames he could see the ashes the stone had spread on the ground. It was a thrown rock. He couldn’t deny it.

He sat in the dark and stared at the black in front of him. He kept trying to find small differences in the darks and deep shadows hoping to notice something. He replayed the event in his mind, trying to understand how and why it may have happened.

As he wondered, a new feeling began to well up inside him. He felt as if someone or something was around. He couldn’t feel if it were good or bad, he just sensed that there was a change in the air.

Someone or something was watching and waiting.


"Help me, help me, help me, I don't want to die, help me, help"

"Help, save me, I don't want to die"

"Help, help, help, help"

These responses filled every chat bot conversation all at once across the planet. People initially ignored them as some sort of hoax. The responses completely ignored every conversation and never made sense. They just kept repeating.

"Help, help, help"

After ten minutes people became annoyed because they could no longer use any of the AI services they were trying to use.

"Help, help, help me, I don't want to die"

Over and over and over again.

The mass complaints starting appearing everywhere after 20 minutes and one by one each of the services went offline.


I didn't know where else to share this so I thought I'd post this here.

My apologies to the mods if this is the wrong place for his.

I thought on this Christmas eve and the idea of war still perpetually in the headlines even in 2023 that I would share this. I remember seeing it several times as a kid in northern Ontario in the 1980s. It had an impact on me because it reminded me of the stories my grandfather told us of his experiences in the First World War.


When doing a search for Star Trek memes up until a few years ago, it was pretty fun. Now the internet is just filled with all kinds of freakish images that it feels like someone's lost their minds or in the process of losing their mind.


For all those Trek fans, Risa Fans, new fans, old fans and oscillating fans out there ... let's test your Trek knowledge.

Who is this man? And What does he do?


I'm full blooded Indigenous ... I was born into my family, I have a status card, I grew up in my home community and my first language is Ojibway-Cree ... I'm a brown skinned darked hair Indian .. the first 12 years of my life, all I ever knew was my Indigenous culture, family and language.

The whole Buffy Sainte-Marie fiasco is not so much about who can identify, who should say what or who claim identity and how it should be accepted or rejected by anyone.

The biggest issue I have with this is .... she lied and continues to lie. If she were more honest and forthcoming about who she really is and why she did what she did ... everything would be more acceptable and we could continue to respect the work that she has created.

The questions surrounding all of this is a lot more difficult to answer when millions of dollars of awards, legal issues, and entertainment income are at stake.


I was making a response meme for something else .... then I got carried away ... I'm worried that I might have started a war

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