
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 months ago (1 children)

I think that a good rule of thumb is: would you say “male doctor” or “male politician”? If not, is the professional’s gender relevant? Probably not, in which case it sounds pejorative to include it.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 months ago (1 children)

This is also what I suggest. I moved from WordPress to Grav. It’s good, but a lot of work to customize.

Here’s a very useful resource of code snippets to make your website attractive and functional, without aCMS.

[–] [email protected] 30 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Fuck Pierre Poilievre. With a wire brush.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

Excerpt From The Science of Storytelling by Will Storr.

Beneath the level of consciousness we’re a riotous democracy of mini-selves which, writes the neuroscientist Professor David Eagleman, are ‘locked in chronic battle’ for dominion. Our behaviour is ‘simply the end result of the battles’. All the while our confabulating narrator ‘works around the clock to stitch together a pattern of logic to our daily lives: what just happened and what was my role in it?’ Fabrication of stories, he adds, ‘is one of the key businesses in which our brain engages. Brains do this with the single minded goal of getting the multifaceted actions of the democracy to make sense.’ …

Our multiplicity is revealed whenever we become emotional. When we’re angry, we’re like a “different person with different values and goals in a different reality than when we feel nostalgic, depressed or excited. As adults, we’re used to such weird shifts in selfhood and learn to experience them as natural and fluid and organised. But for children, the experience of transforming from one person to another, without any sense of personal volition, can be deeply disturbing. It’s as if a wicked witch has cast an evil spell, magicking us from princess to witch.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 9 months ago

This is why I’m losing weight. It’s not as motivating as I hoped it would be.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 9 months ago

I just finished reading it. I’m not sure I understood all of it, but I enjoyed it.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago

Thank you. I look forward to reading it.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 9 months ago

Yes, I believe that you’re right on that point. As crazy as it seems.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 9 months ago (6 children)

Seems a bit off topic of my comment, but I’ll bite.

I don’t believe in free will. I don’t make choices or decisions, as such. My biology responds to environmental stimulus and cues.

Having said that, objectively I’m not very effective at being a human. I’m in a straight marriage, but bisexual (leaning gay) and only figured that out after a decade. I shout at my kids when I lose my temper. Or I sit in the dark and mope instead of dealing with my problems. Or use recreational cannabis. Although I’m physically healthy, I’m not very social and don’t have or provide a social safety net. But I have a good job that I enjoy.

Am is good person? I don’t think that means anything. But I know there are a handful of people who like being with me and benefit from my actions. So I’m a net benefit to my circle. I think that’s good enough for me.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 9 months ago (8 children)

Jesus is Santa for grown-ups.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 9 months ago

You could start by fostering, to see how it goes.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 9 months ago (1 children)

I use the GL.inet Shadow and have been happy with it. If you want 5Ghz and don’t mind that it’s a little larger (still small), I’d consider the Slate. It supports the latest version of OpenWRT.

They include a custom GUI on top of OpenWRT, which I like. But LuCI is still there.


I think I remember this song. It seems familiar. YouTube recommended it based on other songs I was listening to. It was clearly popular. Do you remember it? What do you associate it with?


I'm writing this partly because I think others might be interested, partly because I want to know what others think of my setup, and partly because I'm going to upgrade my hardware and need to review my setup so that I can re-create it on the newer hardware.

I have an old 2009 iMac at home that wasn't being used anymore, so I installed Ubuntu server 2022.04 LTS. I have two printers, so I installed the CUPS manager, which allows my to print wirelessly from iPad, iPhones and my MacBook Air. For media, I run PlexMediaServer (video) and Navidrome. For content, I run Transmission, which I can manage from a web browser. For e-books, I use calibre which I access via a web browser (on my iPhone or a Kobo). For coding, I've installed Nginx, MariaDB and PHP.

My router has a built-in VPN, but I'd like to install WireGuard on the server. I'd also like to be able to collect and manage my family's photos. For now, I use MacOS Photos, but since we rarely plug our phones into the computer to sync them, they are usually only backed up to iCloud.

What else should I consider?


When you get to the end of your life, old and tired, and you look back on all the things you did and time you spent, what will make you say: yes, I did well and it was all worth it?

Put another way, if you have an extra hour tomorrow with nothing planned, what could you do with yourself to later say: I’m glad I did that? What if you have an unplanned day? Or a week? Does how you use that time change? Would the choice of how to use that time be more or less deliberate, depending on how long you have? Does that choice define you as a person?


When I’m unhappy, I feel like I’m doing life wrong. I’d rather be happy. But is happiness the point of life, or is there more to it? If I pursue happiness, mine first then for those around me, is that selfish? But if there’s a bigger purpose, then what about people with Alzheimer’s or dementia who can’t recall recent experiences or make plans?

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