
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

lol what package u installed dude? never see this since using linux 2013

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Wow, thank you for the list sir! this list.. is totally hidden gem for me who's know nothing about many documentary movies.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Of course I'm not ChatGPT. I don't mean to support organized crime too, but lookin at my comment again and now I understand how cold it was. I mean the crime organization there is really straight forward rejecting any negative speak about themselves without thinking how public ppl will lookin at them in that action. But again, there's some organization that really supports local people without killing or human trafficking, just selling drugs because there's no other choice for them. And that's what typical crime org that I'm not trying to judge, but for other with that level (kill and sell human / organ), of course I reject them totally. So sorry guys for misunderstanding..

[–] [email protected] -2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Iran has more freedom than you think. Yes, the law about how to dress is very restricted there. But as far as I know for marriage law, Iran (Shia islam) surprisingly very flexible on that compared to other Islam sects. There's no problem on marriage in Iran to married a non-muslim partner, even without any requirement (of course an agreement from both side men and woman is needed, even parents agreement are not needed for some Shia sects and its legal). But for sure exclusively, any muslim woman in Iran who's not obey on how to dress properly according to Shia Islam (even she's married with non-muslim), the punishment will severe.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 year ago (3 children)

The problem is you cannot marry with a non-muslim person, so he/she should accept Islam first.

I'm a muslim and as far as I know, there's no law that forbid you to marry non-muslim. There's many muslim clerics or saints who are marry a non-muslim in history of Islam.

But to do that, first you need to have a really strong faith so your partner in future will slowly understand and accept Islam by her/his own will. The common understanding that seems to not marry a non-muslim by many muslims because is not an easy path to have a relationship with different faith. Especially family and tradition on both side.

The most common cases about this are men muslim married a woman non-muslim. On the opposite, is very rare cases that happen in history of Islam. Some (fiqh) law by clerics forbids woman muslim to married a men non-muslim, and some allowed that with requirement the woman need to have a strong faith first.

I have many friends who's their parents married with different religion (islam and christian, islam and shinto, islam and confucius). I admit is not an easy path than married with same religion as far I can see in my own cases, but I respect their choice..

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Yesss.. satisfied than what I expected :D

So I still need Beaglebone Black, connect it with x86 based laptop, and run the script on x86 laptop right? As the standard requirement for L-booting I read in official guide..

Gladly, I don't have and don't wanna buy RasPi because the price is insane in my country (Indonesian), but other peripherals like BB are still on normal price. Have you any recommended using other alternatives than Beaglebone Black? :)

I'm sorry to ask many noob questions to you, because I just found the one who make this possibly happen as I'm starting losing hope for tinkering this, and don't wanna risk to brick that too cause my poor knowledge and preparing things. Still.. bless you sir..

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I never thought to get this detail answer from lemmy user. You are real dark magician! Thank you so much.. I just surprised when check my inbox and got this + easy to understand for inexperience like me in Libreboot process. The only info I have right now for L-booting x200s is this. But your tips here are clearly make L-booting x200s looks so easy and make it possible as fast as I can.

do not compile libreboot with raspberry pi nor any sbc you’re using (use real x86 computer)

Can you give me an example for what real x86 computer you used or other best option? I'm still confused for the keyword in search engine. Still.. thank you so much for this guidance from my soul. It looks like overreacted, but this little step stone is very important for me to start..

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago

"Only the paranoid survive. - Andy Grove"

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (4 children)

I want L-booted my x200s, but the procedure is complex than others. I need to find someone who's expert at soldering first, to not make any mistakes at the mobo. Still in searching, so it's all matter of time..

Do you have any tips or guide for me to L-booted this piece of art?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

+1 with Thinkpad any S series. More portable and compact (thanks to the lightweight compensation than other series). Also thinkpoint is the main point of Thinkpad laptop that brings you joy to the fullest on this machine.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Newsboat are dope enough for my need right now. For nom rss, I think matcha looks similar but more polish and interestingly, Obsidian compatible..


For my Thinkpad x200s with:

  • Antix 22 x86 Linux
  • Core 2 Duo L9400
  • 2gb RAM
  • 128gb SSD. What's your best recommendation RSS reader for this specs?

I mean like this: "Realized that most of these programs are not meant to help anyone, merely to control people and make them dependent. I was forced to reconsider everything I'd once believed. I developed a profound distrust of government regardless of the philosophy of the people in power. I remained a liberal on civil-rights issues, became a conservative on defense, and a semi-libertarian on all other matters." - Dean Koontz. Am I wrong?

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