
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 4 months ago (4 children)

Surely some action by the Biden administration is far enough beyond the pale to make you look for a different option, right?

many liberals do not have a cutoff point here. if Democrats were having people executed in the streets, they would argue that more people would be executed in the streets under Republicans, so leftists who don’t vote Democrat are morally bankrupt and effectively on the side of the Republicans.

oh, wait, that’s literally their argument for this election, it’s just that said streets and people happen to not be the good ol’ US of A.

[–] [email protected] 28 points 1 year ago

The hint in this case is "God bless you"

That's actually the abuse showing through. It's intentional passive aggression and a manipulative speech pattern. It's meant to imply, "God bless you, even though you're breaking his rules and making him sad and probably going to hell".

And before you ask, I was raised evangelical, was deeply involved in ministry, went to bible school, and even worked at a church for a few years; I know how these people think because I was one until I saw the light and ditched their religion. The number of times I've seen "I'll pray for you/them", "God bless you/them", and such used as insults is too damn high.