
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 30 points 4 days ago (2 children)

I use whatever online storage service I want because you can add your own encryption layer so you only sync encrypted files. rclone supports lots of services and will also encrypt files for you.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I'm thinking Ctrl+C quits and Ctrl+S is scroll lock is that correct?

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Isn't it fourth?

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Mozilla has already shipped strict privacy mode by default in recent versions of Firefox so they're already a leg up on this.

Google is currently trying to transition people to its own proprietary method of tracking (where the browser itself tracks you) so they would love it if third party cookies were no longer usable for that.

Mozilla has also added a direct tracking feature (anonimized) to Firefox btw. Not sure what their agenda is.

Websites are irrelevant, if third party cookies stop working in major browsers there's no point in setting them anymore, they'll be ignored.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Bayesian filters are statistical, they have nothing to do with machine learning.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

If any client app is blindly converting body to JSON without checking (at the very least) content type and size, they deserve what they get.

If you want to make it part of your API spec to always return JSON that's one thing, but don't do it to make up for poorly written clients. There's no end of ways in which clients can fail. Sticking to a clear spec is the only way to preserve your sanity.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 weeks ago

TBF in most cases forced app obsolescence is on the developers. Some of them are super aggressive and will force you to update without really needing it. Like, come on, package tracking app, I really don't believe you're unable to show me the package pick-up barcode without updating. 🙄

But yeah, on iOS it's completely impossible to get older versions, once you've updated something that's it. And even on Android I've noticed that it's become impossible to downgrade some apps even if I have the old apk, the Google installer simply fails to install it if I've ever had a newer version installed.

[–] [email protected] 22 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (2 children)

In the olden days software used to be sold by individual major versions. You paid for version 9, you paid for version 10. Or you skipped versions you didn't need. You could use versions side by side. The newest installed would import its data from the older ones. etc.

App stores have made this very awkward or almost impossible. There's no concept of separating major versions. You'd have to buy and install completely different apps to be able to pay for them separately and to use them side by side, but if they're separate apps they can't import your data from each other. Not to mention that people seem to hate having "too many apps" for some reason.

Software subscriptions switch the "support per major version" to "support per time of use". It's obviously shittier but it's more realistic than a one-time price and expecting to use the app in all future versions in perpetuity. The one time price would have to be very large to be realistic.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

Ironically, if Graphene would succeed, it would lead to a system that's every bit as locked down as a manufacturer's Android. GrapheneOS would also not allow you to have root etc.

IMO Graphene wants a place at the big player table. They're not in it for user freedoms.

[–] [email protected] 22 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Unfortunately that line of thinking stops at the divide between hardware and software. You can legally make a phone manufacturer let you unlock a phone's bootloader so you can install other software, and you can forbid them from denying hardware warranty because you installed other software. Both of which apply in the EU.

But you can't make them have their software support or play nice with the other software that you install.

You also can't force manufacturers to open up drivers if they're under NDAs and proprietary licensing (which they often are, due to extensive cross licensing because everybody's owning patents that can lead to everybody suing everybody if they were ever used).

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

I don't know, rats are pretty smart.


I took some photos at an event and I need to go through them and get rid of the bad ones (eyes closed, things in the shot, out of focus, blurred etc.) I'm not a pro photographer so no idea where to begin with photo apps. I've used RawTherapee and Gimp a bit.

What app will let me quickly browse the photos and handle (delete/tag) photo formats together (both the RAW and the JPG)?


I wanted to run my VPN/Tailscale setup past you, see if anybody has suggestions on how I could do things better.

  • Setup: home LAN (, router+DNS on, server running docker containers on
  • LAN DNS points *.local.dom.tld to the server, public DNS points *.dom.tld to my dynamic public IP.
  • Containers run in bridge mode with host, expose ports on host IPs via "ports:" mapping.
  • NPM with LE certs also in container, exposes, forwards to various other services.

Goals for Tailscale:

  • Accessing HTTP services via NPM from my phone when away from home.
  • Exposing select UDP and TCP non-HTTP services such as syncthing (:22000) or deluge RCP admin (:58846) to other tailnet devices or to phone on the go.

Goals in general:

  • Some containers need to expose ports on the LAN.
  • Some containers need to expose ports via Tailscale.
  • Some containers need to broadcast on the LAN (DLNA stuff) – but I don't want them broadcasting to Tailscale.
  • Generally speaking I'd like to explicitly control what's exposed from each container on either LAN or Tailscale.
  • I'd like to avoid hacking images with Dockerfile. I can make my own images to do stuff, just don't want to keep up with hacking other images.

How I progresed with Tailscale:

  1. First tried running it directly on the host. Good: tailnet IP (let's call it available on the host's default network stack. Containers can use "ports:" to map to (tailscale) and/or (LAN). Bad: tailscale would mess with /etc/resolv.conf on host. Also bad: tailscale0 on host picked up stuff that binds to
  2. Moved tailscale to a container running on the host network stack (network_mode: host). Made it leave /etc/resolv.conf alone. tailscale0 on host stack still picks up everything on

This is kinda where I'm stuck. I can make the tailscale container bridged which would put the tailscale0 interface inside the container. It wouldn't pick up from host but how would I publish ports to it?

  • The tailscale recommended way of doing it is by putting other containers in the tailscale's container network stack (network_mode: container:tailscale). This would prevent said containers from using "ports:" to map to host anymore. Also, everything they publish locally would end up on tailscale0 whether I like it or not.
  • Tailscale has an env var TS_DEST_IP that can mirror another IP. I could allocate an IP on host eth0 like, mirror that from the tailscale container, and target it from other containers explicitly with "ports:" when I want to publish a port to tailscale. Downside: would be in the host's network stack so still picks up
  • I could bridge the tailscale container with other containers on a private subnet, say and use tailscale serve to forward specific ports to other containers over that subnet. Unfortunately serve is fairly limited; it can't do UDP and technically it refuses to forward TCP either to non-localhost (but you can dump the serve config to JSON, and hack that config, and use it with TS_SERVE_CONFIG= 🤮).
  • I could bridge tailscale with other containers and create a special container with a fixed IP on that subnet, mirror the IP from tailscale, and use iptables on that container to forward specific ports to other containers. This would actually solve everything I want except...
  • If I ever want to use another VPN which doesn't have the mirror feature. I don't know how I'd deal with that.

I'm posting this in selfhosted because Gandi increasing prices actually helped me a lot with being more serious about selfhosting, made me look into things like DNS and reverse proxies and VPN and docker and also ended up saving me money by re-evaluating my service needs.

For background, Gandi.net is a large and old (25 years) domain registrar and hosting provider in the EU, who after two successive rounds of being acquired by investment funds have hiked up prices across the board for all their services.

In July 2023 when they announced the changes for November I was using their services for pretty much everything because I manage domains for friends and family. That means a wide selection of domains registered with them (both TLDs and European ccTLDs), LAMP hosting, and was taking advantage of their free email hosting for multiple domains.

For the record I don't hold the price hike against them, it was just unsustainable for us. Their email prices (~5€/mailbox/mo) are in line with market prices and so are hosting prices. Their domain prices are however exaggerated (€25-30/yr is their lower price now). I also think they could've been smarter about email, they could've offered lower prices if you keep domains registered with them. [These prices include the VAT for my country btw. They will appear lower in USD.]

What I did:

Domains: looked into alternative registrars with decent prices, support for all the ccTLDs I needed, DNSSEC, enforced whois privacy, and representative services (some ccTLDs require a local contact). Went with INWX.com (Germany) and Netim.com (France). Saved about €70/yr. Could have saved more for .org/.net/.com domains with an American registrar but didn't want to spread too thin.

DNS: learned to use a dedicated DNS service, especially now that I was using multiple registrars since I didn't want to manage DNS in multiple places. Wanted something with support for DNSSEC and API. Went with deSEC.io (Germany) as main service and Bunny.net (Slovenia) as backup. deSEC is free, more on Bunny pricing below. Learned a lot about DNS in the process.

Email: having multiple low-volume mailboxes forced me to look into volume-based providers who charge for storage and emails sent/received not mailboxes. I've found Migadu (Swiss with servers in France at OVH), MXRoute (self-hosted in Texas) and PurelyMail (don't know). Fair warning, they're all 1-2 man operations. But their prices are amazing because you pay a flat fee per year and can have any number of domains and mailboxes instead of monthly fees for one mailbox at one domain. Saved €130/yr. Learned a lot about MX records and SPF/DKIM/DMARC.

Hosting: had a revelation that none of the webpages I was hosting actually needed live dynamic services (like PHP and MySQL). Those that were using a CMS like WordPress or PHP photo galleries could be self-hosted in docker containers because only one person was using each, and the static output hosted on a CDN. Enter Bunny.net, who also offer CDN and static storage services. For Europe and North America it costs 1 cent per GB with a $1 minimum/mo, so basically $12/yr since all websites are low traffic personal websites. Saved another €130/yr. Learned a lot about Docker, reverse proxies and self-hosting in general.

Keep in mind that I already had a decent PC for self-hosting, but at €330 saved per year I could've afforded buying a decent machine and some storage either way.

I think separating registrars, DNS, email and hosting was a good decision because it allows a lot of flexibility should any of them have any issues, price hikes etc.

It does complicate things if I should kick the bucket – compared to having everything in one place – which is something I'll have to consider. I've put together written details for now.

Any comments or questions are welcome. If there are others that have gone through similar migrations I'd be curious what you chose.


I'm thinking of putting all my email archive (55k messages, about 6 GB) on a private IMAP server but I'm wondering how to access it remotely when needed.

Obviously I'd need a webmail client but is there any that can deal with that amount of data and also be able to search through To, From, Subject and body efficiently?

I can also set up a standalone search engine of some sort (the messages are stored one per file in regular folders) but then how do I view the message once I locate it?

I can also expose the IMAP server itself and see if I can find a mobile app that fits the bill but I'd rather not do that. A webmail client would be much easier to reverse proxy and protect.


I've repurposed a 32 GB M.2 SATA SSD as a bootable "USB stick" and I'm putting useful tools on it. So far I've got memtest, seatools, gparted live, system rescue, clonezilla, and a live install iso of the distro installed on my PC. What other great bootable tools am I sleeping on?


I use multiple workspaces and I open text files all the time.

Once upon a time Mousepad used to behave sanely and would open them in a new tab if there was already an instance on the current workspace, or open a new window (on the current workspace) if there wasn't.

They broke that at some point. Now it's anybody's guess where the file will open. Maybe it opens in a tab in an existing window on this workspace. Maybe in a tab in a window on a random workspace. Maybe a new window on this workspace even though there's one open. I've given up trying to figure it out.

As a last resort I can use wmctrl to figure out how to open the files and can script a sane launcher myself – provided that the editor has --tab and --window options AND lets you specify the window instance. Mousepad has the former but not the latter.

So, do you know any editor that can do it by itself or has those options so I can do it myself? TIA


Hi, I'm trying to find the subtitles for Harmy's "Despecialized" Star Wars remakes and I was wondering if anybody has any ideas. The original website for Project Threepio points at a blog that seems abandoned and an old private tracker (MySpleen) that never opens to public anymore. Even just the English subs would be great (the original pack contained extensive language coverage in DVD format so I was given to understand it was quite large). TIA for any hints.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I need a very simple method for non-advanced users to share each other's screen explicitly when they need help. They're running XFCE on Manjaro and the machines involved are using Tailscale. Edit: SSH access is also available, with key authentication.

I need something super simple because they are remote from me and from each other and any graphical setup will have to be assisted sight-unseen over phone. So ideally just (1) install something (which I can do for them over SSH), (2) pick something from the Applications menu and maybe (3) press a big "START" button.

It's also ok-ish if the remote capability is present all the time and I can connect without their explicit permission, but you can see why it would be best if they did something to enable it...

I've been looking for a solution but all I find is stuff that's way too complicated OR starts a new desktop session instead of showing the current one.

Edited: to clarify I'm not the one who will be remoting-in and to mention SSH is available.



Upgrading a self-hosted server (1)


Hi, I'm starting a series of posts that will follow the upgrades I'll be doing to a self-hosted machine that serves as NAS and also runs all kinds of self-hosted software. I'm lazy so it will probably take time, don't expect me to post too often.

About me: I've been using Linux exclusively for personal use (both desktop and servers) for about 20 years now. I've used several distributions over the years, I've built my own stuff from source (including kernels) and I've done Linux From Scratch. I'm not a Linux expert or professional sysadmin but I know my way around it, and I can learn what I don't know. So don't be afraid to make any suggestions no matter how complicated.

The current state of the machine

  • It's a PC using an i5 7400 CPU, has a built-in GPU with support for h264 hardware encoding and MPEG2, VP8, VP9 and HEVC hardware decoding (this will come in handy for video transcoding).
  • Only 4 GB of RAM, I have ordered a dual 2x16 GB kit.
  • The system drive is a Transcend M.2 SSD (32 GB). SATA rather than PCIe unfortunately but it will do fine for the time being.
  • The OS is Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS using Expanded Security Maintenance for updates.
  • It's currently running SSH, NFS, Samba, CUPS, OpenVPN, Emby and Deluge on bare metal. Some of them come from distro packages, some from binary releases straight from the developer.
  • There are 6 HDDs forming 3 pairs of RAID 1 arrays. 6 drives was a limit I chose from the beginning, and the case and motherboard were chosen accordingly (cage for 6 drives and 6 SATA connectors).
  • My ISP provides a public dynamic IP and allows port forwards.
  • I have a router that I've recently upgraded to the latest OpenWRT so it also runs Linux, can install packages, it has a web admin interface etc. and can do some interesting stuff.

What I'd like to do

  • Increase the RAM to 32 GB.
  • Stick with a Linux distro, as opposed to a NAS-tailored OS, Unraid etc.
  • Install Debian Stable on a SSD, most likely via debootstrap from the Ubuntu system.
  • Add a GRUB menu entry that makes a passthrough to the other system, so I can keep them both around for a while.
  • Use docker-compose and possibly Portainer for as many of the services as it makes sense. Not sure if it's worth bothering to make containers for things like SSH, NFS, Samba.
  • Add more services. I'd like to try Jellyfin, NextCloud and other stuff (trying to degoogle for example).
  • I'd like to find a better solution for accessing services from outside the LAN. Currently using OpenVPN which is nice for individual devices but gets complicated when you want an entire remote LAN to be able to access (to allow smart TVs or Chromecast to use Emby/Jellyfin for example). I'm hoping Authelia + reverse proxy will be able to help with this.

What I'm not interested in

  • Not interested in using Plex. I've used it for a couple of years, it's a fine piece of software but I don't like the fact they now mandate access through their server or injecting ads.
  • Not interested in changing the filesystem or the RAID setup for the HDDs. RAID 1 pairs give me enough redundancy. The HDD upgrades are very simple. I'm fine with losing 50% of capacity.

Any and all suggestions and comments are welcome! Even if they're about things I said I'm not interested in. It's always possible there are things I haven't considered.


So I got a notification that Google is going to retire the reminders feature from Calendar and make it a Tasks feature instead.

The only reason I was using Google:s Calendar app was for their reminders (and because they've made it impossible for third party apps to use reminders).

The most important part of reminders for me was the way they worked, by putting up a notification that didn't go away until manually dismissed. Very useful for important stuff like taking a medicine.

Any suggestions for other apps that have similar notifications? It would be great if they were a calendar app, and even greater if they are synced to a calendar over a standard (like CalDAV etc.) so I can self-host it.

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