
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Oh, a lot of Filipinos can be quite cultural in their Catholicism.

As far as my own experience goes, catechism in Philippine public schools is more of a guy from the nearby church gives a series of weekly lectures that students don't really pay attention to in order to have their first communion. And then after confirmation is treated more of a rite of passage than anything. Even my peers from Catholic schools aren't that much better either, but they do have allotted time for religious teaching (or indoctrination). As far as people I know are concerned, they don't take it seriously either.

There is no such thing as a Sunday school here, at least nothing that I know of.

There might be some people really serious about their Catholicism, but they're few and far between. For a lot of people, going to church is for the Christmas eve mass (on night of the 24th of December), and maybe the Easter day mass, and sometimes even for their birthday (which is basically: go to church and pray for a bit, light a candle, etc.) However, going to church every Sunday is not something a lot of people do. And even when they do, not a lot pay attention to the homily and most just go through the ceremony and motions.

However, we can be pretty wild with our devotions: the Black Nazarene being the most well-known. Thousands of people flock to its yearly procession. And then there's the infamous vows of being crucified during the yearly Lenten reenactment of Christ's crucifixion in certain town and localities.

And then there's our love of religious paraphenalia. Lots of Filipino homes have an altar with figures of their preferred saint alongside the icon or statue of the virgin Mary, Sacred Heart of Jesus and/or Jesus on the cross. ‌ This altar also has a candle (unlit, for safety, but sometimes lit for a few hours on certain days). This is also where some novena booklets, rosaries, and other blessed (as in sanctified by a priest in a special prayer at the end of novena masses) religious paraphernalia are placed.

Despite this outward show of religion, we barely know anything of it. Whatever little we may know of our religion mostly comes to us via whatever our parents teach us, if at all, or that scant cathecism given to us before our first communion. It's no wonder then, that most of us don't have any idea what our religion requires us to believe, or whatever the bible says. The bible might sometimes be part of the family altar, but often, it's just there to gather dust.

Just a disclaimer though, while I count myself among the people I described, I‌ later on became agnostic. However, only my partner (who is more of a Reddit atheist, btw) knows that.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago

I sometimes get that feeling when I run across someone's personal blog, and it hasn't seen updates in quite a long while (yeah, like in ten years or so). However, as with most of the other replies here, I tend to just assume they've lost interest and moved on.

I've had some blogs like that myself, and I'm certainly still alive (I hope, lol!) Some of them already gone with the sites themselves like Multiply, if you ever remember that, also, Friendster blogs—all this in the late 2000's and early 2010's. Then there's some Wordpress blogs I used for a while back in 2015~2018. I just got lazy, lost interest, and so left them in the dust.

Thus, yeah, I simply assume they're doing just fine, and have just moved on with their lives.

However, there's a different feeling for when I browse the blog/social media profile of someone I definitely knew has already passed on. It hits different. It's like a frozen snapshot of their life. Their final post just there. A lot of times, the final post doesn't even indicate anything. Their lives just went on as normal until it didn't, and it just hits me differently than someone who I would just assume have just stopped posting.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

The way I've been using (and heard it being used) is more about the act. For example: "Nakiki-usyoso ka pa dyan! Pumasok ka na nga!" ("You're even spectating over therel! Come right back in, you!")

There's another word, usisa, which I would characterize as more like "to investigate, to look into" but is also akin to usyoso in a way I just can't put my finger on. I think it got conflated with usyoso as the colloquial uzi (from usisero/a, "someone who is overly-curious") took hold (example: "Uy! Wag ka ngang uzi! Kita mo na ngang nag-aamok na yang si Mang Torio eh. Pumasok ka na dito, bago ka pa madamay dyan!" ["Hey! Stop being an onlooker! You already see Mang Torio running amok. Come back inside before you get involved."])

I'd use neither to refer to the feeling of "wanting to find out about someone I'm spectating on" though. Personally, I'd just use something like na-intriga ("got intrigued/curious"). For example: "Na-intriga ako dun sa nabasa kong blog kagabi. Ano na kayang nangyari sa kanya. Huling post nya 2020 pa, tapos depressing pa yung post." ("I'm curious about the blog I read last night. I wonder what happened to them. Their last post was on 2020, and the post itself was depressing.")

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 months ago

First OS: Windows 3.1 running on top of MS-DOS 6.2

First Linux distro: Ubuntu (forgot the version, but it was circa 2018).

If I'd count an OS/Linux distro that I've used even if not in a machine I own, it'd be Linux Mint of circa 2006.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 months ago

I've tried to discern the context in which you're asking this question, but based on the OP and their replies, I think it's not so much about outlining than it is organizing details and thoughts before writing the initial rough draft. I might be wrong and that the OP‌ already knows about what I'd laid down below, but I hope even if it doesn't help the OP, it might be of help to someone.

Outlining is basically trying to organize your thoughts and all the details mapped out before writing. I assume that all the details are already laid out in one form or the other, and now it's time to put them into order. What order things would be put into depends on what is being described or being explained.

If I were to describe a house's interior, I might go from the main door, then proceeding as if I'm physically walking through the house, and then describing objects I encounter as if I'm panning the camera.

If I'm describing a person, I might go with the basic biographical details first, then an overview of their achievements, then personal life. Within each heading, for example, their personal life, I might go chronologically.

If I'm describing a process, I might go with an overview of what the process is for, what are its inputs, steps needed to prepare the inputs for the process, and then the process itself in chronological order. Within each step, I‌ might go into the reasoning behind having to do this step, or why this step must go before (or after) some other step.

If I'm describing an idea, I might go for a general definition first, then go more specific, discussing what makes each specific definition different from the others. I might then go for a quick historical overview of how this idea came into being, what ideas have led to this idea, and the thinkers that have contributed to building up this idea.

That is, there's a lot of approaches you can use to organize your ideas. You can organize your ideas or details based on location. That is, organizing details spatially, like describing a house's interior. You can organize your ideas based on time, which came first, which comes next, like describing a process. You can also organize your ideas from most general to the most specific (or vice versa, though starting with the most detailed first might require more concentration on part of the reader). One can use these and any other methods of organization you can think of so long as it makes sense given the context.

How you might organize your ideas or details would depend on what you're trying to achieve in the first place, and some methods are more suited than others depending on the topic. Lengthier works might even require a mix of these techniques. For example, if I were to describe a city for a D&D campaign, I might describe its layout first, laying out the details as if I were walking through the city. Then, I might describe its government structure from the widest in scope to the narrowest. Is it part of a kingdom? How is the city itself governed? Are there any districts, if so, how are they governed?. I would then give an overview of its history—in chronological order, of course. Any other detail that might be of use (for the DM or the players) can then be listed in order of most prominent or well-known to the least.

Now as a demonstration, I'll attempt to outline this response:

  • Foreword and disclaimer
  • Basic overview of outlining
  • Examples
    • Describing a house
    • Describing a person
    • Describing a process
    • Describing an idea
  • Organizing detail
    • Based on space/location
    • Based on time/chronology
    • Based on generality/specificity
    • Combination of approaches and others
  • Demonstration
[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 months ago

A source close to the Pope told CNN that the phrase could also be understood as there is a “gay climate” in the seminaries.

I wonder why.... Surely it isn't because a seminary is a good place for a confused, self-hating homosexual to be in, right? Surely it isn't because being gay was seen as so anathema in Catholic-dominant societies that the seminary seems to be a sanctuary, right?

[–] [email protected] 11 points 3 months ago

This might pale in comparison with all the other replies here, but one incident really made me uneasy.

I was seated inside a train minding my own business. I was wearing a loose shirt and an even looser pair of walking shorts. The shorts were made of thin and glossy material. It wasn't thin enough to expose my underwear but it readily shows any bumps or whatnot.

The train wasn't that full, and there were lots of empty seats. The train had longitudinal seating (two rows of seats facing each other, with some standing space in between. There's also an area where the train can "bend". This area has no seats of course. I was seated next to this "bendy area".

I remember having difficulty staying awake and was seated in an increasingly loose way. I caught a glimpse of a guy standing in front of me. He was leaning against the train walls and was on his phone.

Now, the train isn't the most quiet, but I distinctly heard an unmistakeable camera sound which jolted me awake. Selfie cameras on phones wasn't yet a thing back then and the way his phone is oriented, I can see the phone's camera lens pointed at me. The guy, noticing that I noticed the sound, quickly put the phone back in his pocket.

I might be wrong, I hope I was wrong, but I thought a stranger took a photo of me just a meter or two away from me.

That's it. Kinda underwhelming, I suppose but I was kept wondering why that guy, if it's indeed the case, took a picture of me.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

Before, I use Active for my subscriptions, and Top Day or Top Week for the All feed. Currently, I use Scaled for my subscriptions and All feed unchanged (Top Day or Top Week). I just like how I can take a peek at All and looking at the day's or week's top posts while mostly keeping to my subscriptions.

I sometimes look at Top 12 hours or Top 1 hour in my All feed, but rarely.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago (1 children)

"Going into Happyland" sounds like a great euphemism. I'm going to steal it if you don't mind.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 4 months ago

And that's perhaps the most peaceful peace. A‌ peace only nothingness can bring.

[–] [email protected] 33 points 4 months ago

There are other options other than this one that requires permission. The article mentions her reasons to choose this method.

From the article:

She had thought about taking her own life but the violent death by suicide of a schoolfriend and its impact on the girl’s family deterred her.

Whether we agree with her or not, it's her decision.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

And while I don’t think that’s exactly what you meant, it’s how it comes across. Almost all of your points are some variation of who’s gonna pay for their treatment and take care of their physical needs.

Indeed, that's not what exactly what I meant. Thanks for giving me the benefit of the doubt.

My main point can be summarized in that second to the last paragraph, which I doubt has communicated things adequately.

To reiterate: it won't be initiated by the medical professionals. They're simply there to ensure that someone applying for this procedure are indeed "proceeding of their own accord and have made sure options have been considered". The waiting period is there to make sure that not only they've arrived at this decision after careful deliberation, but also to force them to consider and try out the options available to them. The process can be terminated at any point by the patient, and the final step will not proceed without their permission.

My point is that mental illness is much less understood than physical illness, and I wouldn’t trust any diagnosis that said the condition could never be resolved.

I accept this point. This is why I‌ put the emphasis on the decision of the patient. And this is where I think our positions fundamentally differ. Promising treatments may or may not be there, may or may not be there in the immediate or far future, but it's on the patient to consider. The medical professionals are there to ensure that the patient has considered available options, and have exerted reasonable effort to improve their situation. Whether or not the patient has made "the correct decision" isn't the point—but rather whether or not the patient has made an informed and well-thought-out decision.

I share your opinion that in an ideal world, this shouldn't even be needed. That even though the option would be there for anyone to take, no one will take it in an ideal world. But we are not in such an ideal world. We can strengthen our social safety nets to help people suffering from the debilitating effects of mental illness (among other sources of suffering), and that will do a lot of good, but until we arrive at a society which no longer needs a dignified exit because no one ever wants to exit, I am of the opinion of giving them that option.

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