
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

worry about how the reliance on industrialization will negatively impact our evolution if we overly rely on technology to do everything for us

this is my pet concern as well and it's always struck me as being bit darwinist. i cope by telling myself that instead of environmental evolutionary pressures, it'll be social and cultural pressures instead. so long as those pressures are grounded in material reality and are able effectively act on the population at large, we won't evolutionarily overfit and get stuck in some local minimum. all the more reason to prefer socialism over liberalism.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago

for me it felt like gaiman/ishiguro/murakami for kids

the main impressions i have left of it are of trippy kaleidoscopic space fabric and someone in a jar; i distinctly recall being very frustrated that the author did not bother to explain in great detail exactly how the space witch went from being a star to being a space witch

child me yearned for the spreadsheets

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

obligatory mentions for tengger cavalry, nine treasures and SULD

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

i'm a freshwater guy myself but i also do paludariums and vivariums. always wanted to try a topoff only saltwater system based around mangrove filtration with macro and seagrass but am too nervous to make the plunge lol

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 year ago

what is hegemony? what is the balance of power? what is security? why did we need security from iraq? from libya? who or what was this security for? what was wrought by these conflicts that changed the lives of the average american for the better or more secure?

the MIC supported continuation of vietnam, who else supported it? who stood against? why? how was it ultimately settled? what were the consequences? why were these consequences? where are these people and parties today?

[–] [email protected] 18 points 1 year ago (2 children)

you invest it in (foreign) right wing radical organizations bent on overthrowing their democratically elected government. that way, when these groups eventually succeed due to your generous contributions they will allow you to swoop in and buy up their country's previously nationalized natural monopolies at bargain bin prices through local intermediaries at which point you can cut costs and inflate prices for the citizens of the entire country and receive many orders of magnitude ROI

it's win-win so long as you propagandize enough people about how this specific thing that you're doing is actually defined as democracy, they'll be totally ok with it and won't suspect a thing

[–] [email protected] 17 points 1 year ago (1 children)

should have just called him names to begin with, this was one of the most pathetic interactions i've had online in recent memory

although i guess it's possible he's like 11 and can't really come up with anything else

[–] [email protected] 45 points 1 year ago (11 children)

you expressed confusion with my use of the english language and so i have adjusted my communication style to suit your apparent needs. if you feel this somehow reflects poorly on your personal character it is no fault of mine.

the entire point of me linking the time article was to point out that it was cognitive laziness (and likely bad faith) on your part to invoke a third party 'bias checker' (that in all likelihood is itself biased) as some impartial mediator of reality. typically, the next logical step to take here would be to engage with the points of the articles in question and judge their merits through consensus based on verifiable fact, but it seems you got lost somewhere along the way and now you appear to be resisting attempts to shepherd you back on topic.

[–] [email protected] 50 points 1 year ago (13 children)

notice how i didn't prepend that post with a brief summary of rhetorical techniques like i said i would? that's because i didn't use any. ditto this post.

[–] [email protected] 53 points 1 year ago (15 children)

sorry, i thought native english speakers would be more familiar with the concept of hyperbole. i will take the time to write a brief summary of relevant semantic techniques used in subsequent posts to help out the more rhetorically challenged members of our community.

[–] [email protected] 64 points 1 year ago (60 children)

time ran the exact same article, what is your point?

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

jfc, points for trying to turn this into a semantics game but sorry, fuck you

lets look at bbc, first result we get when we search "台独民意调查“ on because apparently is too spicy for google's techbro commissariat. whatever, close enough:


even tries to reframe it by breaking up de facto status quo supporters into two camps but plurality still supports status quo

how about cn language natopedia

2020, NCCU (same as the bbc study):

  1. “尽快独立”占7.4%
  2. “偏向独立”占27.7%,为历年最高
  3. “永远维持现状”占23.6%
  4. “维持现状再决定”的民众比例持续下降至28.7%
  5. “尽快统一”占0.7%创下新低

2021, united news:

  1. “尽快独立”占18%
  2. “维持现况再独立”占16%
  3. “永远维持现状”占51%
  4. “维持现状再统一”占6%
  5. “尽快统一”占4%
  6. “无意见”占3%

2022, 'taiwanese public opinion foundation' (read: cia cutout):

  1. “坚持台湾独立”占27.3%
  2. “赞成但不坚持台湾独立”占22.8%
  3. “维持现状但偏台湾独立”占11.3%
  4. “永远维持现状”占8.4%
  5. “维持现状但偏两岸统一”占6.0%
  6. “赞成但不坚持两岸统一”占9.4%
  7. “坚持两岸统一”占2.4%

look at how they progressively split the status quo category (the size of which does not demonstrably change) into smaller and smaller demos to try and push an agenda

let's give you the benefit of the doubt and more closely examine what is obviously the most compromised source here. this is the cia cutout's (shitty and completely unprofessional) paper from this year. they'd probably lose funding if they put something as damning as actual independence vs status quo numbers out there so they decided to go with plausibly deniable second order opinion sets and STILL get blown the fuck out

just take the L dude, taiwanese are completely cognizant of the fact they're being primed to be the next ukraine and most of them understandably want no part of that

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