
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Funny enough my wife is a wedding photographer, I shoot with her a few times a year and absolutely hate it. She can't imagine doing anything else but if it wasn't my wife you couldn't pay me enough to do it more than once a year.

The second hand gear is the way to go though, she got some Sony camera a while back that cost like 2k new for around 900 because it had a small scratch on the body and one of the metal things that hold the thing on was loose. We ordered a new metal thingy and with a couple screws it was practically new.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Oh man I put so much time into my garden this year, planted so many vegetables, started a bunch indoors on a nice indoor greenhouse I set up with one of those rolling shelves. I was basically ready to feed my whole family from the garden...

So far I've got a whopping 3 bell peppers, 6 tomatoes and one tiny baby squash that's starting to grow.

Granted we had a very hot summer that I wasn't prepared for and even watering 3 times a day a lot of my stuff just burnt, plus the ravenous squirells that ate every seedling I put out.

But I'll do it all again next year because it was a blast.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 weeks ago (6 children)

Exactly this. Woodworking, gardening, working out, macrame, knitting, eating, making spices, building robots.

For a while I felt bad about all the stuff I learned and didn't keep up with but at a certain point I just accepted that most of the hobbies I pick up won't last long and it's been great since then.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Genuine question.

What can I, an average Joe, do about global warming?

I compost, grow a lot of my own food, recycle, avoid plastic as much as possible, built a little solar system along my fence that powers probably 20% of the house.

I feel like I do a lot more than the average person and still know it's not enough. Even if every consumer did their part would it be enough to counteract the pollution from the conglomerates? It doesn't feel like it.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

Those people stealing carts to sell them on the street are a god send.

We had a guy in my old neighborhood who would come around once a week with various necessities that most people couldn't afford otherwise. Sure he made decent money, but babies got fed, pantries got replenished, feminine products were given out if you bought stuff from him regularly.

That might seem grimey to you, but that's fine.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 months ago (2 children)

I grew up below the dirt poor, like oodles and noodles were a treat poor, with no adult supervision for a good portion of my childhood. My mom was on basically every government program that existed, that didn't mean I got anything out of it. The only reason I survived was by people looking the other way as I fed myself.

As I got older I had no life skills whatsoever and couldn't hold down a job, friends, or any sort of meaningful relationship. So again, dirt poor, a little better off than I was before because there were a few ways to make money. But still I only ever got food at a store, and probably would have starved if too many people said something, or had to do even worse stuff than I was to feed myself.

Hell even when I got myself together a bit and held down a shitty job for a while I still couldn't afford to feed myself after the bills hit, it was even worse when I started making just enough to get kicked off state insurance and stamps.

There are a lot of people out here just trying to survive, they shouldn't have to steal to eat but they do and in my eyes that's a human right.

Side note: food stamps are a fucking joke. What they're giving to a family of 4 wouldn't feed a single person, from my experience at least.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 months ago

I don't know, it doesn't seem far off.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Years ago when I was on Medicaid I spent about 2 weeks in the hospital. They took my appendix out and after looking at it and running some tests found out that I had some rare parasite. I was in excruciating pain at the time, throwing up blood a few times a day and just withering away. There was a pill that I was waiting to get that would've killed the parasites which could've been given to me after my 4th day there when they confirmed what I had. I spent the rest of the 2 weeks being doped up on morphine and an array of fluids until I couldn't take it anymore and left the hospital 'AMA'.

I went to a different hospital and got the medicine I needed almost immediately.

I did throw up again though when I got a ~$60k bill from my 2 week stay at the first hospital. Again they took out my appendix, ran some test, and pumped me with opiods for 2 weeks without treating my actual issue.

[–] [email protected] 21 points 6 months ago

I don't see how this could be legal at all and how any of those terms could be applicable. My 2 year old found the remote today and he loves buttons, so naturally he pushed every button on there. I thought nothing of it but saw something pop up and then disappear, I assumed it was an error or something from the button mashing, but I guess my 2 year old agreed to rokus new TOS.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago

It's the acme brand plain white loaf, it's probably been about 6 months since I went in the bread isle but that bread is horrible by the time you buy it, at least at my store, and really only good for toast.

When we were buying bread we would buy something with family in the name? Which was the next cheapest one at around $4-5 for a plain white loaf.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago (2 children)

I got a new job that came with a 25k raise last year and the only reason we can afford to eat 3 good meals a day is we started a garden where a lot of our food comes from and I started making most things from scratch, doughs, jam, oat milk, next is peanut butter.

The cheapest loaf of shitty bread at the closest store is $3. At the next closest store 40 minutes away it's $2.50. What the fuck happened to $1 store brand bread that was fine enough and not almost rock hard by the time you get it.

[–] [email protected] 55 points 6 months ago (8 children)

Cutting a piece of your baby's junk off for no other reason then everyone does it is a really weird thing that I've never been able to wrap my head around.

I'm not religious but I at least can understand if it's for religious reason, there's a point to it, even if I don't agree with/understand the point. But people seem to just do it for no reason aside from it's what people do. It's forced genital mutilation anyway you look at it.

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