
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Hell who can afford beef anymore?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago (2 children)

You know Donald Trump said if he didn't win the election that the nation of Israel would cease to exist. So it seems to me that if you really want to help Gaza your choice is pretty damn clear.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago

Not sure I get the point of this, why wouldn't liberals be happy with liberal poster children like Harris? She's who they're looking for.

[–] [email protected] 19 points 4 weeks ago

Same Little Buddies, same.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

How do you define Direct? I'm open to a very wide range of it whether it's from going door to door all the way through throwing bombs into the carriage of a tsar. Action's fantastic particularly at local level, in fact primarily at the local level. Up to and including Carriage routes.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Yup. There it is. The path of fascism victory. Exactly what I've been saying. Thank you.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago (8 children)

I didn't say you said it I said you were an example of it. Hell you just did it again, every 4 years you say. Exactly the issue. You people think it's a one-time game. It's not , it's constant. It's every Congressional race it's every senate race it's every state race it's every School Board Race. The fight is unending. Also yeah some people deserve fascism, they're called the people that sit on their ass and let it overwhelm them. People that aren't willing to fight it are the ones who deserve it. Cuz they're the ones that enable it more than anyone else.

I agree it takes groundwork, what kind of ground work is my question though. Real groundwork? The kind of groundwork that endorses democracy and respect for democracy? The kind of ground work that keeps progressively moving us away from fascism step by step? Yeah that's the kind of ground work we need. That's the kind of ground work you're sitting here arguing against. Your groundwork is vote one time in one election and then turn your nose up at the entire process and sabotage anyone who wants to keep fighting. You all or nothing people are the problem. When you're steering a nation it takes a long time for the rudder to move. It takes constant pressure to change course. That course change is going to take years and maybe even decades but you have to keep pushing on the rudder. If you never try you go where you were headed in the first place. That's what your endorsing here. One brief nudge and then sitting on your ass. Doesn't move anything.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (17 children)

This comment is the perfect example of why fascism has a habit of winning. Laziness from the populace. One election in one office is all you're willing to commit. We voted one time in one election, why wasn't that enough? One office wasn't run by a fascist and that's got to do it for the entire country for the rest of all time I guess. One vote is all you're willing to commit. People who don't understand fight against fascism is a lifetime of work are the people who deserve fascism. Beating fascism is about building a strong Democratic populace. About building a system and a society that respects the Democratic process. It takes decades and it has to be renewed constantly. Also wouldn't be a bad idea to just go around hanging fascist every 30 or 50 years or so either, that's also an option.

[–] [email protected] 40 points 1 month ago

Well of course it has, fascism is the end result of capitalism. Some would say it's natural conclusion.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Fucking Italians man...

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Half the reason Trump succeeds as much as he does is due to designed corruption at the state level. Republicans grabbing local elections and using them to upend the system. From psychotic school boards to regressive judges to grandstanding attorneys general.


Andy Kim couldn’t rest one evening last September.

“I didn't get a single minute of sleep that night,” he recalled in an interview with NPR, “I really felt like I had to do something and really show people that, you know, when there's these problems in our politics, that there are people who want to step up and try to fix it.”

The problem was his fellow New Jersey Democrat, Sen. Bob Menendez. Last fall, Menendez was indicted for the second time on corruption charges. The news might not have rocked most voters in New Jersey — where as many as 80% of its residents said they viewed the state’s politicians as at least “a little” corrupt, according to a May 2023 Fairleigh Dickinson University poll.


MUMBAI, India — Two days before police finally came to arrest him, the Rev. Stan Swamy recorded a video of himself speaking directly into the camera.

"They want to put me out of the way," the ailing 83-year-old Jesuit priest said.

His voice sounded frail. But what he was saying was explosive.

The government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, he said, was targeting him in retaliation for his advocacy on behalf of Indigenous people in Indian jails. A sociologist as well as a Roman Catholic clergyman, Swamy had recently published a study of 3,000 people jailed for being members of banned Maoist groups. He found that 97% of them had no such affiliation and that many of their trials were held without lawyers, in a language they didn't understand. He'd filed a case on their behalf in the state court of Jharkhand, where he lived. All of this had embarrassed the government, he said.

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