
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 10 months ago (1 children)

absolute bullshit, it burns more in carbon to run those machines than it takes out, this is making shit worse at an accelerated pace

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

Part of it is due process, but it also means you have the right to not be killed by the actions of the government without being found guilty of a crime.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

People who are saying "this is technically correct" forget that The 9nth amendment says this

"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

Which is to say, Just because a right isn't explicitly enumerated in the constitution does not mean the people don't retain that right. I would think the right to not have the planet not be destroyed by Fossil Fuel Companies would fall under that, along with clean and and water and all the rest.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

it's time for a decentralized unionized taxi app

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago

yes, but that's not what a 'spoiler' is

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

true and justice my dear brother/sister

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

i don't think whitehouse dot gov is the best source for this lmao

[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I don't like JFK Jr, at all but how is he a "spoiler" if he's running in the primaries? I thought 3rd parties are spoilers.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago

Absolutely, which is why the Democrats need to embrace progressive policies that are supported by the vast majority of americans like Universal Healthcare and Marijuana Legalization.

Also, how did LBJ pass the Civil Rights Act when half of his own party were Dixiecrats?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

another thing you should never do is look into private trackers

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago

true. I know a lot of people are in similar situations, that's what kept me on facebook for years. I'll just say at this point, twitter could just die any day now, starting DMing people if you haven't already and find another way to say in touch.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

Yeah it goes way back to the early days of lemmy, and it should be said that the the main Lemmy developers have from the begining been very welcoming to anarchists, have encouraged and helped anarchists run instances, and generally been very diplomatic and comradely despite obvious ideological differences.

Contrast that with the raddle people who were hostile from the begging and I think still are even opposed to the idea of federation itself -- an irony many have pointed out, anarchists being against decentralization -- the take that 'federation is just a fad' could be said 5 years ago but definitely not now. I think the raddle people are just really attached to their platform postmill and the dev never intended to do federation.

A problem with the whole ML milieu, is you have more serious Marxist-leninists who have very nuanced views of marxism, and are critical of Stalin or Mao and the like, are willing to work with people who disagree with them, and then you have people who call themselves ML's who are really red fash i.e. think Putin is great -- some non-zero number of these people are probably russian or chinese bots, let's be real.

Before lemmygrad all the tankiest* tanks were on the main lemmy.ml and they were were just a bunch of meanies. It's like every day was Tianamen Square ( which is like Christmas in tankistan ) so if you were an anarchist they'd harass the fuck out of you, so this fed into the idea that the "friendly* attitude of the admin's was just a ploy to fuck with anarchists, like a "beware of bolsheviks bearing gifts" type situation and anarchist were being led into some kind of virtual kronstadt. But as time went on the platform grew and those little commissars were gulaged into lemmygrad and that became less of a problem.

And to be fair, anarchists have these kind of liabilities too, like eco extremists and ted k fanboys. And lo and behold they all have accounts on raddle.me

*and no i don't just call everyone a tankie, but if you just love Stalin and dedicate endless hours of your life "debunking" the holodomor, yes, you're a tankie lol


[email protected]

I really never expected to be shilling for a candidate like this, but I've been a fan of Cornel West for over 10 years, I don't agree with him on everything ( i'm not a christian) he's the only candidate talking about Cop City or Prison Abolition, he has a better stance on Israel than many leftists, he's constantly name dropping revolutionaries like CLR James or Angela Davis, he say of his campaign that it's "looking at the world through the eyes of what Franz Fanon called The Wretched of the Earth" and saying other things I would never Imagine a Presidential candidate ever saying in a million years. So I think he's gonna get a big following and educate/radicalize a lot of people, maybe even de-radicalize some right wingers.

Anyway that's my spiel, if you're unsure about West's politics -- there has been a lot of just bad faith takes and misinformation out there -- I implore you to listen to one of his recent interviews, like this one with the Mau Mau hour

"In the socialist tradition I would be closer to council communists than vanguard communists, you know "the Soviets Without Bolshevicks" that was what happened at the Kronstadt rebellion when they were Crushed. Soviets were workers organizations so that the vanguard parties were imposing their will upon the workers organizations so that the workers councils got crushed, So people like Pannekoek.. "

come hang out at [email protected]


{ Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.) said Sunday he wants President Biden to stand down on his 2024 Democratic presidential primary bid to give another Democrat a shot at the White House.

Why it matters: Phillips has previously called on others to challenge Biden in the 2024 Democratic nomination but is not committing himself to running as of yet.

  • "I would like to see Joe Biden, a wonderful and remarkable man, pass the torch — cement this extraordinary legacy," Phillips said on NBC's "Meet the Press" Sunday.
  • "And by the way, this is not how everybody thinks, but I do believe the majority wants to move on," he added.
  • Phillips said his views on Biden stepping down are not based on the president's age but rather "how people feel."

By the numbers: 56% of U.S. adults said they had an unfavorable opinion of Biden, compared to just 32% of those with favoring opinions on the president, according to a CNN poll in June.

  • Prospective voters in the CNN poll also had an unfavorable view of former President Donald Trump at 59%.
  • An April poll from NBC News revealed that 70% of Americans think Biden should not seek another term. Of those responses, 51% came from Democrats.
  • 60% of those polled by NBC also thought Trump shouldn't run for president again. Of those, a third identified themselves as Republican voters.
  • "Joe Biden right now is down seven points in the four swing states that will decide the next election," said Phillips, who also pointed to Biden's historically low approval numbers.
  • Phillips added that he's not saying Biden is "not up to a second term," but that the numbers reflect that Americans want change and a new Democratic candidate. }
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